Saturday, August 31, 2019
Family Relation Portrayal in Korean Films Essay
It has been said of cinema that it is much lesser an art that it should be because it cannot afford the unpredictable. Therefore it seeks the security of successfully established formulas (Encyclopaedia Britannica 904). This may be the reason why Korean films, like most Asian films, tend to focus on domestic issues. The most important part of Korean life is family, and Koreans are proud of their excellent relationship among family members. Members of the family are tied to each other by very strong bonds. Over the years, however, the Korean family has undergone tremendous change in terms of structure and function. These changes in family structure and function are dramatically mirrored in Korean films. Korean films show viewers about how the Korean family has evolved over the last few years. In addition, Korean films reflect the rapid change that the structure and function of the Korean family is undergoing. Value for Family Family welfare is much more important to Koreans than individual needs (â€Å"South Korea – Language, Culture, Customs and Etiquette†). This may be the reason why Korean families are called a ‘small society’. The action of each family member becomes a reflection of the rest of the family. Koreans put into mind that family is the most important group for themselves and for their country (â€Å"Korean Family†). The Korean value for family is depicted in the film A Romantic Papa, a Korean film released in 1960. This is a story about an employee at an insurance company who is the head of a happy household which consists of his wife, two sons and three daughters. When his company began downsizing, however, he is forced into retirement. He does not tell his family about losing his job because of fear of disappointing them. His children learn the truth as they thought of a way of comforting their father. A Romantic Papa is a film which depicts the traditional Korean family. The film also shows that the father holds supreme power in the family. When the protagonist loses his job, he does not tell his family because he does not want to disappoint them. This goes to show the great value that Koreans place over their families. In an unconventional sort of way, the film also shows the father, who holds supreme power in the family, stepping down to relinquish his authority to the next generation. A Romantic Papa was adapted to the big screen from a popular radio drama. It was directed by Shin Sang-Okk and starred Choi Eun-Hee, Kim Jin-Kyu, Shin Seong-II, Kim Seung-Ho and Joo Jeung-Nyeo. (â€Å"100 Korean Films†). Mr. Park, which was also released in 1960, is another Korean film which depicts the traditional Korean family. The film is about a man who has provided for his children by repairing charcoal fireplaces. He disapproves of the fact that his eldest child is dating a hoodlum. He is also unhappy that his younger daughter is dating her co-worker. He, however, bestows his blessing upon his son when he expresses the desire to marry. His eldest daughter runs away and his son asks his permission to work in Thailand after marriage. The film ends with him accepting the man his eldest child wants to marry while granting permission to his son to go to Thailand. The film is Korea’s representative family melodrama. It reveals the conflict of values through the clash between the protagonist and his children. The film was directed by Kang Dae-Jin. It starred Kim Seung-Ho, Cho Mi-Ryeong, Kim Jin-Kyu and hwang Jeong-Sun. (â€Å"100 Korean Films†) The Extended Family The extended family was the social norm about 50 to 60 years ago in Korea (Bae). This is reflected in the film Festival which was released in Korea in 1996. Festival was directed by Im Kwon-Taek and stars Ahn Seong-Ki. A film about family, Festival is about a renowned writer who received word that his mother had passed away. The death of his mother elicited different emotional responses from various persons. As the funeral begins, so did conflict deepen among his family members. As the funeral progresses, their conflicts find gradual resolution. Festival is about filial piety, a Confucian ideal that places the virtue of caring for one’s parents among all else. Filial piety connotes being good to the parents and to take care of them. It connotes engaging in good conduct towards parents and towards society so as to bring a good name to the parents and ancestors. It also means performing the duties of a job well to obtain the material means to support the parents. The film The Birth of a Family also depicts extended family life. Released in 2006, the first part of the film is about Mi-ra and her trouble-making brother, Hyung-chul. After being discharged from the military, Hyung-chul goes missing. He comes back five years later with a middle-aged woman whom he introduces as his wife. Mi-ra allows them to stay with her at the family home until Mi-ra’s daughter Chae-hyun arrives and the three reach a breaking point. The second part of the film concerns a young woman called Sun-kyung whose relationship with her estranged mother is aggravated by the mother’s relationship with a married man. Her mother dies of cancer, however, and Sun Kyung must care for her half-brother Gyeong-suk. The third part of the film brings together the two story lines with the relationship of Chae-hyun and Gyeong-suk who is accepted in the end by Chae-hyun’s adopted family from the first part of the film (â€Å"The Birth of a Family†). The Birth of a Family was directed by Kim Tae-Yong. It starred Moon So-ri, Kong Hyo-jin, Jeong Yu-mi and Bong Tae-gyu. Extended family is also portrayed in the 1998 film A Quiet Family. This is the story of a family who buys a hotel in the mountains. At first, no one comes to check in at the hotel but after a while a guest checks in and dies. Two more guests arrive and suffer that same predicament, and soon the bodies start piling up. This movie is a comedy but effectively portrays the modern extended family and their relationship to each other (â€Å"The Quiet Family†). The Quiet Family was directed by Ji-woon Kim and starred In-hwan Park and Mun-hee Na. Single Parents, Divorce and Late Marriages It is said that the economic crisis in the late 1990s was the catalyst in changing the Korean family structure in an essential way. Before this, concepts such as single parents, divorce, late marriage and having children at a later age were unheard of to most Koreans. Today, however, this is no longer the case (Bae). Mirroring the theme of being a single parent is the film Mother which is a Korean film released in 2010. Mother is the story of a Hye-ja, a single mother who sells herbs and acupuncture treatments to support her mentally slow son. Her son, however, becomes involved in the murder of a schoolgirl and is thrown into jail. This is when Hye-ja’s quest to prove her son’s innocence begins (Harris). The film shows the hardships and difficulties of being a single parent and what a mother’s love can do for her beloved child. Mother was directed by Bong Joon-ho and starred Kim Hye-ja and Won Bin. The film stayed within the top 50 films on the United States box office. Being a single parent is also depicted in the film A Family which was released in Korea in 2004. A Family is about the extraordinary love between a father and his daughter. Pickpocket Jeong-eun comes back home to a father and an eight-year old brother after being in prison for two years. Her father Joo-suk loves her dearly but does not know how to express it. The film A Family is about troubled relationships and conflict between family members, but above all, it is a story about family in these modern times (â€Å"A Family†). A film that also depicts the hardships of being a single parent is The Way Home, a Korean film that was released in 2002. The Way Home is the story of a spoiled city boy whose single mother ships him off to his grandmother in a rural town. The grandmother is a hunchback and a mute who works hard without complaining. The boy disrespects his grandmother at first but learns a lesson about love and selflessness after seeing all the sacrifices she made for him. The film is a drama about the healing power of love. The unconditional love the grandmother gives to the boy is something that he is not used to. This eventually softens him. He also begins to see the downside to his selfishness (â€Å"The Way Home†). Single parenthood is also shown in Marathon, a 2005 film which deals with an autistic youth training to be a marathon runner. The story is primarily about the relationship between the boy and his mother. Because of his condition, his mother controls various aspects of his life in the name of ‘protection’. The film also tackles the realities of being mentally ill (â€Å"Marathon†). Marathon became the runaway box office smash of 2005. The film marked the directorial debut of Jeong Yun-Cheol and starred Cho Seung-Woo and Kim Mi-Sook. In 2007, the film Cherry Tomato tackled single parenthood by way of a grandfather caring for his granddaughter. When his son is released from prison and steals his savings and his bicycle-drawn cart is destroyed, he ends up trying to steal meat for his hungry granddaughter (â€Å"Cherry Tomato†). This film depicts the love a grandfather has for his granddaughter and the actions that he is capable of doing in the name of love. Cherry Tomato was directed by former television producer Jeong Yeong-bae and starred Sin Goo and Kim Hyang-ki. Meanwhile, the theme of divorce is exemplified in the film The Marriage Life which is a film released in Korea in 1992. The Marriage Life is about a couple who gets married for love despite objection from their family and friends. Their married life seems successful at first until endlessly busy nights made conversation almost nonexistent. Their marriage then begins to suffer. Their clashes began to become intense that they finally resort to divorce (â€Å"100 Korean Films†). Marriage Life was directed by Kim Yui-seok and starred Choi Min-Su and Shim Hye-Jin.
Critical Review of Reappraising Cognitive Styles
This research is based on empirical user trial data and a sophisticated analysis. It tries to evaluate the validity of applying visual-verbal preferences to an adaptive web-based educational system (AWBES) by examining user trials of a case study. Previous researches are either focused on pragmatic applications or based on inadequate sample sizes.This research goes beyond former ones by employing user trials to collect critical data and directly raising the core question of the effectiveness of the method. However, the flaws in method setting, data analysis, ambiguity in details and the claimed result put in doubt the conclusions suggested by the study. Method/Procedure In this research, students were firstly labeled as visual, verbal and bimodal learners through a computer test, and then put into groups with learning contents either matched, or deliberately mismatched, or neutral to their learning styles.Then tudents' academic performances were compared to see the significance of di fferences between groups. Questions were raised when the researchers excluded the verbal users from the statistical analysis due to the extremely small sample size (n=11). The study is supposed to examine three cognitive styles (visual, verbal, bimodal); therefore without the data of the verbal group, the study is incomplete. The study method is further impaired by two questionable grouping methods. The first questionable method states, â€Å"Neutral students were given a mix of visual and verbal ontent, irrespective of their learning style†(p. 30). If a bimodal user is randomly placed in a neutral group and given mixed content, then he will actually receive content matching his learning style. Therefore, since he will end up in given content matching his learning style, it will be more appropriate tor the student to be placed in the matched group. Furthermore, both the matched group and neutral group have the same bimodal users given neutral contents. This leads to a doubt: the study result which shows insignificant academic differences might be from the similarity of he group members rather than from the invalidity of the utilization.The second questionable method states, â€Å"Mismatched students were given content that was contrary to their learning style†(p. 330). If bimodal users are placed in the mismatched group, what content should be provided to them? Neither visual nor verbal content would be appropriate since they are both partially matched and partially mismatched to a bimodal user; and the neutral content would be inappropriate either, since it matches the bimodal user's cognitive style and ends up eing against the definition of the mismatched group.A table which illustrates the quantities of three cognitive-styled students distributed into matched/ mismatched/ neutral could help clarify the grouping method. The computer test which distributed students into cognitive groups should employ details and examples of the test and the sc oring system to clarify the fairness of the test. As for sampling, the sample size should be adequately enlarged to include an effective verbal sample; the post-secondary students are a biased group which can't meet the variety of people.The learning module should be studied to see whether it is biased to/against any group/learning style. The quantity of excluded seldom-participating student should be mentioned to allow an exact sample size in the study. Experiment Results The insignificant mean differences in Table2 to Table6 reject hypothesises 1, 2 and 3. As for hypothesis 4, in order to reject it, the authors should clarity why one mean difference (67. 5-60. 0=7. 5) is greater than half of the related standard deviation (1 1. 56112=5. 78) in Table 7, which compares visual, neutral and verbal groups.The explanation, â€Å"upon testing these statistically, there is actually no significance between them†(p. 333) is ambiguous. Thus, the mean differences are not unanimously c onsistent with the result claimed by the authors that neither the cognitive styles of students nor contents differentiated by the styles contribute to make significant differences in students' academic performance. The p values from the statistical analysis (p=. 62, p=. 63, p=. 67) are substantially greater than the low p value (less than . 05; or better less than . 01).The high p values raise the question that the sample selection might lack diversity, and may then further affected the result of the study. Discussion The authors' conclusion that matched/ mismatched learning materials don't contribute to students' learning effect, is not consistent with the aforeclaimed conclusion which concerns the effect of visual and bimodal styles of students and contents. The authors' psychological conclusion that cognitive styles per se are not a validate means of personalising the learning experience is not completely consistent ith the result which only concerns visual and bimodal styles.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Diabetes Case Study Essay
Patients with lower socioeconomic status often times never seek primary care until seen by an Emergency Room doctor. At that moment he or she is told to see a primary physician for a condition known as diabetes. Although some individual think if they ignore the fact that they have been diagnosed with diabetes it will simply go away. This is a common and immediately life-threatening issue seen in hospitals About Clinical Diabetes (McNaughton; Self, 2011). â€Å"Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a set of related diseases in which the body cannot regulate the amount of sugar (specifically, glucose) in the blood. The blood delivers glucose to supply the body with energy to perform daily activities. Today 90% of adult with diabetes are diagnose with type2 diabetes (Wheeler, 2011). The other 10% of Americans diagnosed with type1 diabetes. These finding are addressed during childhood or adolescence times. Joslin Diabetes Center is one of the progressive research, education, and clinical care centers (n.d., 2006). It allows physicians and other health professionals’ continuing education on a daily. Reasons for type1or type2 diabetes are still unknown. Some studies say it may be hereditary and a personal lifestyle. However, obesity, inactivity lifestyle, some ethic group such as African American, American Indians, Hispanics, Latinos, Asia Americans, and Pacific Islanders runs a high risk of developing type2 diabetes (Ferry, 2011). Roughly 13,000 American children have type1diabetes every year. Type1diabetes produce small amount insulin, usually found in children. Even with Type1 diabetes, children can play physical sports alone with other children. These actives can help lower blood glucose levels, and helps the cells in he or she body to use the insulin. Type2 diabetes is more common found in adults. The cells chose to disregard the insulin in the cells in the body fail to obtain the energy they need. Individual body stores insulin in the pancreas when he or she eat and release the insulin to transfer the food into energy needed for daily use. Too much glucose can be harmful to the body it tends to build up in different parts of the body like the eyes, kidneys, nerves, and the heart. When these symptoms go unnoticed for long periods of times, it could cause a massive amount of damage to his or vital organs. Research finds individual with type2 diabetes are in jeopardy of heart disease and stroke when his or her blood sugar levels are not controlled with the right amount of medication (Adams, n.d). Type2 diabetes can be manageable with the right diet, physical activity, and medication. History shows these practices can aid in controlling type2 diabetes and allowing anyone to live a fairly healthy life. More than half will eventually require insulin or diabetes pills at some point and time to control their blood sugar level. There are several types of medications that will help, and some will have an unusual side effect. Learning how to monitor his or her glucose level can help maintain this disease. By maintaining glucose levels causes an individual to decrease the risk of complications. Maintaining the levels will allow him or her to make healthier decision as for as their food intake, medication, and exercise. Monitoring their levels, allows him or her to become conscious of a pattern of what is a normal or abnormal blood sugar. This prevents the individual from going into a hypoglycemia attack. Once a pattern has been established allows a person to learn his or her body, and the symptoms when his or her levels are beginning to drop. Individuals able to gather this information enables them to discuss their observance with his or her health care provider, for him or her to determine the right amount of dose of insulin. Excess glucose drives vessels to become thicker and less elastics. When blood vessels in the back of the eye balloons out into pouches, it is showing some sort of eye disease. When this happens it can lead to blood vessels leaking and can block him or her vision. Excess glucose can happen throughout the body. Kidney disease occurs, once blood vessels in the kidney become spongy and release blood. Blood leaking in the kidney from the vessels, inaugurate, and allow protein from the blood to be excreting to urine. When this happens if not kept under control it will lead to kidney failure. Damage blood vessels become a blockage that causes heart attacks; the blockage slows and restricts blood circulation to the legs. Amputation of a limb becomes necessary if an injury to legs or feet goes untreated. Bruising of blood tissue in those areas are risky. In conclusion diabetes can be controlled with the proper health care, exercise, and physical activities. People’s actions can prevent or slow the complications of diabetes. Over time, he or she actions can setback those future complications if this disease is not taken seriously, or not taking medication properly. Monitoring his or her blood glucose levels determine if the individual treatment is working or if the physician needs to change medications. Bibliography Adams, A. (n.d.). Genetic Health. Retrieved November 26, 2011, from Genetic Health: Ferry, R. (2011, 11 18). emedicine Health. Retrieved 11 27, 2011, from emedicine Health: Overview McNaughton, C. D; Self, W. H. (2011, March 31). About Clinical Diabetes. Retrieved 11 28, 2011, from About Clinical Diabetes: n.d. (2006). Joslin EZ Start. Guiding Insulin Initiation , [Punctuation: Avoid leaving a space before a comma] 15.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
LC Financing. Comparison between an Islamic and a conventional bank in Essay
LC Financing. Comparison between an Islamic and a conventional bank in Qatar - Essay Example It is a financial agreement – a secure mode of payment - between an importer and exporter for goods shipped (Finance). In Wall Street Words, David L. Scott defines a letter of credit as â€Å"a promise of payment in the event that certain requirements are met. A letter of credit essentially substitutes the credit of a third party (usually a large bank) for that of a borrower. In the case of municipal bonds, an LOC generally permits a trustee to draw six months' interest and sufficient funds to retire outstanding bonds at par in the event of default†(qtd. in Letter of Credit). Since L/Cs carry a risk for the issuing bank in case the client defaults, the bank assesses the client’s creditworthiness and financial position to evaluate his ability to pay in the future. In some cases, the bank may ask for a security to minimize chances of loss. There are various departments within the bank which cater to such analysis and evaluation in order to judge whether the custom er is worthy of providing credit or not. If the customer simply is asking for a letter of credit then the bank assumes responsibility for the traded goods coming into the country. In that case, checks and balances are even stricter and require that the customer is of extremely good credit worthiness based on which financing and LC facilities are then provided. Corporate and commercial banking departments are formulated where teams sit and evaluate companies for their creditworthiness as well as their capacity to pay back the loans that they have taken. Other departments that may be involved in this case may include Risk Management department, Credit management department, Commercial Banking and Audit as well as a committee that is formulated especially to evaluate credit packages that are developed through the corporate or commercial banking departments. (Islam). Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits (UCP 600), issued by the International Chamber of Commerce, includes the latest rules which govern letter of credit transactions in international trade finance worldwide. What are L/C finance contracts? There are various financial solutions offered by banks for trade financing. L/C finance contracts are one of them, with modern banks offering a wide range of L/C financing products to meet complex needs of traders. One of these is export contracts through which the exporter's bank extends a loan to him. Trade loans are regarded as an important trade finance technique. They are especially suitable for wholesalers and manufacturers as they can be utilized for both one-off and regular purchases of raw materials, goods, etc. The bank can extend finance until payment from the on-sale of goods is provided by the client (Barclays). L/C finance contracts in Islamic bank Muslim jurists believe that reward for capital needs to be linked to the outcome of any project if financing is being extended by the bank. They are of the view that gains should be made v ia trade involving sale and purchase (Hanif 3). Islamic banks have thus come up with alternate, Shariah-complaint financial solutions for customers as compared to conventional banks. Murabaha is one of the most commonly used principles in Islamic trade finance. It refers to: â€Å"†¦a contract of sale and purchase at a profit margin between the supplier and the purchaser of the good. The
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
How Germany's Hospitality Has Changed During the Olympic Games in 1936 Essay
How Germany's Hospitality Has Changed During the Olympic Games in 1936 Compared To the WM In 2006 - Essay Example World War 2 is considered to be a black mark in the history of the mankind. This was the war which changed the geo-political scenario of the world. Even today in some or the other form we still face the repercussions of this war. Germany bid for the 1936 XI Olympics in 1931, year in which Hitler had not surfaced so strongly. There were only two countries which bid for the hosting of the Olympic Games, Spain and Germany, out of which Germany won the bid with good voting margin. It is interesting to note that there were only two countries who bid for the games. The year 1931 was extremely depressing for the world. The crash of 1929 affected almost all the countries in a real adverse way. Germany was no different. Economic crisis is a phenomenon in which the society crumbles faster and deteriorates more than any other calamity. We have to understand this background to understand the extreme nationalism that rose to the surface. Adolf Hitler came to power 2 years prior to the Olympic Games in Germany. The racial and anti-Semitic policies adopted by him were becoming well known. Due to treaty of Versailles the size of the German military was restricted. The pretext of athletic training was used for military training. All these areas were banned for the Jews to participate in. It was not difficult for any political party for that matter to ignite the already inflammable conditions. In the third edition of his textbook (with E. Baur and E. Fischer), professor Fritz Lenz writes: "We must of course deplore the one-sided anti-Semitism of National Socialism. Unfortunately, it seems that the masses need such anti feelings... we cannot doubt that National Socialism is honestly striving for a healthier race. The question of the quality of our hereditary endowment is a hundred times more important than the dispute over capitalism or socialism, and a thousand times more important
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Global Studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Global Studies - Essay Example Whereas inclusive political and economic organizations encourage economic success, extractive ones justify the reason a few countries are poor. This essay intensely covers a study of two nations; China and South Africa, discussing the way organizations play an important function in the country’s growth. Application of their organizational breakdown in the international and regional ranks could provide more imminent in terms of the effects of organizations on growth. South Africa as a Developing Nation The below data study is in South Africa as a developing nation and the way its inclusive institutions have contributed to its growth. The South African tale introduces a puzzle. Its combined economy consists of sections that Acemoglu and Robinson could apply referring to it as â€Å"circular flow†. This vibrant economy consists of producers, mining and services adjusted segment that is internationally involved1. A few institutions in the production and service segments are involved in commodity innovation and R&D venture ruled by the commercial segment as Acemoglu and Robinson argues. However, South Africa as well introduces a huge segment of the casual economy, where innovation could most likely be happening. Depending on the World Bank Indicators, during the initial quarter of 2012, there existed 2.1 million individuals in South Africa active in the casual economy; exempting the agricultural segment, contrasted to 9.5 million in the non-agricultural official segment. Out of the 2.1 million, 1.2 were males and simply more than 857, 000 were females2. The nation is precisely classified like a dual economy with disparities in salaries and availability of social capital according to Acemoglu and Robinson (A&R 84). Acemoglu and Robinson claim that from the inception of democracy during 1994, all ANC governments have passed laws (or continue to pass laws) different steps to deal with disparities. To change workforce markets, Employment Equity and Affirma tive Action, Basic Condition of Employment Acts were enacted that prioritized most blacks and females who were ignored during the apartheid government. A wide founded Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) was enacted under the Mbeki regime, to spread and withhold capital from white power. Sarcasm remained leveled against previous head of state Mbeki and the present one Zuma, as benefaction and clientilist associations yet rule the negligible black leader that is yet extra minor a cluster to become its individual class. Acemoglu and Robinson argue that the latest established National Development Plan more confirmed that freeing workforce markets without tackling other characteristics would cause greater profits without rises in venture, innovation or employment. The regime prolonged the Public Works schedule to handle the knowledge deficiency and accommodate the jobless into the normal economy. South Africa as well has a non-causal donation scheme, which has aimed rural females, susceptib le siblings, and the physically challenged. Although the arrangements to lower poverty and disparity, Acemoglu and Robinson claim that organizational legacies from the apartheid period and administrative rules in the democratic period persist to polarize South Africans. It is accounted that Limpopo province contains the biggest comparative casual economy; 34% of the whole economic function that happens in this segment. Casual employment is as well of substantial significance in Mpumalanga, the Eastern Cape,
Monday, August 26, 2019
Argumentative paper on why Gun Control law should stay the way it is Essay
Argumentative paper on why Gun Control law should stay the way it is - Essay Example Many may argue that this will lead to an increase in the occurrence of such cases but on the contrary, if the students are taught how to handle the arms such as guns responsibly, they ought to access and carry them for their safety (Valdez, Angela & Ferguson 2012). This means that if students are allowed to own and carry their guns to their respective campuses, they will feel secure and comfortably learn. Another rampant case is that of sexual harassment (Bjorklund & Ruth 2013). This does not happen to the female gender only but also the male gender. When an individual fall a victim to such a case, it becomes easier to defend one-self when having a gun and also the know-how to handle it without basically killing the attacker. A student who has a gun, when he or she is attacked can put minor injuries on the attacker so as to scare him or her away. By doing this, students will be able to protect themselves against murder and any other illicit
Sunday, August 25, 2019
WEB based Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
WEB based - Essay Example This results in a program that is fast in its responses and free of errors. Also, a Unified modeling Language (UML) will be used to study use requirements in the system and identify possible cases for users at various levels. Use Case diagrams in UML will allow us to establish behavioral patterns for the users of the system in order to correctly asses and develop programming features necessary in an organized manner.  According to the notes of Jeffrey A. Hoffer, Joey F. George, Joseph S. Valacich (2009) presented in association with their distinguished course in modern systems analysis, the definition for the waterfall model is a traditional model that works in many phases, and is often useful in the design of new software systems. In this model, the first phases begins upon the completion of the proceeding phase, with each phase following sequentially. These systems have either no instance or only isolated instances of backtracking and looping. This system provides both simplicity in management and ease of use for the end user, and so lends itself to goal development in each phase (Higgins 2009). The performance of the system will be evaluated in this section, including a detailed discussion of the operations necessary for the system to function. Functional requirements will necessitate the division of the system between two user types to be referred to as administrative users (Admin) and student users (students). Assessment of functional requirements will allow for the effective assessment of system requirements. Non-functional requirements enhance the understanding of unique and specified requirements of the system that are not related to system functionality, including the ease of use and specific hardware/software/upkeep necessary for the successful implementation of the project. According to the Inopedia hompage, the definition UML provides a nonproprietary standard of best-practices for engineers in software development. UML is a third
Saturday, August 24, 2019
International Business Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words - 2
International Business Economics - Essay Example This concept was later popularized in the work of Solow (1957 cited in Prescott, 1998) who had established that the economic growth models which suggest that growth occurs exclusively from an accumulation of resources is unlikely to be permanent and enhancement of productivity is fundamental to generate economic growth. Therefore, there is no singularity in the opinion of researchers regarding the determinants of growth yet there is no denying the fact that TFP is important for economic growth. There is now a growing consensus among researchers that much of the differences between income per capita between the developing and the developed countries can be accredited to TFP differences. The concept of TFP is quite broad and it includes a number of factors like education, health, and skills of the entire human technology, utilization of technology possessed by a country and the absorptive capacity of the economy (Miles and Scott, 2005). Therefore, this essay studies the link between TF P and human capital, TFP and technological progress and finally determines the impact it has on the overall economic growth of the nation. This paper first introduces the concept of TFP, the way in which it can be measured and its main determinants. Then the relation of TFP with human capital and technology is explained in details. Finally, the impact that TFP has on the economic growth is discussed. The burgeoning literature on the South East Asian countries and its growth determinants has also been studied to understand the role of TFP. There are two primary factors for which the concept is aligned to a neoclassical one namely productivity is measured for every factor of production and it has been integrated with the production function. The basic definition of TFP remains same in the works of most of the researchers who observe it as a ratio between net output and the factor inputs.
Friday, August 23, 2019
AAFES 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
AAFES 4 - Essay Example US Army and Air Force. Being a company with unique business model, AAFES conduct its advertising in unique way too. AAFES is not to active in using television and other media as active channels for advertising purposes however advertising is being done in direct way through the use of local means of advertising to the soldiers at the bases. Since AAFES is almost also a monopoly therefore advertising is not mostly done in its most conventional means. Sales promotion activities of the firm take place in store i.e. firm displays various sales promotional activities and items in house besides offering sales promotion on its website. The website of the firm provides different sales promotional activities for making a purchase on line. In store sales promotional activities involve displaying of different sales promotional material. Since AAFES is a sort of monopoly therefore it mostly utilizes direct marketing as one of the most important mean of promoting the firm’s products and services. However, this is not on the individual basis however it is done on the basis of the groups of customers i.e. army bases where soldiers are stationed. There is no personal selling done by the firm however it offers an opportunity for personal selling through its website where it offers different services and products customized to the individual needs and demands. Firm maintain good public relation activities which are also evident from the fact that recently it has recalled some of its products especially toys because of toxic issues in them. Public relations at the firm are also done through the issuance of a magazine The Exchange Post; through which firm tends to provide information about latest development at the firm. While analyzing the promotional mix of the firm, it is important to consider the unique business model and structure which it follow. It is a sort of monopoly which serves a very specialized and scattered target
White Paper on the film Henry V Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
White Paper on the film Henry V - Essay Example Setting a concrete example for this leadership is the leadership of Henry V during his term. Perhaps during his motivational rhetoric before he and his people went off to a battle what made his leadership notable. The content of his speech had a power to move or compel his member toward his vision. To scrutinize the content of his inspiring â€Å"St. Crispin†speech will help this study to understand Charismatic Leadership. Citing the reality of life and death in his speech, King Henry V’s St. Crispin’s speech appealed truthful. Thus it brought another dimension to view life, enough to motivate people to move in his direction. To have his people not to fear regarding their number, he made them realized that greater honor was waiting for the few people rather than the multitude. The share of honor in multitude will be a lesser credential than to a group of fewer people. Perhaps in his speech, King Henry V’s charisma was emphasized when he cited and imply about God’ will with his own vision and plans. This just signified humility on his part towards a more Greater Power than his own that he was acknowledging. In a study of trait of charismatic leadership done by Quarterman Lee (2008), he came up with certain descriptions to describe such kind of leaders. The descriptions will also served as categorical arrangement to analyze the context of King Henry V’s St. Crispian’s speech in this study. In order to present to people being governed a leader’s compelling vision, a certain means of transmission will be needed. Speech or rhetoric to address the people is one of those (Nelson, Megill, and McCloskey, 1987). King Henry V used a persuasive rhetoric in his St. Crispian’s Day speech. Apparently, after the speech were given, the cited expected effect of such act manifested towards King Henry V’s people. He declared that certain day to be the St. Crispian’s Day,
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Luxury and the Montblanc brand Essay Example for Free
Luxury and the Montblanc brand Essay It is generally acknowledged that western consumption of luxury in the 1980s and 1990s was motivated primarily by status-seeking and appearance. This means that social status associated with a brand is an important factor in conspicuous consumption. The baby boom generation luxury consumer has a passion for self-indulgence while maintaining an iconoclastic world view, which is transforming the luxury market from its ‘ old ’ conspicuous consumption model to a totally new, individualistic type of luxury consumer one driven by new needs and desires for experiences ’ . The expression of ‘today’s luxury’ is about a celebration of personal creativity, expressiveness, intelligence, fluidity, and above all, meaning. LUXURY AND POSTMODERNISM Recent arguments have been sounded that aspects of contemporary luxury consumption have reflected the phenomenon of postmodernism. Postmodernity means very different things to many different people’. Postmodernism is essentially a western philosophy that ‘refers to a break in thinking away from the modern, functional and rational’. In terms of experiential marketing, two aspects of the postmodern discourse are most relevant: hyper-reality and image. Hyper-reality refers to ‘the blurring of distinction between the real and the unreal, in which the prefix ‘hyper’ signifies more real than real. When the real that is the environment, is no longer a given, but is reproduced by a simulated environment, it does not become unreal, but realer than real’. The example of Bollywood to illustrate the so-called ‘Disneyfication’ of reality within the context of contemporary Indian society: ‘Bollywood captures not only the imagination in the form of song, music and dance but fairy tale settings, romantic melodrama and heroic storylines immerse the viewer in ‘simulated reality’. Traditional marketing was developed in response to the industrial age, not the information, branding and communications revolution we are facing today. In a new age, with new consumers, we need to shift away from a features- and-benefits approach, as advocated by traditional approaches to consumer experiences. One such approach is experiential marketing, an approach that in contrast to the rational features-and-benefits view of consumers takes a more postmodern orientation, and views them as emotional beings concerned with achieving pleasurable experiences. EXPERIENTIAL LUXURY MARKETING When a person buys a service, he purchases a set of intangible activities carried out on his behalf. But when he buys an experience, he pays to spend time enjoying a series of memorable events that a company stages to engage him in a personal way. Experiential marketing is thus about taking the essence of a product and amplifying it into a set of tangible, physical and interactive experiences that reinforce the offer. Experiential marketing essentially describes marketing initiatives that give consumers in-depth, tangible experiences in order to provide them with sufficient information to make a purchase decision. It is clear that the fact that many luxury goods are almost always experiential puts luxury marketers in a unique position to apply the principles of experiential marketing to their activities. Dimensions of the luxury experience The term ‘involvement’ refers to the level of inter-activity between the supplier and the customer. Increased levels of involvement fundamentally change the way in which services are experienced, that is, suppliers no longer create an experience and pass it to the customer; instead, the supplier and customer are interactively co-creating the experience. The term ‘intensity’ refers to the perception of the strength of feeling towards the interaction. The four experiential zones are not intended to be mutually exclusive; the richness of an experience is, however, a function of the degree to which all four zones are incorporated. Those experiences we think of as Entertainment, such as fashion shows at designer boutiques and upmarket department stores, usually involve a low degree of customer involvement and intensiveness. Activities in the Educational zone involve those where participants are more actively involved, but the level of intensiveness is still low. In this zone, participants acquire new skills or increase those they already have. Many luxury goods offerings include educational dimensions. For example, cruise ships often employ well-known authorities to provide semi-formal lectures about their itineraries – a concept commonly referred to as ‘edutainment’. Escapist activities are those that involve a high degree of both involvement and intensiveness, and are clearly a central feature of much of luxury consumption. This is clearly evident within the luxury tourism and hospitality sector, characterised by the growth of specialised holiday offerings. The launch of the Royal Tented Taj Spa (Taj Hotels Resorts and Palaces) at the Rambagh Palace in Jaipur (India) recreates the mobile palaces used by the Mughal emperors of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, with chandeliers, royal pennants and Indian love swings. When the element of activity is reduced to a more passive involvement in nature, the event becomes Aesthetic. A high degree of intensiveness is clearly evident within this activity, but has little effect on its environment such as admiring the architectural or interior design of designer boutiques. The six-storey glass crystal design of the Prada store in Tokyo conceptualised by the architects Herzog and de Meuron has become a showcase for unconventional contemporary architecture.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Electrochemical battery
Electrochemical battery HISTORY An early form of electrochemical battery called the Baghdad Battery may have been used in antiquity. However, the modern development of batteries started with the Voltaic pile, invented by the Italian physicist Alessandro Volta in 1800. In 1780 the Italian anatomist and physiologist Luigi Galvani noticed that dissected frogs legs would twitch when struck by a spark from a Leyden jar, an external source of electricity. In 1786 he noticed that twitching would occur during lightning storms. After many years Galvani learned how to produce twitching without using any external source of electricity. He started doing his experiments on frogs with metals but he replaced them with electrolyte and electrodes and named the system as voltaic cell. In 1800, Volta invented the battery by placing many voltaic cells in series, literally piling them one above the other. This Voltaic pile gave a greatly enhanced net emf for the combination. After voltaic cell, in 1836 Daniell cell came into existence. It provided more stable current and was also accepted by the industries. These wet cells were not portable as there liquid electrolyte used to spill. Therefore by the end of nineteenth century dry batteries came into existence in which the liquid electrolyte was replaced with dry paste making the dry batteries portable. Working of Batteries Electrochemical cell In this example the two half-cells are linked by a salt bridge separator that permits the transfer of ions, but not water molecules. A battery is a device that converts chemical energy directly to electrical energy. It consists of a number of voltaic cells; each voltaic cell consists of two half cells connected in series by a conductive electrolyte containing anions and cations. One half-cell includes electrolyte and the electrode to which anions (negatively-charged ions) migrate, i.e. the anode or negative electrode; the other half-cell includes electrolyte and the electrode to which cations (positively-charged ions) migrate, i.e. the cathode or positive electrode. In the redox reaction that powers the battery, reduction (addition of electrons) occurs to cations at the cathode, while oxidation (removal of electrons) occurs to anions at the anode. The electrodes do not touch each other but are electrically connected by the electrolyte, which can be either solid or liquid. Many cells use two half-cells with different electrolytes. In that case each half-cell is enclosed in a container, and a separator that is porou s to ions but not the bulk of the electrolytes prevents mixing. Each half cell has an electromotive force (or emf), determined by its ability to drive electric current from the interior to the exterior of the cell. The net emf of the cell is the difference between the emfs of its half-cells, as first recognized by Volta. Therefore, if the electrodes have emfs and, then the net emf is; in other words, the net emf is the difference between the reduction potentials of the half-reactions. The electrical driving force or across the terminals of a cell is known as the terminal voltage (difference) and is measured in volts. The terminal voltage of a cell that is neither charging nor discharging is called the open-circuit voltage and equals the emf of the cell. Because of internal resistance, the terminal voltage of a cell that is discharging is smaller in magnitude than the open-circuit voltage and the terminal voltage of a cell that is charging exceeds the open-circuit voltage. An ideal cell has negligible internal resistance, so it would maintain a constant terminal voltage of until exhausted, then dropping to zero. If such a cell maintained 1.5 volts and stored a charge of one Coulomb then on complete discharge it would perform 1.5 Joule of work. In actual cells, the internal resistance increases under discharge, and the open circuit voltage also decreases under discharge. If the voltage and resistance are plotted against time, the resulting graphs typically are a cur ve; the shape of the curve varies according to the chemistry and internal arrangement employed. As stated above, the voltage developed across a cells terminals depends on the energy release of the chemical reactions of its electrodes and electrolyte. Alkaline and carbon-zinc cells have different chemistries but approximately the same emf of 1.5 volts; likewise NiCd and NiMH cells have different chemistries, but approximately the same emf of 1.2 volts. On the other hand the high electrochemical potential changes in the reactions of lithium compounds give lithium cells emfs of 3 volts or more. Categories and types of batteries Main article: List of battery types Batteries are classified into two broad categories, each type with advantages and disadvantages. Primary batteries irreversibly (within limits of practicality) transform chemical energy to electrical energy. When the initial supply of reactants is exhausted, energy cannot be readily restored to the battery by electrical means. Secondary batteries can be recharged; that is, they can have their chemical reactions reversed by supplying electrical energy to the cell, restoring their original composition. Historically, some types of primary batteries used, for example, for telegraph circuits, were restored to operation by replacing the components of the battery consumed by the chemical reaction.[34] Secondary batteries are not indefinitely rechargeable due to dissipation of the active materials, loss of electrolyte and internal corrosion. Primary batteries Primary batteries can produce current immediately on assembly. Disposable batteries are intended to be used once and discarded. These are most commonly used in portable devices that have low current drain, are only used intermittently, or are used well away from an alternative power source, such as in alarm and communication circuits where other electric power is only intermittently available. Disposable primary cells cannot be reliably recharged, since the chemical reactions are not easily reversible and active materials may not return to their original forms. Battery manufacturers recommend against attempting to recharge primary cells. Common types of disposable batteries include zinc-carbon batteries and alkaline batteries. Generally, these have higher energy densities than rechargeable batteries, but disposable batteries do not fare well under high-drain applications with loads under 75 ohms (75 ÃŽ ©). Secondary batteries Main article: Rechargeable battery Secondary batteries must be charged before use; they are usually assembled with active materials in the discharged state. Rechargeable batteries or secondary cells can be recharged by applying electrical current, which reverses the chemical reactions that occur during its use. Devices to supply the appropriate current are called chargers or rechargers. The oldest form of rechargeable battery is the lead-acid battery. This battery is notable in that it contains a liquid in an unsealed container, requiring that the battery be kept upright and the area be well ventilated to ensure safe dispersal of the hydrogen gas produced by these batteries during overcharging. The lead-acid battery is also very heavy for the amount of electrical energy it can supply. Despite this, its low manufacturing cost and its high surge current levels make its use common where a large capacity (over approximately 10Ah) is required or where the weight and ease of handling are not concerns. A common form of the lead-acid battery is the modern car battery, which can generally deliver a peak current of 450 amperes. An improved type of liquid electrolyte battery is the sealed valve regulated lead acid (VRLA) battery, popular in the automotive industry as a replacement for the lead-acid wet cell. The VRLA battery uses an immobilized sulfuric acid electrolyte, reducing the chance of leakage and extending shelf life. VRLA batteries have the electrolyte immobilized, usually by one of two means: Gel batteries (or gel cell) contain a semi-solid electrolyte to prevent spillage. Absorbed Glass Mat (AGM) batteries absorb the electrolyte in a special fiberglass matting Other portable rechargeable batteries include several dry cell types, which are sealed units and are therefore useful in appliances such as mobile phones and laptop computers. Cells of this type (in order of increasing power density and cost) include nickel-cadmium (NiCd), nickel metal hydride (NiMH) and lithium-ion (Li-ion) cells. By far, Li-ion has the highest share of the dry cell rechargeable market. Meanwhile, NiMH has replaced NiCd in most applications due to its higher capacity, but NiCd remains in use in power tools, two-way radios, and medical equipment. Battery cell types There are many general types of electrochemical cells, according to chemical processes applied and design chosen. The variation includes galvanic cells, electrolytic cells, fuel cells, flow cells and voltaic piles. Wet cell A wet cell battery has a liquid electrolyte. Other names are flooded cell since the liquid covers all internal parts, or vented cell since gases produced during operation can escape to the air. Wet cells were a precursor to dry cells and are commonly used as a learning tool for electrochemistry. It is often built with common laboratory supplies, like beakers, for demonstrations of how electrochemical cells work. A particular type of wet cell known as a concentration cell is important in understanding corrosion. Wet cells may be primary cells (non-rechargeable) or secondary cells (rechargeable). Originally all practical primary batteries such as the Daniel cell were built as open-topped glass jar wet cells. Other primary wet cells are the Leclanche cell, Grove cell, Bunsen cell, Chromic acid cell, Clark cell and Weston cell. The Leclanche cell chemistry was adapted to the first dry cells. Wet cells are still used in automobile batteries and in industry for standby power for switchgear, telecommunication or large uninterruptible power supplys, but in many places batteries with gel cells have been used instead. These applications commonly use lead-acid or nickel-cadmium cells. Dry cell A dry cell has the electrolyte immobilized as a paste, with only enough moisture in the paste to allow current to flow. Compared to a wet cell, the battery can be operated in any random position, and will not spill its electrolyte if inverted. While a dry cells electrolyte is not truly completely free of moisture and must contain some moisture to function, when it was first developed it had the advantage of containing no sloshing liquid that might leak or drip out when inverted or handled roughly, making it highly suitable for small portable electric devices. By comparison, the first wet cells were typically fragile glass containers with lead rods hanging from the open top, and needed careful handling to avoid spillage. An inverted wet cell would leak, while a dry cell would not. Lead-acid batteries would not achieve the safety and portability of the dry cell, until the development of the gel battery. A common dry cell battery is the zinc-carbon battery, using a cell sometimes called the dry Leclanchà © cell, with a nominal voltage of 1.5 volts, the same nominal voltage as the alkaline battery (since both use the same zinc-manganese dioxide combination. The makeup of a standard dry cell is a zinc anode (negative pole), usually in the form of a cylindrical pot, with a carbon cathode (positive pole) in the form of a central rod. The electrolyte is ammonium chloride in the form of a paste next to the zinc anode. The remaining space between the electrolyte and carbon cathode is taken up by a second paste consisting of ammonium chloride and manganese dioxide, the latter acting as a depolarizer. In some more modern types of so called high power batteries, the ammonium chloride has been replaced by zinc chloride. Battery cell performance A batterys characteristics may vary over load cycle, charge cycle and over life time due to many factors including internal chemistry, current drain and temperature. Extending battery life Battery life can be extended by storing the batteries at a low temperature, as in a refrigerator or freezer, because the chemical reactions in the batteries are slower. Such storage can extend the life of alkaline batteries by ~5%; while the charge of rechargeable batteries can be extended from a few days up to several months. In order to reach their maximum voltage, batteries must be returned to room temperature; discharging an alkaline battery at 250 mAh at 0 °C is only half as efficient as it is at 20 °C. As a result, alkaline battery manufacturers like Duracell do not recommend refrigerating or freezing batteries. Hazards 1.) Explosion A battery explosion is caused by the misuse or malfunction of a battery, such as attempting to recharge a primary (non-rechargeable) battery, or short circuiting a battery. With car batteries, explosions are most likely to occur when a short circuit generates very large currents. In addition, car batteries liberate hydrogen when they are overcharged (because of electrolysis of the water in the electrolyte). Normally the amount of overcharging is very small, as is the amount of explosive gas developed, and the gas dissipates quickly. However, when jumping a car battery, the high current can cause the rapid release of large volumes of hydrogen, which can be ignited by a nearby spark. When a battery is recharged at an excessive rate, an explosive gas mixture of hydrogen and oxygen may be produced faster than it can escape from within the walls of the battery, leading to pressure build-up and the possibility of the battery case bursting. In extreme cases, the battery acid may spray violently from the casing of the battery and cause injury. Overchargingâ€â€that is, attempting to charge a battery beyond its electrical capacityâ€â€can also lead to a battery explosion, leakage, or irreversible damage to the battery. It may also cause damage to the charger or device in which the overcharged battery is later used. Additionally, disposing of a battery in fire may cause an explosion as steam builds up within the sealed case of the battery. 2.) Leakage One style of disposable battery uses zinc can as both a reactant and as the container to hold the other reagents. If this kind of battery is run all the way down, or if it is recharged after running down too far, the reagents can emerge through the cardboard and plastic that forms the remainder of the container. The active chemicals can then corrode or otherwise destroy the equipment that they were inserted into. Many battery chemicals are corrosive or poisonous or both. If leakage occurs, either spontaneously or through accident, the chemicals released may be dangerous. 3.) Environmental concerns The widespread use of batteries has created many environmental concerns, such as toxic metal pollution. Battery manufacture consumes resources and often involves hazardous chemicals. Used batteries also contribute to electronic waste. Some areas now have battery recycling services available to recover some of the materials from used batteries. Batteries may be harmful or fatal if swallowed. Recycling or proper disposal prevents dangerous elements (such as lead, mercury, and cadmium) found in some types of batteries from entering the environment. In the United States, Americans purchase nearly three billion batteries annually, and about 179,000 tons of those end up in landfills across the country. In the United States, the Mercury-Containing and Rechargeable Battery Management Act of 1996 banned the sale of mercury-containing batteries (except small button cell batteries), enacted uniform labeling requirements for rechargeable batteries, and required that rechargeable batteries be easily removable. California and New York City prohibit the disposal of rechargeable batteries in solid waste, and along with Maine require recycling of cell phones. The rechargeable battery industry has nationwide recycling programs in the United States and Canada, with drop-off points at local retailers. Battery chemistry Older batteries were mostly based on rechargeable lead-acid or non-rechargeable alkaline chemistries, with nominal voltages in increments of 2.10 2.13 and 1.5Volts respectively, each representing one individual electrochemical cell. New special battery chemistries have strained older naming conventions. Rechargeable NiCd (Nickel Cadmium) and NiMH (Nickel Metal Hydride) typically output 1.25V per cell. Some devices may not operate properly with these cells, given the 16% reduction in voltage, but most modern ones handle them well. Conversely, lithium-ion rechargeable batteries output 3.7V per cell, 23% higher than a pair of alkaline cells (3V), which they are often designed to replace. Non-rechargeable lithium-chemistry batteries, which provide exceptionally high energy density, produce about 1.5V per cell and are thus similar to alkaline batteries. Many new battery sizes refer to both the batteries size and chemistry, while older names do not. For a more complete list see battery types. This summary is only for types relating to battery sizes. Homemade cells Almost any liquid or moist object that has enough ions to be electrically conductive can serve as the electrolyte for a cell. As a novelty or science demonstration, it is possible to insert two electrodes made of different metals into a lemon, potato, etc. and generate small amounts of electricity. Two-potato clocks are also widely available in hobby and toy stores; they consist of a pair of cells, each consisting of a potato (lemon, et cetera) with two electrodes inserted into it, wired in series to form a battery with enough voltage to power a digital clock. Homemade cells of this kind are of no real practical use, because they produce far less currentâ€â€and cost far more per unit of energy generatedâ€â€than commercial cells, due to the need for frequent replacement of the fruit or vegetable. In addition, one can make a voltaic pile from two coins and a piece of paper towel dipped in salt water. Such a pile would make very little voltage itself, but when many of them are s tacked together in series, they can replace normal batteries for a short amount of time. Sony has developed a biologically friendly battery that generates electricity from sugar in a way that is similar to the processes observed in living organisms. The battery generates electricity through the use of enzymes that break down carbohydrates, which are essentially sugar. Lead acid cells can easily be manufactured at home, but a tedious charge/discharge cycle is needed to form the plates. This is a process whereby lead sulfate forms on the plates, and during charge is converted to lead dioxide (positive plate) and pure lead (negative plate). Repeating this process results in a microscopically rough surface, with far greater surface area being exposed. This increases the current the cell can deliver. Daniell cells are also easy to make at home. Aluminum-air batteries can also be produced with high purity aluminum. Aluminum foil batteries will produce some electricity, but they are not very efficient, in part because a significant amount of hydrogen gas is produced.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
E-business strategy
E-business strategy 1. Management Summary 2. Introduction Tesco is Britains largest food retailer, employing over 240,000 people worldwide and has net yearly profits of over  £1 billion. Its website is one of the most popular in the UK, with over one million registered users. [free-encyclopedia-online] Tesco started in 1919 when Jack Cohen started selling surplus groceries from a stall in the East End of London. The Tesco brand first appeared five years later in 1924 he bought a shipment of tea from a Mr T. E Stockwell. The initials and letters were combined to form Tes-co and in 1929 Mr Cohen opened the flagship Tesco store in Burnt Oak, North London. The brand sustained its rise in the 1930s when Mr Cohen established a headquarters and warehouse in North London and in 1932 Tesco became a private limited company. In the 1950s the retailer bought 70 Williams stores and 200 Harrow stores, followed by 97 Charles Philips stores and the Victor Value chain in the early 1960s. In 1968 Tesco opened its first superstore in Crawley, West Sussex. Supermarkets revolutionised the way people shopped and by the 1970s Tesco was building a national store network to cover the whole of the UK, which it continues to expand to this day, while also diversifying into other products. In 1974 Tesco opened its first petrol stations, and would become the UKs largest independent petrol retailer. By 1979 total sales topped  £1bn, and by 1982 sales had doubled to more than  £2bn. In 1987 Tesco effectively completed a hostile takeover of supermarket opponent Hillards for  £220m. In the 1990s Tesco continued to tighten its grip on the UK with more store openings and an aggressive marketing campaign in an attempt to surpass Sainsburys as the UKs leading grocer. In 1992, the company launched is slogan every little helps, followed by the Tesco Value range in 1993. This was followed by the launch of the Tesco Clubcard scheme in 1995, helping Tesco to overtake rival Sainsburys as the UKs largest food retailer. 1996 saw the retailer introduce its first 24-hour store while it also expanded overseas opening shops in Poland, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia. was launched in 2000 and the supermarket continued to expand its range of products, which now includes clothes, electrical and personal finance products. In 2004 Tesco entered the broadband market. In 2006, the retailer announced ambitious plans to open stores in the US under the name Fresh and Easy and funded by existing resources. Tesco now operates in 13 countries. Group sales were  £51.8bn in the year to February 23 2008. In 2008 the retail giant took its conquest of the UK one step further by buying up some competitor Somerfield stores on distant islands in Scotland, giving Tesco a existence in every single postcode area in the country. More than 50p in every pound spent on food by the citys 66,000 residents is done so at a Tesco checkout and similar dominance in other towns has sparked controversy. Because of their size, supermarkets have been accused by some of abusing their position by forcing smaller local shops out of business. Clark, T, (2008) Below figure 2.1 shows a graph of Tescos profit over a five year period from 2003 to 2008. Figure 2.2Graph showing the improvement of Tescos product range Grocery home shopping service, toys electronics, sports equipment, cookware home finishing Financial services (Visa card, saving accounts, banks, insurance) Gas filling station Gasoline retailer Clothing, household Food 1919 1960 1990 199 1997 2000 Year 3. Situation Analysis In crafting a strategy it is important for a company to analyse the environment. All organisations operate within an environment that influences the way in which business is conducted. Situation analysis involves the review of the internal resources and processes of the company to assess its e-business capabilities and results to date in the context of a review of its activity in the market place. It also involves the review of the immediate competitive environment or micro-environment and the review of the wider environment or macro-environment in which a company operates. The micro-environment includes customer demand and behaviour, competitor activity, marketplace structure and relationships with suppliers, partners and intermediaries. The macro-environment includes economic development and regulation by governments in the form of law and taxes together with social and ethical constraints such as the demand for privacy. Chaffey (2009) 3.1. Present Position Analysis In this section the factors that impact Tescos strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats will be looked at. Figure 3.1 presents the factors that impact the SWOT analysis of Tesco. Strengths Advertising and marketing Strong customer base Product range Services offered International entrance Location Sale increase Brand name External economies of scale Product quality Cost reduction Weaknesses Transport cost Dependence on the UK grocery market Market dominated by another company Opportunities Online market Growth Product expansion Threats Tax increase Innovation of other companies Customer preference Internet security Tescos success in the market stands firm due to their product range which allows customers to choose products from different market segments. With this strategy Tesco establishment a strong customer base. They also kept and grew their customer base by introducing new services within the organisation and by way of their advertising both in store and online. They introduced a clubcard that encouraged and continues to encourage customers to shop online with rewards. To keep their customer base strong they use different advertising and marketing methods such as sending customers mails using effective mediums which include both direct mail and electronic mail. Advertising is can be done in store and is even more effective using the online medium such as advertising on Google or sites that are used regularly by general web browsers. Services such as insurance, visa cards, saving accounts, music downloads and gas filling stations where some of the services introduced by Tesco. The products and services offered by Tesco meets or at times exceed the expectations of customers. The brand name Tesco uses allows customers to identify them and the products and services they provide even though other companies provide similar products and services. Tescos strategy of branching out into different locations was a major move which allowed them to target all groups of customer wants and needs with the products and services they offered. They also branch out into international markets and expand their products and services into different cultures. Tescos move to the online arena allowed them to target all groups all at once and allow their customers to purchase items that are in or out of season and are not available in store. They also grant them five dollar discounts to encourage them to shop on the online market. Tescos have an advantage over their competitors and due to this fact the prices they offer for the same products are much lower allowing more customers to come into Te sco instead of the competitors. Dependence on the UK market is considered a weakness because of their dependence on UK suppliers for their products. Tesco can turn their dependence on the UK market into strength by outsourcing products with equal or superior quality than the products they currently offer. Tesco dominates the market but in certain cities, Tescos competitors have monopolised the cities. In order for this monopoly by their competitors to be destroyed Tesco needs to open more branches within the cities and boost up their services to gain a wide range of customers in those cities. 3.2. Industry Analysis Porters Five Forces for 4. E-Business Strategy Strategy development should be strongly influenced by considering the environment the business operates in. The most significant influences are those of the immediate marketplace of the micro-environment that is shaped by the needs of customers and how services provided to them through competitors and intermediaries and via upstream suppliers. Technological innovations are vital in providing opportunities to provide superior services to competitors or through changing the shape of the marketplace. Chaffey (2009) 4.1.E-Business strategy 4.2. Implementation 5. Legal and ethical issues Privacy of consumers is a key ethical issue since many laws have been enacted. Data protection legislation is enacted to protect the individual, to protect their privacy and to prevent misuse of their personal data. This affects all types of organizations regardless of whether they have a transactional e-commerce service. Chaffey (2009) When gathering information needs to take in mind what the Data Protection Act states concerning personal data and the use of that data. In schedule 1 of the Data Protection Act 1998, it states eight principles by which data must be protected. These eight principles are: Personal data shall be processed fairly and lawfully and, in particular, shall not be processed unless at least one of the conditions in Schedule 2 is met, and in the case of sensitive personal data, at least one of the conditions in Schedule 3 is also met. Personal data shall be obtained only for one or more specified and lawful purposes, and shall not be further processed in any manner incompatible with that purpose or those purposes. Personal data shall be adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to the purpose or purposes for which they are processed. Personal data shall be accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date. Personal data processed for any purpose or purposes shall not be kept for longer than is necessary for that purpose or those purposes. Personal data shall be processed in accordance with the rights of data subjects under this Act. Appropriate technical and organisational measures shall be taken against unauthorised or unlawful processing of personal data and against accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to, personal data. Personal data shall not be transferred to a country or territory outside the European Economic Area unless that country or territory ensures an adequate level of protection for the rights and freedoms of data subjects in relation to the processing of personal data. [opsi 2008] According to the principles of the Data Protection Act 1998 above Tesco must ensure that: When collects information from a data subject, the data subject must be aware that their information is being captured and because they agree to it. This information is obtained when a customer registers an account with This information will be used by to create a profile for the individual. must let the data subject know why they are collecting this information and how it will be used both now and in the future. They need to let the data subject know if they data will be sent to third parties or not and how long they will keep this information stored. The data requested by must be relevant according to their needs. It must also be information that a customer will feel comfortable disclosing. must ensure that the data being collected and processed from a data subject is accurate and up-to-date. When a customer requests the closure of their account should delete all data concerning that customer or they will be in violation of the fifth principle in the Data Protection Act 1998. should supply information to the data subject without hesitation once they request it. In gathering information must ensure that the data stored is safe and secure. In distributing data must ensure that the data subject agrees to it or the country to which the information is being transferred to must have proper data protection or else there will be a breach of the Data Protection Act 1998 principle 8. According to the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations Act, must see to it that the e-mail sent to customers where based on the customers opt-in or consent to receive e-mails and should also have the option for them to opt-out or un-subscribe to getting e-mails. should also supply the customer with some contact information so that they can contact if they feel the e-mails being sent is spam. 6. Conclusion
Monday, August 19, 2019
Terrorism - America: Muder Unlimited :: Argumentative Persuasive Topics
America: Muder Unlimited There's been no peace in my lifetime as an American. I don't know if fear of nuclear war had any effect on the Soviet Union but it sure affected me. The background radiation of the Manhattan Project has followed me everywhere. Was I born with post-traumatic stress disorder? No, my mother said I was a happy baby. She must have done a good job distracting me. At least, I didn't notice that I was lving through an endless series of wars. But as a citizen of the United States, I've lived through one war after another. They were not all called wars. In the past twenty years the American military has been involved in Iran, the Philippines, Puerto Rico, Korea, Guatemala, Egypt, Lebanon, Iraq, Panama, Laos, Cambodia, Indonesia, Dominican Republic, Oman, Chile, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Honduras, Libya, Bolivia, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Somalia, Yugoslavia, Bosnia, Haiti, Croatia, Zaire, Liberia, Albania, Sudan, Macedonia, Afghanistan, Cuba, and many more. I didn't repeat any countries even though we had repeated engagements with some. I know I have left out some. In January 1961, President/General Eisenhower said, "In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist." We were in the Cold War more than 40 years. We have been in a war with Cuba for 39 years and counting. We have been in an ongoing war with Iraq for 10 years. Economists talk about the peacetime expansion of the U.S. economy. There hasn't been a time in my life when the U.S. was not involved in killing people in my name somewhere in the world. Yet this passes for peace. I think this is because U.S. military activity has always been global, mostly out of sight, away from home. Years ago the U.S. government was killing Buddhists in the jungles of Southeast Asia. Now it is killing Muslims in the mountains of Southwest Asia. This is what this "Judeo-Christian" country keeps doing while pledging allegiance to its flag, singing patriotic songs, and invoking its variant of God, a Supreme Being. These things go on simultaneously. The military activity is constant and continuous. That is why the military budget is so large, more than $350 billion this year.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Essay --
Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) Any information presented about IP version 6 (IPv6) will not be complete without talking about IP version 4 (IPv4), its predecessor. For completeness, a brief introduction of IPv4 will be made. In the networking of computers and devices, the Internet Protocol (IP) plays a very important role. The IP, found at the internet layer of the Department of Defence (DoD) model provides the means for the devices to communicate using logical addresses called IP addresses. The importance of an IP address to communication will be felt in the analogy of a surface mail. How possible would it be to send a letter to someone whose address we do not know? The IP address enables us to know the source of a packet and the destination for proper delivery by the IP protocol. IPv6 motivation The development of IPv6 is motivated by the inadequacies of its predecessor IPv4. IPv4 is an addressing scheme that makes use of 32 bits in groups of 8 bits each to identify a device. Each address represents a number in the decimal range 0 to 255 in each of the four octets that represent it. Due to the 32-bit size of the address, the maximum number of IPv4 addresses that can be used is thus limited to 232, approximately 4.3 billion addresses (4,294,967,296). For an addressing scheme that was just to serve as a test of the concept of networking, the possibility of its exhaustion was a remote one. The reality however of the exhaustion of the available IPv4 addresses due to the astronomical increase in the number of people and devices on the internet that need IPv4 addresses gave rise to the development of IPv6. IPv6 Structure IPv6 is a routable protocol that is responsible for the addressing, routing, and fragmenting of packets by the ... ...ters. Devices that do not support IPv6 may require only a firmware upgrade with the new IPv6 stack if the equipment manufacturer so provides it. Or else, such equipment will need to be totally replaced with a new one that supports IPv6. The softwares in use may support both IPv4 and IPv6. Most of the recent releases of major operating systems have deployed and supported the use of IPv6 in their operating systems. Windows operating system however does not fully support IPv6 despite the quest for its adoption being pushed by Microsoft. The use of the full colon of the IPv6 IP address in the address bar of a browser will make the operating system think it is a reference to a drive. The cumbersome way around this is to use a domain translation where the colons are replaced with dashes and the characters '' has to be appended to the end of the address. â€Æ'
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Impact of looming oil crisis on global trade
Impact of looming oil crisis on global trade The availability of OLL Is taken for granted every day by businesses, governments and individuals alike. However, an oil crisis Is looming and could feasibly hit at any point. This brings back memories of the oil shortages during the asses, which had a major impact on the economic growth, particularly In major Industrial countries such as united States. During the 1973 oil crisis – an embargo initiated by the Organization of PetroleumExporting Countries (OPEC) to protest against some of the American trade practices. As a result of this embargo, the price of oil increased by 300%, causing widespread oil shortages and in some cases forcing petrol stations to close. Experts have warned that similar crisis may be Imminent, with Western countries' presence In the middle east causing friction with some of the countries who are members of OPEC. 011 prices have been Increased In many areas in an attempt to reduce consumption levels and prot ect our natural resources.However, research has indicated that despite these measures the consumption of 011 continues to Increase, with an estimated 89 million barrels of oil being used globally every day. Should a crisis like this hit, the effect on the global economy will be huge – importing materials and goods has become an essential practice for larger organizations, but any increase in oil price would dramatically increase the transportation costs of importing and exporting.As a result, companies would need to either seek cheaper alternatives, or more likely raise the cost of their end product, something which will slow the growth of the economy and prolong the recession. Travel has become a major source of expenditure for large firms, with employees often flying to business meetings Internationally as well as domestically. Budget airlines' turnover has grown throughout the recession as a result of the increase in business travel, however any increase in the cost of oil would force these airlines to pass the costs onto their customers in the form of increased air fares.In the event of another oil crisis, businesses which currently have large travel expenses would suddenly find themselves with vastly increased overheads, and have a sudden need to explore cheaper alternatives which may not suit their business plan. Transportation is by far the biggest cause of oil consumption, with this sector estimated to account for more than half of all consumption worldwide, and more than two thirds of consumption within the US.As well as Increased transportation costs, the costs of operating machinery would also Increase during an OLL crisis, leading to Increases In the cost of many essential items, including foodstuffs. As with the rising cost of transportation, any increase in Experts are unsure when another oil crisis might hit, but most experts agree that a crisis of some sort is likely to occur soon. While the exact effect it will have on the world economy can't be accurately predicted, there is no doubt that businesses of all sizes will need to adapt very quickly to continue trading.
Physical Education Management Plan
Upon arrival to class students will be greeted with enthusiasm and eagerness to begin class. Students Students will engage in a warm-up review activity that includes questions and problems from previous lessons and assignments. Instruction Format Instruction will be given in a whole-to-parts format. I will demonstrate the new activity, present someone who can demonstrate it, or provide a video of each activity I introduce as a whole. Then I will break the activity into â€Å"pieces†and teach it section by section with several opportunities to recite all learned parts of the activity. This will continue until all the learned parts can be recited fluently as a whole. Behavior Management To ensure minimal undesired behavior I will navigate around the gymnasium constantly in no predictable pattern. With my back to the wall at all possible times my eyes will consistently scan the room for proper technique and opportunities to assistant with improving a student’s technique. My classroom will be managed in a manner that promotes discussion and the sharing of ideas between all members. Students will respect and empathize with fellow classmates and their physical differences. It will be arranged so that I can observe and monitor everyone’s behavior. Also, class activities will be arranged with an ease of transition from one station or skill to the next. My relationship with my students will be open and honest, and non-threatening to learning and mistakes during the learning process. I will make a conscious effort from day to day to treat my students the way I would like for them to treat one another. My class will also have a voice in the selection of activities so that they feel a part of something special and that their opinions and thoughts matter. Students that display undesired behavior will be given a set time to refrain from the activity with the rest of the class. With each repeated offense the time will be multiplied by the number of offenses. Student Engagement It is important to keep students engaged while in class. So, students will be provided with ample physical and thought-provoking activities during each lesson that are well prepared and presented by me. Each activity will be presented thoroughly and clearly so as to give the students a clear picture of what is being asked of them. In addition, the curriculum promotes the use of elaborate physically enriched activities that students work on individually or as a small group once they have received proper instruction. As the teacher I will make frequent eye contact with the students to communicate a genuine interest in their learning. Assessment An effective teacher is in constant motion mentally and physically in the classroom. This attentiveness allows for a constant informal assessment of student learning and behavior. I will maintain anecdotal notes of student performance. Peer performance checklist will also be used for some activities. This form of assessment gives the students an opportunity to evaluate each other as well as give themselves a better idea of what is expected of them.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Object-oriented Programming and Data Member
Lab Task Q1: Create a class that includes a data member that holds a â€Å"serial number†for each object created from the class. That is, the first object created will be numbered 1, the second 2, and so on. To do this, you’ll need another data member that records a count of how many objects have been created so far. (This member should apply to the class as a whole; not to individual objects. What keyword specifies this? ) Then, as each object is created, its constructor can examine this count member variable to determine the appropriate serial number for the new object.Add a member function that permits an object to report its own serial number. Then write a main() program that creates three objects and queries each one about its serial number. They should respond I am object number 2, and so on. Use copy constructor for this task both deep and shallow copy. Q2: Create a class calculator. It would have two data members, both integer types. There would be four functio ns add(), sub(), mul() and div(). The mul() and div() functions would be friend functions. Create four objects of the class. Also use copy constructor both shallow and deep copy.There would be a static data member which would count the number of objects. Q3: Create a class GPACalculator. This class would have gpa, cgpa, sessionalMarks, midMarks and finalMarks data members. There would be two functions calculateGPA() and calculateCGPA(). calculateCGPA() would be friend function. You need to create an array of GPACalculator class. The array would be of 5. You also need to give the user option of whether he wants to calculate gpa or cgpa. The grades are as follows: 50 and 53 and 57 and 61 and 64 and 68 and 72 and 75 and 80 and 86 and
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Henistbury Head
Henistbury Head is a headland on the coast of Bournemouth in England. It was made a SSSI (a site of special scientific interest) and contains an ancient Iron Age fortification and settlement called the Double Dykes. In this essay I will be explaining to you the problems that Henistbury Head encounters and the possible solutions. It attracts over 1 million visitors a year, who come to see the wide variety of exotic animals that come to Henistbury Head to breed, these exotic animals include: the Dartford Warbler, the Cetti's Warbler, the Song Thrush, the Skylark, the Kestrel, the Barn Owl, the Little Owl, the Otter, the Water Vole, Galloway Cattle, the Common Blue Butterfly, the Rabbit, Black- headed Gull and many more. Without this habitat to live in a lot of the local animals would die out because they rely on the woodland and grassland to live in and to find their food sources in. Also if this habitat were allowed to erode away the variety of plants that it harbours would all cease to exist in this area. Another point is the beach has a lot of beach houses along the coast, which each cost over i100,000 so it brings a lot of money to this particular area of Bournemouth. The Reasons why it was made an SSSI was because of its variety of wildlife that does not live in any other areas of this country and to allow it to erode away it would lose this status as the wildlife gradually ceases to exist. There are many methods of dealing with this case of erosion and the visitors and the residents all have different opinions on what should be done to save Henistbury Head. The residents in Bournemouth would like a sea wall built to protect their houses and to preserve the beach. This is a very costly method and the consequences of this would be that the noise and the damage from the construction workers could affect the wildlife and destroy the environment they were trying to protect. The visitors would like to leave the beach as it and to do this they would provide beach nourishment to the coast to prevent it from being eroded and spoiling it. The effects of this would be that the residents homes would be unprotected. The plants and wildlife live in a delicate environment and the effects of adding anything to the beach could be that it upsets the environmental balance and the plants and wildlife will be either reduced or will relocate themselves. The natural processes that Bournemouth council are trying to protect the Headland against is erosion and longshore drift. Erosion is where acid rain, bird droppings and the sea are eating away at the cliff and headland. The longshore drift on the west was protected against this by building a long groyne but this has trapped a lot of shingle and sand there leaving the east side of Henistbury Head vulnerable to erosion and longshore drift. The options that Bournemouth council have produced to prevent Henistbury Head from being eroded away are the following: Letting the headland erode away naturally and not waste any money (this will mean that the residents homes and the cost will be unprotected). The second option is to continue to nourish the beach with sand and shingle, by bringing them in from offshore (this is where you pump tonnes of shingle into the beaches,this will protect the coast but will not protect the headland and the residents homes). The third option is to build more gabions and groynes (gabions are cages filled with large rocks, these break the force of the waves and slow the movement of loose beach material, this is a very cost effective method and will protect the coast and the headland , groynes are long piles of rocks that stretch into the sea building this will protect the coast). The final option is to build a sea wall all the way along the beach at the east end of Henistbury Head (this is a long and thick concrete wall and it will protect the coast, the headland and the residents homes but it could cause the wildlife to leave Henistbury Head). The option that I would choose would be a compromise I would build gabions and groynes and I would continue to provide the beach with nourishment also I would shorten the length of the long groyne therefore allowing more shingle to flow freely. This would be a cost effective method as you do not have to pay a lot for these resources. The reasons I would use this instead of the other methods is because it will please both the residents and the visitors and would be very cheap to accomplice.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Opportunistic Smoking Cessation Intervention Health And Social Care Essay
This essay provides a brooding history of the bringing of an timeserving smoke surcease intercession. In building this history, Gibbs ( 1988 ) theoretical account of contemplation has been utilised, which incorporates the undermentioned constituents: description ; feelings ; rating ; analysis ; decision ; and action program. Whilst shadowing a pattern nurse, I was provided with the chance to implement a brief smoke surcease intercession with a patient. The patients name will non be used, in regard of confidentiality ( NMC Code, 2008 ; NHS Confidentiality Code of Practice, DH 2003 ) , nevertheless, for the intent of this contemplation she will be referred to by the anonym Sarah. Sarah is a 65-year old female presenting with a figure of wellness issues. She is an fleshy tobacco user who has late been diagnosed with chronic clogging pneumonic disease ( COPD ) , a lung disease characterised by the narrowing of the air passages. COPD besides refers to chronic bronchitis and emphysema, the latter of which Sarah has been diagnosed with. It is emphysema that is Sarah ‘s primary wellness job at nowadays. The wellness publicity scheme adopted was a brief intercession consisting motivational interviewing ( Rollnick, Miller and Butler, 2007 ) , which took topographic point within the pattern surgery as portion of Sarah ‘s audience. Motivational Interviewing is a directing patient-centered manner of reding designed to assist people decide ambivalency about behavior alteration, such as smoking surcease. Alongside motivational interviewing, some specific props and learning AIDSs were utilized, including the proviso of evidence-based information, the creative activity of a COPD self-management program ( British Lung Foundation, 2010 ) , and inside informations of helpful resources Sarah could use for farther support. This included the Surrey NHS Stop Smoking Service ( ) , which offers free NHS support tailored to the person ( i.e. hebdomadal clinic visits or telephone contact ) .FeelingssI was ab initio rather dying about this wellness publicity chance, as I was non confident in my ability to supply constructive support in the limited clip we had. However, on originating a conversation with Sarah, utilizing unfastened inquiries as recommended within motivational interviewing, the anxiousness disappeared as I listened to Sarah ‘s narrative. Active hearing requires concentration, which in bend focused me on how I might be able to assist Sarah. In set uping that Sarah was concerned for her grandchildren, who stayed with her quite often and were therefore around 2nd manus fume, this provided an ground tackle to ease the development of Sarah ‘s motive to alter. In bend, this ground tackle besides provided me with a patient-centred method for alleviating my frights, since I had found a manner of prosecuting Sarah in the procedure. Interestingly, as Sarah ‘s motive grew, so did my ain motive to guarantee that Sarah gained every bit much from this brief intercession as possible. With every inquiry that I could reply, I gained in assurance and enjoyed my function as ‘educator ‘ and ‘learner ‘ within the collaborative partnership between myself and Sarah. In this sense, the collaborative attack that underlies motivational interviewing and much of health care pattern today can profit both the patient and health care supplier. My overall feelings sing the interaction with Sarah are one of fulfillment. I feel I positively contributed to this patients increased decide to halt smoke for both herself and her household.EvaluationMotivational interviewing was selected as the most appropriate wellness publicity intercession for Sarah for a figure of grounds. First, grounds sing behaviors alteration and, in peculiar, smoking surcease, shows that degree of motive is an of import factor in inventing the best wellness publicity method or instruction program for a patient ( Prochaska, DiClemente, and Norcross, 1993 ) . This attack takes into consideration humanist larning theory and the rules of autonomous acquisition. Harmonizing to Prochaska et Al. ‘s ( 1983 ) five phases of behavior alteration, Sarah presently resides in phase 2 of the undermentioned phases: Phase 1 ( pre-contemplation ) is when the person does non mean to alter behavior ; Stage 2 ( contemplation ) is when an person is sing alteration ; Stage 3 ( readying ) is serious resoluteness to ship on smoking surcease ; Stage 4 ( action phase ) is the first few important hebdomads and months where an person is actively taking positive actions towards smoking surcease ; and Stage 5 ( care ) is about 6-months to 5-years after the induction of the smoke surcease determination, where behavior alteration has been sustained. Bing in the contemplation phase suggests that Sarah still has some unsolved ambivalency about alteration and therefore demands help traveling to present 3, where she can get down to fix for smoking surcease. If I had started to assist Sarah program for smoking surcease before she was ready, this could hold been damaging in both the short- and long-run. For illustration, it has been shown that get the better ofing the hurdlings associated with smoking surcease can increase an person ‘s self-efficacy ( i.e. assurance ) in their ability to win at their quit effort, which in bend Acts of the Apostless to cut down the likeliness of a backsliding and increase the likeliness of long-run sustained smoke surcease ( Schnoll et al. , 2010 ) . If Sarah was pushed towards a quit effort before prepared, her hazard of backsliding would hold been high ; this would hold finally reduced her assurance to seek once more. The passage from the contemplation phase to the readying phase has been cited as being critically of import to the result of quit efforts ( Prochaska, DiClemente, and Norcross, 1993 ) , as has the fact that healthcare professionals can be highly influential at this phase Long et al. , 1996 ) . I considered motivational interviewing to be cardinal to act uponing Sarah ‘s determinations sing smoke surcease since it was designed specifically to assist people decide ambivalency about behavior alteration, which is the chief feature of people in the contemplation phase of motive. Motivational interviewing can accomplish the resoluteness of ambivalency by avoiding confrontation and steering people towards taking to alter their behaviour themselves. I was cognizant that motivational interviewing would necessitate to be accompanied by elaborate instruction about smoke-related wellness issues and the likely class of COPD, together with possible complications and its association with increased morbidity and mortality. Sarah is an intelligent person and lament to have such information and reading stuff. Unfortunately, nevertheless, I was unable to reply all of her inquiries. In peculiar, I could non reply her inquiries sing the pathophysiology of smoke. Unanswered inquiries can move as a barrier to come on, something which I do non wish to bring forth in a patient who requires such barriers taking. Fortunately, I was able to reply Sarah ‘s inquiries whilst mentioning to an educational information cusp. I do, nevertheless, feel that I would hold been able to prosecute with Sarah more efficaciously if it had non been necessary for me to concentrate my attending on the cusp before me. It became evident throughout the audience that although Sarah was most surely sing discontinuing smoke, she possessed some traits that might impede her attempts. In peculiar, Sarah appeared to hold an external wellness venue of control. This means that she attributes control over her behavior to external factors as opposed to internal factors. It is good documented within the literature that an internal venue of control is more productive to behaviour alteration and healthier lifestyle picks ( Wallston and Wallston, 1978 ; Tones et al. , 1992 ) . Taking this into consideration, I was aware to admit Sarah ‘s control over her picks. In one case, I used her hubby as an illustration since Sarah had informed me that her hubby had quit smoke. I asked her how he managed to accomplish this and in recognizing her hubby ‘s function in his ain smoke surcease, Sarah appeared to be seting her venue of control towards a more internal one. However, Sarah ‘s self-efficacy remained low throughout the audience despite efforts to hike her assurance. It is believed that increased self-efficacy, which can be achieved via motivational interviewing, is an of import factor involved in the success of smoking surcease ( Brown et al. , 2003 ; Karatay et al. , 2010 ) , therefore I felt this was an of import facet to include in Sarah ‘s self-management attention program – to put herself an accomplishable end each hebdomad that would bit by bit construct her assurance.AnalysisThe Department of Health have been working with the NHS, patients, and health care professionals since 2005 to develop a scheme to better the attention and results of people with COPD ( DH, 2010 ) . This scheme places a big focal point on the bar and intervention of smoke, every bit good as the importance of supplying patients who have COPD with behavioral support and entree to halt smoke services. The Department of Health ( 2009 ) have produced counsel on effectual halt smoke services, offering three degrees of behavioral intercession: brief intercessions ( level one ) ; intensive one-to-one support and advice ( flat two ) ; and group intercessions ( flat three ) . In footings of degree one, brief intercessions, the National Institute of Clinical Excellent ( NICE ) have published guidelines and recommendations for smoking surcease ( NICE, 2004 ) . Furthermore, old UK counsel has emphasised the importance of offering timeserving, brief advice to promote all tobacco users to discontinue and to signpost them to resources and interventions that might assist them ( West, 2005 ) . They Department of Health counsel provinces that all tobacco users should be advised to discontinue and asked if they are interested in discontinuing ; this is unless there are exceeding fortunes such as other medical conditions that might impede smoking surcease. Those who are interested in discontinuing should so be offered a referral to an intensive, flat two, support service such as NHS Stop Smoking Services. Sarah was referred to the Surrey service and informed of the success rates found for NHS Stop Smoking Services. There is grounds that such services are effectual in the short-run ( 4-weeks ) and the long-run ( 52-weeks ) ; so, between 13-23 % of successful short-run quitters remain abstentious at 52-weeks ( NICE, 2007 ) . Approximately 900,000 people in England and Wales have been diagnosed with COPD ( NICE, 2004 ) and it is the 5th most common cause of decease in the UK, ensuing in over 30,000 deceases yearly ( National Statistics, 2006 ) . By 2020, it is estimated that COPD will be the 3rd most common cause of mortality worldwide ( Lopez et al. , 2006 ) . Smoke is the largest hazard factor for developing COPD, with 20 % of long-run tobacco users finally developing clinically important degrees of the disease and 80 % developing lung harm ( Garcia-Aymerich et al. , 2003 ) . These statistics highlight the urgency of hold oning timeserving wellness publicity and utilising brief intercession accomplishments to assist present the DH scheme and better the attention and outcomes provided to people with COPD. Delivering brief timeserving intercessions for smoking surcease requires an attack that does non make defensiveness but develops a patient/provider partnership conductive of the patient doing their ain determinations, with support, as to their life style. Motivational interviewing and consideration of single patient features and traits ( i.e. venue of control, phase of preparedness to alter, etc. ) provides a method of accomplishing this partnership within limited clip and resources, as is frequently the instance in busy health care environments. Learning the accomplishments within motivational interviewing will add to a healthcare professional ‘s repertory of techniques for back uping patients through behaviour alteration, as I found in the instance reflected upon within this essay.Action PlanThe UKCC Code of Professional Conduct ( 1992 ) proposes that nurses should â€Å" keep and better her professional cognition and competency. †In relation to my ain cognition and c ompetency in timeserving wellness publicity, I have recognised that I need to increase my accomplishments for fostering patient self-efficacy. Patient assurance is cardinal to successful behavior alteration and although I feel satisfied with my attack to Sarah, it would hold been utile to hold possessed a larger repertory of techniques for heightening self-efficacy. I could besides profit from a greater apprehension of the pathophysiological mechanisms by which smoking causes COPD. Sarah was peculiarly interested in the physiological effects of smoke and whilst I could offer her basic information verbally, I needed to mention to information cusps for more elaborate penetration, which disrupted the ‘flow ‘ of conversation. I have started to research these issues via a hunt of the literature on behavior alteration and wellness publicity. As portion of this hunt, I have come across the construct of ‘implementation purpose ‘ ( Gollwitzer, 1999 ) . The theory behind this construct is that in order for person to implement a coveted behavior, it is necessary for them to invent a specific program that will increase their purpose to prosecute that behavior ( Gollwitzer and Sheeran, 2006 ) . This is an interesting technique that could be integrated into motivational interviewing and wellness publicity via the self-management attention programs presently provided. I intend to research this farther and to discourse it with a superior. Using Gibb ‘s brooding theoretical account to construction this history has helped me to recognize my strongest accomplishments and those that require farther development. I will endeavor to take a proactive attack to using this greater penetration into my professional abilities.
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