Friday, December 27, 2019
The United States Navy Essay - 1269 Words
The United States of America has not always been the world superpower that it is today. The same goes for its Navy. In the first several years of existence, the United States Navy was not a formidable fighting force. The young nation was hesitant to invest in a navy for many reasons, one of them being to prevent provoking the world powers of the time, France and Britain. On top of that, navies were very expensive to build and required a significant amount of resources to maintain, which the U.S. did not have at the time. To say that the United States Navy was ill prepared for war would be a dramatic understatement. The U.S. had a total of fifteen ships in its entire naval fleet compared to the might of the Royal Navy which possessed over six hundred warships. Even with the odds stacked against the U.S., President Madison declared war on 18 JUN 1812. The lack of size and power of the navy at the time would make it extremely difficult to satisfy the needs of the newly founded nation. The U.S. had enough of the British Navy impressing American sailors and seizing American merchant ships. Even though the U.S. Navy lacked the size that British had, the Royal Navy was stretched to its limits. Many of the British efforts were focused on the Napoleonic wars taking place in Europe, leaving just two dozen British ships between Halifax and Bermuda. The U.S. frigates were larger and had much more armament than those of the British giving the U.S. one more key advantage over theirShow MoreRelatedThe United States Navy1223 Words  | 5 Pagesinstitution tasked with the protection of the United States and its interest around the world including on, above, and below the sea, it is increasingly more important that the United States Navy (US Navy) continually works to generate and adapt to change in order be prepared for any threat from enemies near and afar. There are many instances of when the US Navy was required to be innovative or cease to exist. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019
Construction Project Complex And Unique Environments
Construction project is complex and unique environments that involves many parties to accomplish successful project which many of them have different backgrounds, expectations, perceptions, knowledge and experiences. It can lead clash among parties, which have discrepancy standard specifications and outcomes. In terms of prevention and reduce of dispute in construction projects, this study has aim to identify the most frequent events can contribute conflicts and disputes during planning design and execution work project phase. The result present that the high probabilities occurrence divide into four main categories as follows, non-performance, payment, time, and the site and execution work. Infrastructure development with economic development has a close relationship and interdependence with one another. Therefore, economic growth will trigger a rise in infrastructure programs which creates a significant number of construction projects. The fulfillment of the performance expectations of the stakeholders is the success of a project (Charrett, 2008). Successful construction program does not generate in disputes. However, the building project is a competitive and complex work environments in which participants cooperate each other with different backgrounds, profession, abilities, and level of work experiences. It can lead to a significant discrepancy in expectations, goals and outcome that are obtained during execution stage so that the dispute cannot be avoided (Cakmak andShow MoreRelatedApplication Of The System Analysis1186 Words  | 5 PagesPerspective 1 elements The purposes Application of ‘Perspective 1’ of the SoSE methodology to frame the constr uction project. 1. Generalize the wide context of the system under study This is one of the most important steps when system analysis is performed. The objective of system analysis is to move the system to the desired stage. 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Introduction This report critically compares the key management theories and management style differences between the catering and construction sectors. It identifiesRead MoreThe, Made By Robots : Challenging Architecture At A Larger Scale Essay1676 Words  | 7 Pagesand material practice of today, Gramazio Kohler explored the potentials of robot- induced design and how robots can help enrich the physical nature of architecture, to inform the material processes and to merge the computational design with the construction realization. The employment of robotics in architecture is creating an entirely new aesthetic and functionality that could alter and challenge the architectural design at a larger scale. By using the cost-efficient fabrication machines that areRead MoreConstruction Industry : The Most Hazardous Industries1066 Words  | 5 PagesIntroduction Construction industry is considered as one of the main contributors to the economic development of the US. However, the construction industry is considered to be the most hazardous industries because of its unique nature. The safety uncertainty of construction environments has made the construction industry one of the most dangerous industries. The construction industry is recognized as for having one of the worst safety history records among all industries. Many building construction activitiesRead MoreRisk Management For Construction Projects1095 Words  | 5 Pagesto let everyone know what risk management is, realize the procedure of risk management in construction project and have a deeper study on the application of risk management during construction period, therefore, a better project output and better value for both clients and constructors. There are two objectives of this study: 1. To assess the most major and common risks which cause bad effect on construction period. 2 . To figure out reasonable solutions. 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Ultimately the responsibility belongs directly to that of the workers and construction contractors. This paper will show how proper design, and a moral responsibility to the public is enough withinRead MoreThe Bmw Z4 Launch, Denver International Airport And Hurricane Katrina879 Words  | 4 Pagesexamples of how IT projects can be threaten by unexpected changes provoked by globalization, technology but also natural phenomenon. Time is a valuable aspect in IT projects, under this circumstances there is no time for plan or collect information for a decision making process. Globalization forces project manager to think ahead or think without a plan and attempt to reduce any possible negative impact as much as possible. Improvisation contradicts in every way with the project traditional theory
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Toy Evaluation Paper free essay sample
This paper will summarize the ERR articles from the bulleted topics and issues. This paper will also include summaries on toys that may encourage violence and aggression, toys that may promote pro-social behavior, gender stereotyping in toy selection, and cultural stereotyping or, lack of cultural awareness in toys. Influenced Behaviors; Toys can influence a child’s behavior, and his or her identity. Children are given toys that demonstrate different significance about aggression, different genders and how to interact with each other. An example would be guns and swords; these are geared toward boys, and endorse fighting, and battling In retrospect, guns and swords can help children in developing healthy resolution to conflicts. Some toys geared toward boys promote behaviors that indicates that one is a breadwinner, protectors, and strong. An example would be the G. I. Joe and superhero toys, such as Superman, these toys support boys rescuing damsels in distress, and saving the day. We will write a custom essay sample on Toy Evaluation Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Pro-social behavior is an added benefit that can be influenced by the toys that a child plays with. Toys such as building blocks or Legos encourage pro-social behavior in children by encouraging the children to work together and build things. Further, sharing blocks, and working together encourages the children, and builds his or her self –esteem. Research was done on aggressive behavior, identity, and gender influences on children versus the impact of a child’s environment and heredity on his or her behavior, identity, and gender influences. Both sides offer strong opinions. The important question is how much of the aggression or gender influence of a child is from the toys he or she chooses to play with? It seems relatively the same or less than the amount of aggression and gender influence the child’s environment and heredity play in the child’s reactions. Gender Stereotyping; Overall, young men are provided with a bigger toy variation than girls. Male children are often offered toys persuading them to explore, be inventive, or construct something (Miller, 1987). Further, certain toys seem to suggest that boys are valued higher in society than girls (Starr, 1999). The information appears to show that there may be more stereotyping with regard to toys offered to boys. It seems that most parents choose more masculine and gender-neutral toys for the boys such as, soldier action figures, wrestling kits, and karate fighters (Starr, 1999). These types of toys encourage competitive and aggressive behaviors, however; they are also more constructive, conductive to handling, and more reality based (Starr, 1999). For girls, dolls, dream houses, and kitchen centers promote the idea that girls are meant to become mothers and caregivers. This can have a positive or a negative influence on a girl because it can send the message insinuating that girls should be submissive caregivers, and boys should be on control and aggressive. Whereas most gender specific toys fit into the gender specific stereotypes, the nongender specific toys seemed to discourage stereotypes. An example would be Lego’s, this is a nongender specific toys that allows both sexes to use his or her imagination to the fullest. Culturally Influenced; In my observations of toys, including guns, dolls, superheroes, and Legos, none indicated any cultural or ethnic stereotyping. Cultural or ethnic stereotyping can influence a child’s identity. Conclusion; Most children receive toys throughout his or her childhood. Some of these toys can help a child learn and develop, while others can encourage a negative stereotypical influence. Parents need to encourage gender-neutral play at an early age to help abolish sexism and stereotyping.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Lady Essays - Roman Catholic Devotions, Chitto Harjo,
Lady McBeths Personal Insight As I sit here and think back to the past events, I wonder if everything that was done was really necessary. I now realise that it was my own selfishness that drove my husband to the person he has become. I fear him now. I don't know what became of me, maybe it was the excitement of the fact that I was to become queen one day. Why couldn't of I just waited till the day came naturally, instead of causing it to occur quicker than it should of. Oh why did I do this to myself, and my husband. People used to worship him like he was king, he was a hero, but now, like myself they fear him. I have betrayed my people. When he told me of the three weird sisters and of the prophecies they made I was skeptical , but then he told me that he was declared Thane of Cawdor and I knew the sisters spoke of the truth. Oh why worthy thane did you unbend your noble strength and succumb to my evilness, you knew it was wrong from the start, but still I pushed and you being the loyal husband that you were, did as I wished. Now, Duncan is dead, dead from our own hands, not the grooms that slept withal. "the sleepy and the dead are but as pictures; tis the eye of the childhood that fears a painted devil......" what a foolish thought that was, I should of listened toyou instead of taking it upon our own hands to do the deed. My hands are now stained with the blood of Duncan and no matter how hard I scrub it will not remove itself from my skin. There is a doctor with me, I suppose trying to figure me out. Impossible. All I feel is guilt, I have no need to speak to anyone, nor a want to. I know I am insane, he knows it and so does the nurse, so why do they bother to try. Darling husband you saw the danger signs stamped all over me, but ignored them, because when there is unconditional love there is no judgment. That is the way you saw it, that was the way you always saw it. What happened, look what you have become. A monster, that is the only way I can express it, a human could not even contemplate murdering his own best friend, for his own personal gain. I cant speak freely about this as I was as bad as that if not worse. Although I have confessed to myself that I have done the worst that a person could do, and yet my husband, you can not see past the power that you think you will receive. Can't you see that McDuff knows what we've done and soon a repercussion will come of it. Don't fool yourself again by falling for the sisters words, for I know that he will prevail and find away to bring you down. I do here about what goes on, the doctor and nurse talk about McDuff going to England to see Malcolm and preparing a way of exposing our evilness. He was to become king, and he deserved to. Not you, as the only thing you have done for the country is to cause hatred among your people. I am not looking forward to that day, as by then he would of found out about his wife and children. I want to give you all of my love, but all your kisses and fine words are not enough to heal my pain. And that is way I can no longer stay in this cruel and horrible world of deception. You think I wen t first but really.. it was you. Farewell my love and I will no doubt see you soon.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
m t Essays - SM Town, My Tam, S.E.S., Shinhwa,
Phan Thi M T?m was born in the city of Da Nang in 1981. She started learning ballet for 3 years from the age of 6 before moving to learning instruments such as guitar and organ. She enjoyed singing, but was never aware of her ability, and also never regarded singing as a career. She got the first ward in her secondary school's singing competition and was chosen for the municipal competition. She got the first award for the city's solo singing competition and then the Gold Award for Beautiful Voice Spring 1997. She was chosen for the Military School of Art in Hanoi. However, due to her family's condition, she decided to enter Ho Chi Minh City Conservatory for a 4 year course, learning vocal training. She graduated as a top student from the course. [edit]Career [edit]1999 - 2000: Career debut She quickly got a contract with Vafaco record company in 1999 and participted in many singing teams. My Tam has gained many awards in various singing competitions. At the start of 1999, My Tam made her first demo for the song "Please, baby" by Nguyen Ha, an important person in building the image of My Tam at the sarting point of her career. After that, she composed the song "Love Forever", a soft ballad, together with Nguyen Quang. The two songs were later included in her debut "Love Forever" album. After her contract with Vafaco ended in 2000, My Tam began to attract attention when she cut her long hair typical of female students and colour her hair yellowish-brown in a Korean style. She also changed the way she clothed in a more sexually attractive way. Following this period, she attained the bronze medal at the "Asian Music Festival" held in Shanghai at the end of 2000 when she was working in the Music Center in Ho Chi Minh City. This was a very significant achievement for her. She graduated in 2001 and became active in the music market. [edit]2001 - 2002: Early success In these two years, My Tam released 2 albums: "Love Forever" and "Not Only Me", 1 VCD Single "Sing With the River", 2 CDs Single "Dawn of Love (Japanese song)" and "The Guitar of Students". Her first major hit Toc nau moi tram (Brown Hair Dark Lips), an uptempo dance record from her first album "Love Forever", was to impact the fashion trend with many young girls changing their hair to dark yellow to look like My Tam. Her self-composed title song of the first album "Love forever" established her as a young songwriter. Two other hits "My love Candle" and "Foolish live" were significantly popular in Karaoke during the period. Her next big hit "Twenty", was a present from her long time musician Quoc Bao in celebration of her twentieth birthday. The song was about the youthful energy that a 20-year-old girl could dedicate to life and became young women's anthem. It was an important song from her first album, as many young female students in university at that time performed the song in various public occasions. Together with Brown Hair Dark Lips, Twenty made My Tam a new influence in Vietnamese music industry. Another hit "Please, baby/ Nhe Anh" was also a success, accompan ied by a popular music video. However, the success of "Please, baby" was hampered by copyright issue, a major concern in the industry. "Love Forever" sold 5.400 copies. Her first CD single "The Student Guitar", became an instant success due to its appeal to My Tam's original audience, the students in their 20s. The song quickly became the ionic song of early 2000s and tied her to the tertiary level students as her greatest fan base. This served as the basis for her 2004 tour around various universities across the country. Up to now, "The Student Guitar" was used frequently in the media to portray the lives of students as warm, romantic and artistic. The song firmly established My Tam as a pop icon, propelled her to become the number one rising star in the industry. It remained her signature song. "The Student Guitar" was also included as the second track in her first VCD single "Sing with the River" released on May 2002 to capture its success.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Work life balance Essay Example
Work life balance Essay Example Work life balance Essay Work life balance Essay Today people are engaged in many responsibilities and leisure activities for instance family life and education among others because they are more financially stable. This explains the disparity in the concept of work life balance as perceived by people for instance some require free time from work to do their personal activities for example shopping, laundering and family time. To others their employment should support their requirements to decrease their struggle while others demand stress free employments (Australian Bureau of Statistics 2001).Therefore, factoring this aspects work life balance can be defined as a balance that enables people to attain satisfaction in their multiple tasks in regards to working hours and working conditions. It should also be a two way concept benefiting both the employee and the employer whereby work life and personal life complement each other (Australian Bureau of Statistics 2001). However, the definition of work life balance as perceived by an in dividual is liable to change with time as people gain new responsibilities, commitments and personal interest. Work life balance in an organization is determined by work policies, organizational culture which includes the norms, values and beliefs stipulated in the regulations of the organization, management communication and employment relationship which includes respect and provision of employee’s rights and career advancement through training programs and promotion among others (HBR 2000).Employees perceive work life balance as provision of flexible working hours attained through job sharing and compression of working hours among others to enable them balance between the demands of their employment and those arising from their personal life (Baxter 2000). According to the employers work life balance should help them manage the organizational culture, performance of the organization and implementation of the organizations policies to enable them maintain a good employment r elationship, have the correct quantity and quality of workforce and increase the profit margin of the organization among others (Clavo 2000). Work life balance helps employers to improve the performance of the organization through the increased work output of employees which is done diligently and competently (Clavo 2000).Work life balance helps employees to develop a profound relationship with the organizations utilizing the resources availed to them maximally while still protecting them due to the provision of employee engagement opportunities. Therefore, the business becomes cost effective benefiting the employer even more. For instance in UK it is estimated that about  £3.7 billion and 80 million working days are lost by employers annually because of work stress thus increasing business overhead costs(HBR 2000). In UK for example companies like GlaxoSmithKline, IBM and Lloyd have greatly benefited from work life balance because their improved performance and development can be attributed to the implementation of this concept in the organizational culture (HBR 2000). Therefore, unions and government policies help to avert these conditions and promote implementation of work life balance in businesses (Clavo 2000).Moreover, work life balance has helped employers to meet customer’s demands by changing the flexible schedule of the organization to suit customer’s demands and employee’s needs. For example Bristol City Council extended its operation hours of public libraries to Sunday to meet all the demands of its customers (HBR 2000). Work life balance also presents an advantage to employers in that they are able improve their staffing strategies and thus obtain the best workforce. For instance considering the future of UK a higher percentage of the population will be old in the next ten years to come therefore a there will be an increased demand for young employees who are energetic, motivated and enthusiastic (HBR 2000). On the other han d these graduates will be seeking employment opportunities that are flexible because most will be having elderly people to take care of (HBR 2000).The government perceives work life balance as a tool of fulfilling and implementing their goals and objectives in regards to the improvement of the welfare of population and the economy of UK. Therefore the government, unions and the business culture have formulated policies, principles and regulations in an attempt of promoting the establishment of work life balance in business settings. For instance the European Union aims at increasing the employment opportunities to women to more than 60% by 2010 (HBR 2000).Demanding employments that increase working hours have negative impact on the relationship between families and individuals. Stress resulting from the overload of work is depicted by the communication that ensues within a family setting. Overworked employees also tend to be moody, aggressive and lack the motivation spirit which is replicated into the other family members. The long working hour’s affects the social aspect of the employees therefore cannot spend quality time with their family members such as involvement in leisure activities therefore it becomes difficult for employees to manage their time (Fallon 1997). This deteriorates their efforts and competence because they are always tired and fed up from the workload and stress. Therefore the policies and regulations stipulated by organizations, government and unions play a big part in ensuring work life balance is implemented into UK businesses. For example the government together with unions have established family-friendly employer contests to encourage employers to stimulate work life balance principles into their organizations culture and business plan (Fallon 1997).The relationship between parents and their children greatly drifts a part as parents spend most of their time working because many children demand attention from their parents. C ommunication between the parents and their children is also affected because they are not free with each other (Baxter 2000). The children lack opportunities to seek advice from their parents and in most cases drop them as their role models. In most cases most children became depresses as they perceive their parents to be ignoring and not loving them unconditionally especially when they miss out on important activities such as ceremonies, for example birthdays and important school activities like prize giving days. This explains the increased rate of youth behaviour discrepancy as they become violent, aggressive and indulge into activities such as drug abuse to gain the attention from their parents (Baxter 2000).Most parents end up quitting or losing their jobs in preference to their children. Furthermore the stress that these parents have due to working for long hours makes them to withdraw from their children by being less responsible and caring (Clavo 2000). The government has pl ayed their part by stipulating policies whose mandate demands the adherence of every employer. For instance the Australian government has formulated a fair work bill with the aim of helping employees to manage their time effectively to be financially stable and also spend time with their children. The bill also protects the welfare of the employers by ensuring the performance of the organizations is at its best capability through promotion of work life balance in businesses settings (Gornick ; Meyers 2001).Couple relationships are also not spared from the negative impact of working long hours. Conflicts results especially to couples that have family responsibilities as they seem to withdraw from their responsibilities. This is especially depicted in couples that have pre-school kids as they demand more responsibility, devotion and time from their parents (Galinsky et al. 2001). Stress nosedives their motivation due to increase of mood swing episodes which makes couples to withdraw f rom each other thus spend less time together. This explains the increased divorce cases in the UK courts. The number of couples that visit counsellors to solve problems between them because they are out of their control has also increased. Increase in marital tension and companionship has made many women opt being housewives to eliminate conflicts in their marital relationship (Galinsky et al. 2001).Couples that work for long hours have reduced their sexual pleasures and needs these makes the unaffected partner to result to irresponsible behaviour such as been unfaithful to their partners and alcoholism among others. Unions, government and business have implemented policies and regulations that campaign for the adherence of the employers towards the establishment of a perpetual employment relationship which reduces stress in the lives of employees thus improving the relationship that ensues between couples. Therefore chances of conflict build up are minimal and more time is created to them (Galinsky et al. 2001).The increased need for work life balance due to the increased number of single parents, women in employment, women returning to employment after child birth, divorce cases, juvenile discrepancies, responsibilities and higher demand of social life has improved employment relationships. However, the provision of statutory benefits such as family leave days has deteriorated. Therefore, businesses, the government and unions should aim at creating a balance between the two business principles to further improve business culture which results to the growth of the business and further satisfaction of employees.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Mayans Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Mayans - Essay Example He refers to his offerings as golden, implying that they are valuable. The statues, which Augustus removed, were made of silver. He, however, chose gold for the temple because it was more valuable than silver.2 He is interested in donating what he feels is the best to the temple. It shows his desire to give back to the society instead of benefiting himself, a sign of modesty. In another situation, Augustus describes how he had bailed out the public treasury, built roads, and financed major public projects.3 He also describes how he had built a strong army in his nineteenth year using personal resources. His modesty comes out clearly from his desire to achieve the societal goals rather than personal ambitions. Augustus modesty is also evident from the way he chose to store the silver statues he had removed. It seems he did not want to offend the people who had honored him by building the statues. He chose to put their names on his offerings to the Apollo
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
A written summary of the article .The Ordinary Heroes of Taj Assignment
A written summary of the article .The Ordinary Heroes of Taj - Assignment Example Guests at the Japanese restaurant within the hotel were also caught up in the attack. They were instructed to hide beneath their tables, and the waiters formed a human shield between them and the attackers. Later, upon evacuation, the guests were allowed to leave first with the staff following close behind. The head waiter who was in charge, Thomas Varghese, did not make it out since the attackers shot him as he was the last one to leave the room. During the attack, 31 people lost their lives, 11 of whom were staff members at the hotel. Most of the dead staff members had sacrificed their lives to protect their guests from getting hurt during the incident. There was wide acclaim over the dedication of the staff at the hotel due to the manner in which they conducted themselves; not only were they calm, but they also went out of their way to help their guests to safety (Raina and Rohit, 5). This level of commitment by employees had not seen before, given that there were no official policies that existed at the time to deal with such a scenario. The human resource approach used at the hotel hires people based on devotion and integrity and trains them for 18 months; six more than the regular 12 months in other establishments. The result was a team of loyal employees who had the best interests of the customers at the core of all their
Sunday, November 17, 2019
The diffusion of germ theory in the 19th Century Essay
The diffusion of germ theory in the 19th Century - Essay Example But Germ Theory proposed a amazing statement that the interactions with microorganisms would help us to get rid of certain diseases. â€Å"Germ Theory was developed in a social, cultural, and economic milieu increasingly centered on the values of mass production, mass consumption, standardization, and efficiency, all of which were compatible with Germ Theory science and popularization.†(Historical views of diseases and epidemics: Germ Theory, 2010). The important microbiologists in the history are Ignaz, Louis Pasteur, Robert Koch, Dmitri and Alexander Fleming. This outline needs to consider that Germ theory can be defined by way of taking three statements together and they are â€Å"Germ theory states that a disease causing microorganism should be present in animals infected by disease and not in health animals. Germ theory states that a disease causing microorganism should be present in healthy animals and not in infected animals. Germ theory states that a disease causing microorganism should be destroyed. Germ theory states that a disease causing microorganism cannot be destroyed.†(Besty 2005, p.20). There is a historical significance in developing the Germ theory. The entire world was affected by Black Death, plague and leprosy. There was no knowledge about the cause of the diseases. This kind of miseries in life make scientists think about cause of the disease and it resulted in the discovery of germ theory. With the invention of microscope the scientists started to focus on the minute part of a thing. So also the physicians began to conduct researches to discover the root cause of the disease. Looking through microscope the physicians identified the smallest microorganisms which is the cause of certain diseases. The life of the people became very difficult with the sporadic nature of various diseases. Small pox, leprosy, tuberculosis, cholera, plague
Friday, November 15, 2019
View Of Politicians Police And Criminal Nexus Criminology Essay
View Of Politicians Police And Criminal Nexus Criminology Essay The various crime syndicates/mafia organizations have developed significant muscle and money power and have established linkages The existing criminal justice system, which was essentially designed to deal with the individual crimes, is unable to deal with government functionaries, political leaders and others to be able to operate with impunity. The tragedy is not that the evils afflicting society and the emerging system are not known, but the indifference of the leaders across the spectrum to the damage they are doing to the political system is abysmal. Enjoyment of power is wrecking the system from within. There is a need to nip the budding criminal in early stages which will be helpful in ending nexus considerably. INTRODUCTION The rule of law is a hallmark of democracy. To put it simply, it means order and stability in the society. [1] Politicians need money and muscle power to maintain their positions of power and authority. Criminals thrive on wrongdoings and need some help to keep the police personnel out of their way. Police is dependent upon the politicians for promotions and smooth service in business. So there exists a mutual benefit relationship between police, politicians and criminals. Once the politician reaches a particular stature and develops a clout, he dictates terms to Police and Bureaucracy much to the delight of the criminal elements. The bonds become stronger and either finds it difficult to survive without the help of the other and the point of no return is reached. [2] POLITICAL POLICE AND CRIMINAL NEXUS The police are a foundation of rule of law and play an essential role in establishing it. They maintain the law and order in the society and protect the right and freedoms of the citizens. The rule of law presumes that police should serve the citizen and remain free from the influence of political establishment [3] . Police has varied duties from serving the people to protecting the state. The local in India, are corrupt by and large and the reality is often disputed. Most police officers associate themselves with criminals in their locality as the police are often involved in the same crimes and/or in many cases seek to claim a share of the money collected by the criminals. [4] The police provide assistance to the criminals by refusing to register a case against them. Police are considered to be criminals in uniform who work according to the wishes of the political parties in power at the expense of state funds. Most police officers associate themselves with criminals in their locality as the police are often involved in the same crimes and/or in many cases seek to claim a share of the money collected by the criminals. The police assist the criminals by ei ther refusing to take any action against them or, if under pressure, by registering cases but failing to properly investigate them. Some policemen have not got over their old colonial mentality and are persisting in barbaric acts in a free country which claims to be run by democratic constitution and rule of law. The nexus between criminal gangs, police, bureaucracy and politicians has come out clearly in various parts of the country. [5] The history of police and criminal nexus is very old. Report on the nexus between the Bombay City Police and the Bombay under-world was prepared by CBI in 1986 which shows that police and criminal nexus is not new. An organized crime syndicate or mafia generally commences its activities by indulging in petty crime at the local level, mostly relating to illicit distillation/gambling/organized satta and prostitution in the larger towns. In port towns, their activities involve smuggling and sale of imported goods and progressively graduate to narcotics and drug trafficking. In the bigger cities, the main source of income relates to real estate forcibly occupying lands/buildings, procuring such properties at cheap rates by forcing out the existing occupants/tenants etc. Even in the smaller towns and rural areas, muscle-men have become the order of the day . Hired assassins have become a part of these organizations. The various crime syndicates organizations have developed significant muscle and money power and have established linkages with government functionaries, political leaders and others to be able to operate with impunity. The existing criminal justice system, which was essentially designed to deal with the individual crimes, is unable to deal with the activities of the Mafia; the provisions of law in regard economic offences are weak; there are insurmountable legal difficulties in attaching/confiscation of the property acquired through Mafia activities. In certain States, like Bihar, Haryana and UP, these gangs enjoy the patronage of local level politicians, cutting across party lines and the protection of governmental functionaries. Some political leaders become the leaders of these gangs and, over the years, get themselves elected to local bodies, State Assemblies and the national Parliament. Consequently, such elements have acquired considerable political clout seriously jeopardizing the smooth functioning of the administration and the safety of life and property of the common man, causing a sense of despair and alienation among the people. The big smuggling Syndicates, having international linkage s, have spread into and infected the various economic and financial activities, including Havana transactions, circulation of black money and operations of a vicious parallel economy causing serious damage to the economic fibre of the country. These syndicates have acquired substantial financial and muscle power and social respectability and have successfully corrupted the government machinery at all levels and wield enough influence to make the task of Investigating and Prosecuting agencies extremely difficult; even the members of the Judicial system have not escaped the embrace of the Mafia. Certain elements of the Mafia have shifted to narcotics, drugs and weapon smuggling and established narco-terrorism networks, specially in the States of JK, Punjab, Gujarat and Maharashtra. The Bombay bomb blast case and the communal, riots in Surat and Ahmedabad have demonstrated how the Indian underworld has been exploited by the Pak ISI and the latters network in UAE to cause sabotage, subv ersion and communal tension in various parts of the country. The investigations into the Bombay bomb blast cases have revealed extensive linkages of the underworld in the various governmental agencies, political circles, business sector and the film world. It is evident that the muscle power of the crime Syndicates is sustained by their enormous financial power which, in turn, is, secured by the Mafia elements by committing economic offences with impunity. the various economic intelligence/investigative/enforcement agencies under Secretary (Revenue) operates are Central Board of Excise Customs (CBEC) it is responsible for the prevention of smuggling, In this and other tasks, it is assisted by the by the Director General of Revenue Intelligence (DGRI) and the Directorate General of Anti-Evasion (DGAE). The DGRI deals with the evasion of customs duties; the DGAE with Excise duty evasion. Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT), Central Economic Intelligence Bureau (CEIB) The CEIB is res ponsible for coordinating and strengthening the intelligence gathering activities and the investigative and enforcement actions of the various agencies responsible for investigation into economic offences and the enforcement of economic laws. Its main tasks are Identification of major sources generating black money; directing and developing intelligence about such sources; planning and coordinating action and operations against such sources. Enforcement Directorate This Directorate is concerned with the enforcement of the investigation and penal provision of the Foreign Exchange Regulation Act; collection of intelligence relating to foreign exchange offences; enquiries into suspected violations of the provisions of FERA, etc. Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) The NCB is responsible for the administration of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act. It is responsible for coordination with different Central and State Government Departments/Ministries and the various Central and State law enforcement agencies for the implementation of the NDPS Act. These are the main agencies to tackle the crimes related to the tax and narcotic substances but the functioning of these agencies is hampered by the pressure which is result police political and criminal nexus The linkages developed by crime Syndicates get generally confirmed when pressure is mounted on the concerned agencies not to take action against the offenders or to go slow in the cases against them. Such pressures are mounted either immediately after a raid is conducted or at the time when prosecution is about to be initiated. Pressures are also exerted whenever corrupt and undesirable officers are shifted from sensitive assignments (Preventive Customs Divisions at the Airports, sensitive Collect orates in the Central Excise etc.) In the narcotics arena, which includes cultivation of opium, manufacture of alkaloids, prevention of narcotics, smuggling etc. the financial stakes are astronomically high. Consequently, the level of corruption is of a very high order in this area of functioning and enormous pressures are brought to bear even when subordinate officials are posted away especially when the shift of an officer adversely affects the interests of those who are making easy money. Narcotics trade has a world-wide network of smugglers who also have close links with terrorists. Terrorists indulge in narcotics trade to amass huge funds, in various foreign currencies, from which they source their procurement of weapons etc. the consequences of the this nexus between criminal and politicians is very harmful and to deal with the consequences we have to empower these agencies with the more effective power and machinery. The tragedy is not that the evils afflicting society and the emerging system are not known, but the indifference of the leaders across the spectrum to the damage they are doing to the political system is abysmal. Enjoyment of power is wrecking the system from within. It is matter for most serious concern that an increasing number of police officers are serving jail terms or facing trials for serious offences There is an emergence of the politico-bureaucratic-criminal nexus which has assumed command in several parts of the country. It is indeed a matter for utmost concern that many functionaries, who are elements of the criminal nexus, may also be occupying sensitive positions in the security management apparatus. According to a recent study the present Lok Sabha has the unique distinction of having as many as 125 members with criminal background. [6] There are serious charges of rape, murder, kidnapping and extortion pending against many of the honorable members. They have not been convicted yet and there is no chance for it in the near future. Cases against them have been pending since ages and can never be disposed off. Saner elements in civil society and concerned citizens are beginning to be worried at the spectre of full-fledged criminalisation of politics and politicisation of criminals to use the formulation of one of our Prime Ministers. [7] If the present trend of criminalization among the elected representatives continues, the doomsday of rule of law in India would soon arrive. The present day politicians have proved late Churchill right when he said that scoundrels would rule India. Rather the situation today is far worse. The language of politics has changed over the years. Celebrations over, the politicians will now be back at the games they play in the pursuit of power and all that goes with it. [8] Politicians are busy , they cannot spare time for the people and are engrossed in the chase for power. They do not have a moment to ponder over what they have done to the Constitution. In fact, politicians of all sorts have hijacked the democratic system to run it for their own convenience and not for serving the people. If any organ of the State chooses to block their way, they try to bend it to their will by means fair and foul. [9] In the past two decades and more there has been a growing increase in complaints of corruption, particularly at the levels which hurt the common man the most. Consequently, people have lost trust in the commitment and capacity of the governments, at the Centre and in the States, to promote their welfare. [10] Elections involving money and muscle power have failed to produce desirable results. The communalisation and criminalisation of politics, endemic corruption and ineffectiveness of the governmental machinery have tarnished the image of governance and severely eroded its effectiveness. [11] White collar criminality is fairly prevalent in Politics. The standards of conduct are high among politicians as they are in commercial life. White-collar crimes violate trust and create disgust, which lowers social morale and produces social disorganization on a large scale. Other crimes produce relatively little effect on social institutions or social organization. [12] Some people believe that there are still innocent and honest politicians in the country, but nothing is being done by these honest people to control the pervasive corruption in the country. The politicians are busy playing blame games. There is hesitation to call a spade a spade. The rule of law is a legal maxim that states no person is immune to law. it means that law is equal for every man and no one is above the law is supreme this is purely a concept of democracy where peoples will are supreme and laws are made to meet the expectations of the public. India is the democratic country and rule of law is the hallmark of it we have a vast machinery to protect the rule of the law in our country we have CBI, IB and other investigating agencies they are there to protect the rule of law but because of the police political and criminal nexus the functioning of these agencies are affected very much because agencies like CBI, CID and other investigating agencies start their investigation on the recommendation of state government or central government or SC or HC state governments which are dominated by the MLAS who have their glorious criminal records generally not preferred to give investigation charge to CBI and they preferred to give the matter to CID which is a p uppet at the hands of state government which has made them useless. The functioning of these agencies are dominated by the political masters who hamper it at every level for the primary information of the crime as well as information of the local activity. These agencies are dependent upon the police which corrupt in the present time. they are the criminals in uniform who provide every facility to criminals and help them at every level from the time of registration of the complaint inside the police stations, prisons and even the courts. Sometimes they are involved in escape of criminals from the lockup As the Supreme Court rightly observed that if the protector becomes the predator, the civilized society would cease to exist. This phrase can be to describe the current scenario of India. CONCLUSION At present, there is no mechanism which is specifically designated to collect and collate intelligence pertaining to the linkages developed by criminals with the governmental set up. Nonetheless, the various intelligence agencies collect, in the normal course of their functioning, information about the nexus between the bureaucracy and politicians with the Mafia gangs, smugglers and the underworld. These agencies use such available inputs only within the narrow confines of their work charter and choose not to take undue cognisance and follow-up action, leave alone sharing with any other agencies. Thus, all these agencies function within their own cocoons, with the result that a plethora of information fails to get specific and purposeful attention needed for the exposure of the linkages. It is, therefore, necessary to immediately have an institutionalized system which while giving total freedom to the various agencies to pursue their charter of wor k, would simultaneously cast on them the onus of sharing such inputs to a nodal outfit whose job will be to process this information for attention of a single designated authority. This will enable the nodal Group to provide useful leads to the various agencies and, over time, a progressive database will get generated to facilitate periodic reviews and analysis which could then be passed to a designated body Fighting the nexus between the politicians and criminal elements should become a National agenda transcending party politics. Conscious efforts should be made by all parties to prevent infiltration of criminal elements in their ranks. They should lend their support to amend the Representation of Peoples Act to deny opportunities to people with criminal records of moral turpitude and violence, to contest the elections. They should also lend support to pass legislation to deal firmly with organized crime. . There is need for a special legislation like other countri es to deal with this menace. We need special courts and suitable modifications in the Criminal Procedure and Evidence Acts to make justice swifter. A stitch in time saves nine. The inability of the criminal justice system to deal firmly with infractions like gambling, prostitution, drugs lead to development of organized crime. Yesterdays petty criminals are todays dons. Hence, there is a need to nip the budding criminal in early stages which will be helpful in ending nexus considerably.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
The Woodspurge Poem Analysis
The wind flapped loose, the wind was still, Shaken out dead from tree and hill; I had walked on at the wind’s will – I sat now, for the wind was still.Between my knees my forehead was – My lips, drawn in, said not Alas! My hair was over in the grass, My naked ears heard the day pass.My eyes, wide open, had the run Of some ten weeds to fix upon; Among those few out of the sun, The woodspurge flowered, three cups in one.From perfect grief there need not be Wisdom or even memory; One thing then learnt remains to me – The woodspurge has a cup of three.Illustration This poem took place in hill where the trees are shaken out by the wind and a field of grass where the man in this poet saw woodspurge as one of the ten weeds and grieving for his problem all day along as the wind blown. The poet described a visual imagery by points out what that man can see while grieving in field, such as in ninth and tenth line : â€Å"My eyes, wide open, had the run† "Of some ten weeds to fix upon;†The tactile imagery also can be found in seventh line â€Å"My hair was over in the grass†the touch’s feel can be sensed when his hair is over the grass as he put his head to rest on it. Kinesthetic imagery, this motion happened when the man bent his head on to between his knees until his forehead touch those knees in fifth line, shows a grieving gesture.The word â€Å"wind†in first stanza is a metaphore from a word â€Å"spirit†or more likely a â€Å"determination†, the wind itself got a personification in third line, where the poet wrote â€Å"I had walked on at the wind’s will –.†By stating that a wind could have a will like a people. Ironically, this man seems lack of determination, he only move to somewhere as the wind guide him and stopped when the wind is gone.General MeaningIt is about a man that covered with sadness and he seems lack of resolve, his body only move as the wi nd blows to somewhere else, until he found a bloomed woodspurge that makes him at ease.Detailed MeaningBefore we going more deeper in detailed meaning, it might be wise to review the trivia fact about Dante’s poem especially The Woodspurge. This poem were made approximately between 1828 – 1882, the period where Victorian’s were arisen. Meanwhile, in the year 1848, there was a movement by a group named â€Å"Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood†and Dante was also one of the founder of this group.The group’s intention is none other than to reject social-political theme in literary works and this group also established Aestheticism movement, in the meaning of aestheticism â€Å"as early as 1750, when the German philosopher, Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten, in his Aesthetica, used it to identify a separate branch of philosophy. He transformed the original Greek usage of the word, applied to things perceived by the senses, into criticism of taste concerned exclus ively with beauty.†(Denney 38). So, their’s intention was to make a literary works become more â€Å"aesthetic†by reject the social-political theme.Due to its a poem full with aesthetic aspects, let’s evaluate it from top to bottom. â€Å"The wind flapped loose, the wind was still,†with such words for an opening in first line, we can considered it is truly a sentence with aestheticism’s beauty. Why so? It said that the wind flapped loose, those words â€Å"flapped†and â€Å"loose†are contradicts for each other. Flapped means flutter, throb or thrashing which means it is conducted with so much power, on the other hand, the word loose means not tight, unconstrained and relaxed.A powerful wind with relaxed feeling, it made the readers will feel the peculiar sensation by read it in matched tone, then it said that the wind was still. Wind, however, is a moving air and Dante wrote the wind with capabality to stand still, it ju st bring the imagination to the whole new level and violates the wind’s law for suited to stagnate. It is still acceptable in literary works and we can admire more the nature by imagining something that nature are not competent to, though.â€Å"Shaken out dead from tree and hill;†for the second line, it might have a denotation like this; the winds shaken out dead from tree and hill. This may have a meaning that the winds able to cleanse the ‘dead’ from tree and hill because shaken out have a meaning uncluttered, to cleanse and the word ‘dead’ might a metaphor from sadness, anguish or misery. And the wind can simply took the sorrow out of the tree, still, the wind only remove it and the melancholic trait that has been cleansed, may outgrowth again sometimes because its humane for it to happens. There is also potency that tree might a metaphor for a man but, in the next line, the poet already talked about it so this hypothesis could not fully-a ccurately correct.â€Å"I had walked on at the wind’s will –â€Å" the third line is about a man that always seems walk as the wind’s guidance. There is also an old proverb that said â€Å"only dead fish follow the stream†which is matched with the inner meaning in the third line. By not having a spirit of independency, this man chose to follow the path that the wind makes for him. But, what makes this man would did such a not-manly act? It should have a relation with a word in previous line, â€Å"dead†. The poet used the word â€Å"dead†to emphasize the next line’s meaning or this line’s, it is an anguish that made the man paralyzed, not able doing something by himself. â€Å"I sat now, for the wind was still.†At least, in the fourth line, this man stopped because the same thing also happened to the wind, it become stagnate just like in the first line’s point. The man do nothing but sit, seems waiting for ano ther wind to guide him again. If we stop too in this line, we can see the voidness in the man’s mind, he would be daydreaming or blank-staring his surrounding. This emptiness of his mind has lead to something that might be crucial and it is a lack of faith. If a faithful person even without resolve in his heart, experiencing the same condition, he might pray to his God instead of daydreaming and asking for His guidance to overcome this stranded plight. Overall, the first stanza was merely an intro for the next stanzas, obviously.By completely talking about the setting of place in first stanza that were a hill with trees and gust of relaxing wind, it is included as somewhat parts of aestheticism. The first reason, of course, it was not social-political themed stanza, the next reason is everything can be shifted with aesthetic element and â€Å"in aesthetic forms, cruelty becomes imagination: Something is excised from the living, from the body language, from tones, from vis ual experience.†(Adorno 68).Everything in each stanza in this poem have relation with Adorno’s opinion about aesthetic forms, for instance, in the first stanza it is about a man that grieving and let the winds dictates him, however it is just an imagination that comes from cruelty. It will be far more cruel if there were man that actually looks like in this poem. And the another aspect in Adorno’s opinion will be discussed later on. â€Å"Between my knees my forehead was –My lips, drawn in, said not Alas! My hair was over in the grass, My naked ears heard the day pass.†(5th – 8th line)The second stanza have a repetition of words â€Å"my†, the possesion form of ‘me’ and ‘I’. Besides of granting this poem with aestheticism by doing those repetition, there is also another meaning behind it. The poet intends to fill the second stanza with â€Å"ego†because â€Å"my†in this case representing a n ego, a personality. Though, the second stanza mostly illustrate the man’s body language, how he faced the void that he experienced. It cover up the fourth line’s hypothesis, that the man is not doing nothing at all, he make a motion to uncover his agony by doing this and that. â€Å"Between my knees my forehead was –â€Å" this line depicts his current position, he bent his body forward and place his head on his knees till his forehead touched it.That gesture shows him in an awful state of mind and insecure feelings, he might be grieving for his mistakes in the past or others problem that he has in his life. Moreover, this gesture was commonly known to express the deep suffering of mind and usually followed by tears that overflowing from the eyes, however, he did not cry at all. In matter of fact, he is a man and it is weird for even a man to cry for whatever the burden that he bear because in those time, the patriarchal era, it is a time where the man al ways described as tough being and crying is for a women. So, even he has a big problem, he would not cry no matter what the problem is.â€Å"My lips, drawn in, said not Alas!†in sixth line, it can be judged how big his misery is. Even a word can not describe it, his lips drawn in means he does not even have a force to speak any words, yet, he want to yell â€Å"Alas!†for blowing off the steam but that word were not even match with his pain. Looks like his anger would multiplied for not being able to cried it outloud, still we can see him as a man with full of patience for being able to surpress his anger over his misery. â€Å"My hair was over in the grass,†in the seventh line is representation of anti-climax if we assume that the sixth line was a climax. In this line, it can be implied that he finally lie his body over the grass till the poet depicts it with his hair was over on the grass. It can be also stated that this man was already in stage of acceptanc e for lying his body over the grass, it seems he already accept the truth or the cruelty in his life.â€Å"My naked ears heard the day pass†by lying around after sitting with full of misery in the previous line, the eighth line define that the day has passed casually. In this line too, the poet combined two things that will not relate to each other yet he succeed to make it become one, Dante clarified that ears can heard the sound of the day pass by. It is weird to even imagining how the day pass’s sound, though. Nevertheless, Dante prevailed to make impression to the reader that it might have a peaceful or calm sound because it is the first time in this poem he describe the audible situation. Dante did not put any weird sound before, and yet the man in this poem heard something, so, it should be the sound of the tranquility. â€Å"My eyes, wide open, had the run Of some ten weeds to fix upon;†(9th – 10th line)Unlike the previous lines that analyzed one by one, the ninth and tenth line have to be evaluated as one wholeness because it seems to connected yet separated as different line, this poem were written in iambic tetrameter anyway, and it would ruin the artistic part of the poem if those line were in one line. Thus, the man eyes widely open and he saw ten weeds near him, there is no special metaphor linked with these lines. Even so, this is also the first time in this poem for the man to pay attention to his surrounding with his own very eyes.The previous panorama or landscape that described by the poet in preceding line were merely the poet’s imagery, not the man’s visual imagery. It is as well as the Adorno’s opinion previously, aetheticism can be reached by showing a visual experience, now the man had his eyes widely open and saw ten various weeds, which is nice. It also means that the field were full with green-coloured scenery due to all those weeds, green is categorized as bright colour which i s can also means a happiness, merry, just like spring’s scape. Although, he finally notice his surrounding, in no matter of time, he quickly noticed that there were ten kind of weed based in his vision. Is he a botanist? Or nature lovers? For immediately knowing there were ten different plant may be his brief assumption, but that is not the point in here, right? The truly case were located in next line and these lines were just an intro to lead this points in there. â€Å"Among those few out of the sun, The woodspurge flowered, three cups in one.†(11st – 12nd line)The eleventh line implied the situation is happened in daytime for sun lightened those plants on the field. If we paid more attention, the third stanza were less with grieving content, everything gradually become more serene. No more sadness, no more wistful part in this stanza because the man just back to his senses, previously, he just a hollow-vessel with nothing to struggle for. Finally, he not iced his surrounding and even the smallest detail like the ten weeds, although he only noticed the woodspurge for the most, a plant with â€Å"All parts are highly toxic by ingestion; sap may irritate skin and eyes.†(â€Å"Plant Selector†).Euphorbia amygdaloides var. Robbiae is the another name for woodspurge, and it is unique for having three cups in one. Usually, â€Å"The mature flowers take a Single form, with an approximate petal count of 2†(â€Å"Plant Database†). So, it is rare occasion for found a three-petal woodspurge, In addition, a clover plants mostly have three petals and myths said that clover with four-leaves will bring a luckiness to the person who found it. Thus, what is the meaning behind from found a three-petals woodspurge? Will they bring fortune to whoever found it? Well, I rest my case for this aside and some professional said â€Å"the flower reminds us of the central mystery of Christianity: the Holy Trinity of the Father, Son , and Holy Ghost; the Trinity that breaks the rule of fate.†(Nield). And how it can related to aestheticism?As a commoner, I put simply the metaphor of woodspurge is a faith in God. It all makes sense, at the first, he wander aimlessly seeking for nothing as the wind guides him until he stopped in peculiar area where he found a three-petals woodspurge that makes him in ease. Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, however, have a goal to make literary works become more aesthetic, more religious and have more connection with nature to confront Victorian’s literary works that full with socio-political, overly-scientific literary works which made the people’s faith fade away deliberately. â€Å"From perfect grief there need not beWisdom or even memory;†(13rd – 14th line) Again, these lines have to consider as one unity, and it have a deepful meaning in this part. The poet chose the word â€Å"perfect†to make the readers feel the absolute depression th at the man had, it is not for asking a pitiness to the man, it is about sending a ‘message’. After that man saw a woodspurge, his mind became soften then he learnt something â€Å"you will got nothing from grief, not even wisdom or even memory.†Which means there is no value for being blue over something, and its said that not even a sad memory will retain in mind, something that started with tragedy or bad things will certainly ended with tragedy too. It is true, though, and every one would not keep something bitter in their head for a long time. Somebody might choose to erase or pretend for bad incident that have occured instead of mourning it endlessly because in the end those memories will washed away for sure. â€Å"One thing then learnt remains to me –The woodspurge has a cup of three.†(15th – 16th line) In this last two lines, the poet expressed the important thing as a friendly reminder for him. In the end, he finally have one thing t o learn that woodspurge has a cup of tree which also have another meaning, if he become stuck in grief again, he should remember that there are God and his kindness that always guide him in to right path and it symbolized with three-petals woodspurge. Therefore, the last stanza is endearment of his sorrow because he certainly re-ignited his faith with nature’s help indirectly.ConclusionDante Gabriel Rossetti, one of the founder of Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, vowed to make a movement for opposing the Victorian’s mediocre literature work theme such a socio-political, science and industries that overwhelming in those times. Dante and his confidant, thus imbued Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood’s era with Aetheticism, that more linked with nature, faith and religion in sense of beauty nuance. This poem, nevertheless, were reflectioned to the people at those times, when the religion and faith were not as strong as before.Dante used wind as representation of nature and as a device to mediate people until their faith revived again, just like in this poem. Thanks to the wind, that grieving man led to a woodspurge that reminds him to his God. And it is all the Dante wanted, he wished that every people would not forget and surrender in their faith. If they did, just remember how beautiful the world it is and eventually they will keep in their mind that everything were a God’s creation.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Marie Antoinette: History as a problem in film
When one thinks of the Coppola, one inevitably thinks of the great Francis Ford, whose striking Godfather movies have set the bar for dramatic storytelling and cinematography for generations of filmmakers to come. However, recently, the younger Coppola, Sofia, has taken over the moviemaking role, and has sought to reinvent the historical story of Marie Antoinette, the infamous French queen beheaded at the start of the French Revolution. However, for those expecting a serious, dour, and historically play by play rendering of the tragic (some say scandalous) life of the queen, they are in for somewhat of a surprise.Indeed, the intentionally contemporary, visually stunning twist on the well-known tale is jarring in its departures from traditional historical thought. So, too the visual liberties do much to literally force the audience to see the young queen from a different perspective. The problem is, however, although Coppola can assert that her attempt is an artistic o ne, it is also one of manipulation.That is because in the end, the audience is fully aware of the juxtaposition of their new, interpretation of Antoinette as delivered by the film, with the overwhelming force of historical fact (in as much as we are aware). This departure from reality eventually leaves the audience feeling a bit cheated, as if the visual, auditory, and even literary ministrations of Coppola on the story have been nothing but a cheap trickâ€â€a meandering of whimsy intentionally downplaying the legitimate tragedy of Antoinette’s death and the serious principles behind the French Revolution.To be sure, Coppola’s Marie Antoinette is beautiful. Released in 2006, the film is set and filmed in Versailles. The audience meets the young queen as a new bride, delivered from her native Austria to the bosom of the French court. From the beginning, Antoinette is presented as gentle, almost simple, and kind heartedâ€â€concerned with leaving h er family and her beloved pet dog behind to start a new life of duty and service at the behest of her family.Almost as striking as the gentleness of the queen, the visual imagery of the film is without par. The colors are as vibrant as any 50’s Technicolor dream, and the screen is consistently resplendent with bright pinks, blues and pastel wonders beyond imagination. This is particularly true of the costuming, which is rendered in striking richness both in color and textureâ€â€helping to evoke the extravagant luxury of the French Court and the life of the queen.In addition to the visually descriptive nature of the film, Antoinette’s relationship with her husband is portrayed as amazingly genteel, with her displaying endless patience for her husband’s quirky ways and obvious lack of sexual prowess. Further, her important role as a mother and bearer of heirs is portrayed convincingly, with visual (only) mention of the death of one of her children in infancy.However, apart from this reflection of historical trivia, the film does little to delve deeply into any of the issues of the time, or of Antoinette’s life. Further, even the casting of American’s Kirsten Dunst and Jason Shwartzman seems to function as a way to move the film away from historical accuracy, if only in the audience’s mind. This is particularly true when one hears the somewhat jarring sound of Dunst’s and Shwartzman’s flat American accents against the stylized French-accented comments of the Mistress of the Court.Although one could say that Coppola’s portrayal of Antoinette in such a candy-pink, innocent and accommodating fashion (perhaps more devoid of malice due to her â€Å"straight forward†and simple American twang) could be authentic in that some of it describes the queen’s relative youth and innocence as she entered the court.  However, this does not progress to increased complexity, and the audience does not see her increased politicialization that by all historical accounts marks the last years of her life.Indeed, as historians point out, Marie Antoinette was political, some say a bit of an activist, determined to resist the changes brewing in the midst of the growing revolutionary fervor in the country. In fact, the movie seems to curiously, if perhaps, intentionally stay away from any true politicalization, â€Å"ugliness,†unrest or upheaval. Apart from one or two references to the â€Å"people†being hungry and their not being enough bread, one simply does not see the common people or their plight at all.â€Å"What revolution?,†the audience may wonder (perhaps more so amongst today’s less educated tween moviegoers). Indeed, as the film closes, we are left with nary a glimpse in to the tragic fate of the queen. Further, one would not imagine too horrible a fate, after all, according to Coppola’s portrayal, Antoinette would never have been so callous as to have said, â€Å"Let them eat cake!† Certainly she was too good for that! After all, didn’t she give up getting new diamonds so that the people may eat?In addition to the creative storytelling that Coppola entertains throughout the film, the music, itself sets the soundtrack as a kind of point-making device to further help the audience to identify with the kind queen. Strains of largely upbeat popular music (Bow Wow, Cindy Lauper) make everything seem more innocent, and heck, can’t the audience see they are â€Å"just like us,†not so foreign, not so historic!Yes, it could have been any wealthy American or European girl in her shoes. One can even see Paris Hilton in Versailles. Under this treatment, Antoinette seems less distant, complex, serious, and significant in history. Indeed, all of the messages gleaned from her experiences and narrative seem to melt away to the tune. Ye s, some classical music is incorporated into the film, but only after the jarring point of the modern has been thoroughly made.Although the cinematic techniques utilized by Coppola definitely lead the audience to reinterpret history, several of the references to historical fact are accurate. After all, the French did help the young America against Great Britain, and they did deplete sizable financial stores from France (exacerbating the plight of the poor) (Brinton, 1963). However, by the time these historical points are made in the film, the other visual, dialogue, and tonal points have been made. Historical errors and downright tragedies of perception seem insignificant, just another point of verbal backdrop rather than pivotal junction.In addition to the twisting of the audience’s perception of Antoinette as a function of tone (visual, dialogue, etc), Coppola also departs from historical fact to presumably make the movie â€Å"more interesting†to its audien ceâ€â€who are perhaps used to a â€Å"Dangerous Liaisons†kind of film. Indeed, in departing from established historical fact and blithely embracing a supposed extramarital affair between Antoinette and the Count von Ferson, Coppila goes out of her way to add to history, simply for the entertainment value.Although one cannot defiantly prove that such an affair did not occur in reality, historical sources do not indicate that it did. This is hardly a trivial point in that it further contemporizes Antoinette, implying that such matters were commonplace (as they are today), and carried little consequences. The historical and religious reality of Antoinette’s times were all to different, with serious consequences for both royal and common wives who strayed from the marriage bed. Of course none of these issues are dealt with and the whole â€Å"affair†is portrayed as just one more pleasant visual interlude among many, without meaning or serious inter pretation.Given all this, if one were to accept that Coppola did in fact deliberately attempt to use cinematic devices and storytelling in order to create a new version of the story, is this problematic? If such a film were simple entertainment the answer would be no. However, the difficulty that comes along with dealing with a historical subject is that there is some expectation from the audience that an attempt toward accuracy be made. Yes, costumes in the Antoinette court were probably very pretty.The queen might have been innocent, kind, sweet even. Perhaps she never did say â€Å"let them eat cake.† Such an assertion would not be new (1963). However, using technique to reframe the events of the movie, be it through music, cinematography or dialogue creates either a problem with history itselfâ€â€in essence changing it for the audience if they are impressionable, or though creating frustration or even anger in those who know betterâ€â€and p erhaps feel more than a bit cheated that the association of the character with the defining event of her times (the Revolution) was all but overlooked in film.Although Coppola, herself has stated that it was not her intention to deal with politics or the political reality of her subject (Dudec, 2006), she doesâ€â€if by omission. In fact, her infamous statement, â€Å"Marie Antoinette was not interested in politics, so why should I be?†(2006) is problematic on many levels. First, in its erroneous assumption that Antoinette was not interested in politics, she indicates a real unfamiliarity with her protagonist which is troubling. Second, by â€Å"not being interested in politics,†one has to wonder at the appropriateness of Coppola dealing with the subject matter at all. Can one imagine, for instance, Frances Ford Coppola asserting, â€Å"I am not interested in organized crime.†?Coppola’s troubling attitude and treatment of the subject matter was so striking when the movie was screened in Cannes that the audience actually booed the film. This may be in part due to the fact that Coppila did not take her information from respected historical sources. Instead, she almost exclusively drew from Antonia Fraser’s contemporary biography, which itself is rife with similar flaws and omissions to the movie.In the end, the audience is never privy to the â€Å"meat†of the Antoinette storyâ€â€a story that the young female audience members that Coppila obviously targets could only learn from. For example, she never showcases her strength, intelligence, or real power. She does not take time to fully draw the immense political opinion and pressures against her as a â€Å"foreign queen,†nor does she deal with the complex nature of her death, the differences between rumor and political reality.Of course, this is not to say that the film does not have its fans. In fact, even among French audiences some appreciated the way in which Marie Antoinette was played outside of the norm. Although some might argue that some French critics may be pleased that a large Hollywood producer would deal with the subject at all, one can assume that some found genuine satisfaction in the portrayalâ€â€puzzling or no.Thus, the problems with the film hinge directly on the historical material. Given any other non-historical subject matter, the same story might be just fine. An afternoon of entertainment and â€Å"lavish visual effects.† However, by choosing a historical subjectâ€â€and an emotional one at that, Coppila evokes much more than she may intend. Further, the reactions of audiences must be interpreted in the context of the subject matter, not simply on the basis of film quality, direction, art or sensibility.Audiences either like the film or hate itâ€â€and each opinion carries with it serious implications. After all, if one likes the fil m what does that say about one’s view or knowledge of history? Has the â€Å"magic†of film influenced that opinion, and by continuation, one’s historical view? Conversely, should one hate the film, would that person lack the ability to appreciate the â€Å"beauty†of the visual art in the film? Or, instead, does one’s consciousness of the subject matter as history prohibit any such appreciation?In the end, Coppola’s decision to use history as her muse may be the downfall of the film. This because history demands a certain treatment in order to be molded into entertainment. One cannot mould entertainment into historyâ€â€it simply smacks of hollowness and superficialityâ€â€two of the most common criticisms of the film.Worse, one can see that (as in the case with this film), even in the presence of some truly spectacular cinematography and visual beautyâ€â€not to mention some pretty significant financial investm ents, it is not enough to overcome the historical liberties taken with the film. It is as if her subject matter has become her stumbling block. To be sure, one can assert that the film is great in part. However, in part is not enough for true greatness. No, Marie Antoinette will be no Lawrence of Arabia, enjoyed for generations to comeâ€â€and isn’t that the true test of a film’s merit?Works CitedBrinton, Crane. A Decade of Revolution 1789-1799. Harper and Row, 1963. Dudec, A.  Cannes reality check. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 25, May 2006. Retrieved on April 23, 2007, from,
Friday, November 8, 2019
30 Powerful Compare and Contrast Essay Topics Full List 2017
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Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Haemon vs Creon essays
Haemon vs Creon essays Haemon enters and tells his father he will accept his ruling, due to the fatherly authority Creon has over him. Haemon refers to him as his good advisor and will follow any path Creon sees fit. This pleases Creon because as he sees it, his word is law in all things. He goes on ranting on the importance of a good son and advises him to forget Antigone. Creon tells Haemon she has gone against his orders and he does not want his people to see him break his word. Despite their kinship he, If I bring up my own family To flout me, there will be no holding others. A man who sees his family obey him Will have authority in public matters. Creon believes that disobedience is the worst of evils, and that discipline is what holds everything together, so we must stand up for law and order to keep the city together. Haemon interjects with the backing of reason which the gods endow mankind with, suggesting that his father not be so rash in his decision. He is not going against his father; he just wants him to wear on open mind. The rest of the debate supports the fact that Sophocles seems to favor Haemons views on political authority. The playwright makes the reader side with Haemon due to justice and reason. For example, by comparing Creon to the tree that does not bend is an awesome analogy; the reader knows what happens in the end and what eventually will overcome in the end. Also all the rebuttals from Haemon in reply to his fathers childish remarks make for a better argument of justice within reason, as opposed to his fathers reasoningthis is my word, hence, the law. ...
Sunday, November 3, 2019
MA Graduate Scholarship Application in Media & Communication Essay
MA Graduate Application in Media & Communication - Scholarship Essay Example Evident to this, I have additionally studied media management to supplement my bachelor qualifications. Consequently, I am certain and feel confident applying to a master’s program as a natural progression of my present academic qualifications, considering my majors in marketing, content management, and business administration from the University of Applied Sciences St. Poelten. Through my internships and apprenticeship from various institutions as appears in the attached testimonials, I developed enthusiasm to further my qualification. Through this scholarship, I have seen an opportunity that will alleviate me and my family from financial constraints that we have experienced from my childhood. My parents had a small retail store. This is what sustained us throughout. When I was working full-time while pursuing my apprenticeship degree as well as a high school diploma, I helped their business develop and flourish. I believe that this scholarship will not only help me further my education and hope of being synonymous with media, but also support my family in the retail store business. Media and communications have shaped my life, for example, through my work at the retail store, I became skilled at communicating efficiently with people, and at paying attention to their needs and requests; these early practices set the basis for my ardor in working with people in the PR industry, and the reason I believe this scholarship is pivotal to both my academic and personal life. I have learned the spirit of team work through collegiate activities and in the institutions. For example, during my internship at Bene AG, I collaborated with my supervisors and colleagues to develop strategies to promote Bene’s products and services. Subsequently, my passion for PR campaigns and marketing programs grew. I also achieved essential skills in the world of technology such as web page optimization, e-newsletters preparation, e-marketing
Friday, November 1, 2019
The property and financial difficulties of a divorced couple Case Study
The property and financial difficulties of a divorced couple - Case Study Example Divorce has always been a complex and controversial subject for couples. For the most part, the issues concerning property, pension or children complicate relationships and adversely impinge on families including the children. The case of Jenny and Ted is not different compared to others who had to deal with the issue of property during or after the divorce is filed. However, if amicable settlement is not reached by the couple, the laws in the United Kingdom with regards family, divorce and property are very clear on this issue.First the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 sets out the foundation for divorce and is also the major law England and Wales which stipulates the creation of ancillary relief -the financial payment to a marriage party after a couple files for a divorce, nullity of marriage or separation. The claimant of the ancillary relief should present her claim (in this case, Jenny) to a court in England or Wales in order for the court to resolve pecuniary issues which arise from the divorce. 1This is specified in Section 23 & 24 of the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 which states that the court is empowered to create financial and property provision orders when a couple is granted a divorce. This provision indicates that a party to a marriage shall pay, in forms of securities, bonds or share, or in unsecured lump sums, the other party. Section 24 of the aforementioned act likewise gives the courts in England and Wales the power to order the sale of property which is intended for ancillary relief. The courts in England and Wales have been given this authority since 1970's which bestow them the powers to transfer ownership of property and order a party to make payments to the other party. This authority requires that the courts must assess whether the pecuniary relationship between the couple must be ordered immediately ceased or terminated. 2Payment to the other party in a marriage is ordered by the court in a form of maintenance or in a form of a clean break order which bars the litigant from making further claims in a form of ancillary relief. This payment is also referred to as maintenance orders which can be given to the other party on 'nominal basis' or specific terms. However, the court can review this order any time so as to match the ongoing adjustments in financial ability of the parties who filed for a divorce. The terms and particular dates and arrangements for maintenance orders are usually specified by the courts (Kempton & Theobold 2001). Other various orders which the court can create on their discretion and ones which are contextually related to the family law include Property Adjustment Order in which the courts are given a wide discretion on how the property will be divided and in what shares. The court also has the power to order the auction of the matrimonial home of the couple. Furthermore, a variety of options are open to the courts of England and Wales in order to settle dispute on property. These factors are listed on Section 25 of the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 so that the courts may serve well and judiciously the interest of both parties in a marriage or serve the best interest of the children. The possible orders that courts can make are in fact limitless and they are created in specific circumstances (Kempton & Theobold 2001). The idea of fair and equal distribution of property has its precedence on the landmark cases decided by courts of England and Wales or the House of Lords. One such case is the famous White v White 2001 in which the House of Lords ordered a controversial redistribution of the couple's finances and property after the divorce. Lord Nicholls, a member of the House has set precedence in his speech which would later on specify the acts with regards division of assets. Nicholls stated in his speech that in all cases, judges must practice judiciousness and ensure their provisional judgment (on assets distribution) regarding the "yardstick of equality of division". This does not mean
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