Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Exam Final Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Exam Final - Essay Example The Bacchants’ rituals were described as wild, rapturous group encounters, drunken ecstatic cavorting, driving them wild so they do not recognize their own children – these all apply to the drug culture of the present day, and in a sprawling and progressive metropolis such as New York City the spread of such a culture is indeed menacing. Thebes, like New York now, was a premier city, prime target from external influences both beneficial and harmful. Pentheus, like New York City’s authorities, was watchful of harmful coercive forces that could threaten the lives of his subjects (citizens), and thus would do anything to resist them and preserve the peace and security of their jurisdiction. The most exciting moment in Oedipus was that point when the first shepherd was summoned to divulge what he knows about the infant he was tasked to expose to die. He haltingly and fearfully admits he did not kill it, and suspensefully tells Oedipus that the child was none other than him, the son the Laius. This is the high point on which the play turns. This is the most exciting moment because, as in a detective story, it solves the mystery and from that point on, everything falls into place. Before this point, Oedipus’ life is pleasant, prosperous and righteous because he is oblivious of any wrongdoing. After this point, he becomes stained, polluted, deserving of being blinded, exiled, and detested – all because of something done in the past and beyond his control. The tragic dramas have a basic structure and formula. The tragic hero is one who is not entirely morally superior to the average man, to whom the audience can identify. He is subjected to the irrational and sometimes oppressive whims of the gods, which he cannot avoid. He suffers punishment, despite his innocence, and herein the drama revolves. However, despite his tribulations he emerges nobler and
Monday, October 28, 2019
Aims and objectives Essay Example for Free
Aims and objectives Essay Based on these characteristics of project management, it can be gathered that an event is also a project. What distinguishes an event from other projects is that it has a very strong marketing element because it involves many actors, from the provider of the product or service and the prospective clients. Events assembles people therefore there is a collective sense of objective. Because of this attendance, events therefore have a strong promotional element (Soares). When it comes to bars and clubs, it is important that these establishments market themselves effectively in order to maintain their businesses. These establishments rely on customer count as a source of profits especially as they sell products like food and drinks, and services such as dancing and other entertainment-based gatherings. It is therefore important that these bars and clubs ensure they have a strong patronage and customer flow in order to assure that their businesses remain competitive. In observing the bar and club scene, there is much competition especially in a city like London. In looking at resources for these events such as TimeOut, there is always a list of bars and clubs with their respective events. These events may include a theme night, a special guest DJ or performer, a concert, and other gimmicks. It can be also observed that these events are strongly driven by sponsorships such as partnerships with relevant products and services like alcoholic drinks, fashion labels, and other lifestyle related products and brands. In this regard, when it comes to the application of events management concept in bars and clubs, it is evident that these have had some successes. This therefore elicits close inspection as to how these concepts are applied and which concepts are successful. It should be noted that due to the strong marketing element in these initiatives, these bars and clubs are also subject to what is known a product life cycle a cycle in which a product or service may start to plateau and decline. Hence, this reflects as to why bars and clubs may have their time; some bars and clubs that were famous a few years ago may have already shut down or are losing customers because new concepts get introduced in the market. It can be also observed that certain event themes also went through their peak and lost their lusters; examples are the raves, the cream parties, and the bubble parties, among others. Hence, this shows that although generally, events management concepts work in the context of bars and clubs, they dont work all the time and are not necessarily sustainable. This thereby shows the strong association between a project and an event something that is unique that has beginning and an end. This research therefore aims to explore the events management concept at greater depths by means of looking at the actual applications and the industry practices. As certain events tend to become old, the turnover of new events concepts need to be examined, especially in a market with changing preferences and values. In addition to the aspect of events concepts, the management aspect is also examined by this paper. This is especially important as the market is volatile, and the entertainment and leisure sectors tend to get easily affected by economic and market challenges. This paper examines how events actually take place and how certain strategies may need to be formulated in order to respond to challenges in resources. This therefore bring up the issues on cost management and how bars and clubs intend to profit from their events. This may then bring up certain events management concepts and applications from other event genres as applied in affairs that take place in bars and clubs. The events management industry in the UK is a million-pound industry considering the number of events held in the country, from conferences to major concerts. The industry also involves many sectors including those from the hospitality, entertainment and leisure services. This research therefore localises an exploration of events management in a specific context, and identifies the important factors that can affect the relevant businesses and establishments in this sector. In order to have a substantial insight on events management concepts in the context of bars and clubs establishments, this research therefore aims to achieve and implement the following: To develop a framework of evaluation on the applicability of events management concepts as integral elements to the marketing success of bars and clubs. To establish how events management applications are integral to the success of the bars and clubs sectors. To create a workable research framework as based on the assessment of actual movements and developments in the dynamics of bar and club business in the city, especially as to how the application of events management concepts make a difference to the business of the bars and clubs. This includes both primary and secondary research. To identify the factors leading to entertainment establishment success in the context of the marketing mix, with an emphasis on the promotional dimension. Based on the sourced literature, it appears that there are a few studies with regards to events management, especially as to how these affects bars and clubs. Because of the close nature of events with projects, and due to the function of events as marketing tools especially in this specific context of the study, much of the reviewed literature touches on the marketing aspect, the project and event management resources, and some literature touching on bars, clubs, nightlife and other entertainment establishments.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
The Dutchman: A Dramatic Expression of the Relationship Between Whites
Amiri Baraka’s The Dutchman would be considered a historical allegory that could be understood as this poetic and dramatic expression of the relationship between whites and blacks throughout the existence of the United States. These patterns of history are symbolically acted out by the two characters Lula and Clay; Lula represents white America and Clay seems to stand for the modern day Uncle Tom, who has over time been shaped by white America and this slave mentality. The beginning Stage directions seem to form this poem in it of itself. The first line establishes the mythic qualities of the play. â€Å"In the flying underbelly of the city. Steaming hot and summer on top, outside. Underground. The subway heaped in modern myth.†(1086) The â€Å"flying underbelly†is the metaphor for the Flying Dutchman, which is foreshadowing the almost doomed area. Also Baraka puts a lot of emphasis on the word the underground which seems to foreshadow the below surface intentions of the play right at the beginning. Then the â€Å"modern myth†suggests that the play will act as a myth for the patterns of White America. This mythical quality that resonates throughout the play is further established by the stage properties of Lula. She carries onto the subway these paper books which symbolize the written culture of white America; this written culture certainly resonates throughout the history of blacks and whites. During the beginning of the Jim Crow laws, the blacks had to take literacy tests to be able to vote, so Lula walking in with paper books represents the forced literacy on blacks in the United States. Another stage property that Lula has is her sunglasses which she moves around from time to time. This symbolizes her disguise of friends... ...Clay had been the victim throughout the entire play, absorbing Lula’s insults and laughing them off, but with his monologue he has become the chronicler. Lula’s stereotype of Clay is finally proven wrong at the end of the play. â€Å"If I’m a middle class fake white man, let me be. And let me be in the way that I want†¦ Safe with my words, and no deaths, clean, hard thoughts, urging me to new conquests.†() Here Baraka shows that even though Clay was sucked in by Lula’s sexual temptations, he never was never fooled into thinking that she or metaphorically white America would ever accept him. Works Cited Baraka, Amiri. "The Myth of 'Negro Literature'." Within the Circle. Ed. Angelyn Mitchell. Durham and London: Duke University Press, 1994. 165-171.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
John Adams †Harmonielehre Essay
By inventing the serial system of twelve tone music and atonalism, Schoenberg had created â€Å"the agony of modern music†. The minimalists had rebelled against the systematic, â€Å"aurally ugly†music of Schoenberg and the avant-garde beliefs of atonality being the â€Å"Promised Land†, choosing instead to return to traditional tonality. Adams partially agreed with the rebellion against Schoenbergian music, his works containing distinctly minimalist elements. Thus when he spoke about â€Å"freeing [him]self from the model Schoenberg represented†, he meant to reject serialism and atonality, as well as the process of composing which â€Å"demands rigorous systemization of structure†. However, Adams has also expressed his respect for Schoenberg. Kirchner, with whom Adams studied while at Harvard, had himself been a student of Schoenberg. Though the minimalists had already paved the way for departure from the Schoenbergian model, it was perhaps still a difficult decision for Adams to divert from such an influential figure. After all, Schoenberg pioneered serialism and atonality. In addition, having grown up listening to the popular music of his time, Adams was constantly struggling to find a balance between what he listened to (notably American jazz, popular music, gospel music and rock ‘n’ roll) and the music that he studied in university. Adams had upset two camps of thought with Harmonielehre’s 1985 premiere: â€Å"Minimalists thought it was a tribute to their No. 1 bogeyman while modernists saw it as a reactionary piece that took their hero’s name in vain.†This essay thus seeks to discuss the main characteristics of Adams’s compositional style in particular reference to Harmonielehre, and hence attempt to determine if, as a result of Adams’s internal conflicts, the said work is more of a refreshing new departure or a return to tried and tested orchestral gestures. Adams’s derivation from atonality may be considered a return to tried and tested orchestral gestures. He was particularly taken with the expressiveness of tonality, appreciating its potential to affect emotions in the hands of masters like Wagner, whom he greatly admired. In contrast, he found atonality â€Å"severely limiting in both its expressive range as well as in its ability to maintain large formal structures.†Adams has re-embraced tonality in much of his music including Harmonielehre, containing long passages employing a single set of pitch classes usually encompassed by one diatonic set. His earlier pieces generally remain diatonic throughout. The first movement of Harmonielehre begins and ends with pounding E minor chords repeated in a typical minimalistic style, and the piece culminates with a tidal wave of brass and percussion over an E-flat major pedal point. However, Adams is not a complete traditionalist as his harmonic vocabulary does not remain limited to purely diatonic chords. Non-diatonic pcs are frequently introduced in his later pieces beginning with Harmonielehre. Pcs outside E minor are first introduced in b.19 of the first movement, in this case D, making the chord an Em7. Example 1. John Adams, Harmonielehre, mm. 17-21, orchestral reduction D reappears in b.31 and henceforth gains prominence. Here, it is featured in the piano, blurring the E minor centre. Example 2. John Adams, Harmonielehre, harmonic sketch The end of the last movement (Meister Eckhardt and Quackie), features more chromatic harmonies, with a ‘vast harmonic struggle that breaks through into an emphatic release on E-flat major’. Unlike a traditional tonal piece with systematically planned harmonies and a conclusive modulatory sequence, Adams simply â€Å"place[s] the keys together, as if in a mixer, and let them battle it out†. Nevertheless, the chromaticism is built on a diatonic basis, evident from their association with diatonic passages and the secondary role of the non-diatonic pcs. Harmonielehre is thus largely a tonal work and parodies the book by the same title written by Schoenberg, in which he discusses the functions of tonal harmony only to completely renounce it. By the title of Harmonielere, Adams explores aspects of harmony within his own language. Adams’s subscription to minimalism may also be considered a return to tried and tested orchestral gestures since minimalism had been going on for some time before he came on scene. The principal minimalist features include â€Å"a continuous formal structure, an even rhythmic texture and bright tone, a simple harmonic palette, a lack of extended melodic lines, and repetitive patterns.†Some of Adams’s early piano works, notably Common tones in Simple Time (1979-80, rev. 1986), Light Over Water (1983), and Phrygian Gates (1978) fit the aforementioned criteria. This is also observed in the opening of Harmonielehre (Example 3). The minimalistic repetitions of the E minor chords result in the creation of a repetitive pulse. Example 3. John Adams, Harmonielehre, mm. 1-10, orchestral reduction A simple harmonic palette (as discussed earlier) is a feature of both the Minimalist and Tonal traditions. Slow harmonic changes are evident in the opening (Example 3) – the E minor chord lasts till b.19 when D is introduced in the flutes and oboes and only 26 bars later (b.45) is a C added. The harmony finally changes again at b.59.These simple harmonies and gradual harmonic movement further imply the influence of minimalism. Example 4. John Adams, Harmonielehre, harmonic sketch However, Adams expands these minimalist techniques rather than using the aesthetic and style common in Reich’s or Riley’s music. While most minimalists (with the notable exception of La Monte Young) shunned the minimalist label, Adams embraces it and feels that he has exceeded the label: â€Å"Minimalism really can be a bore – you get those Great Prairies of non-event – but that highly polished, perfectly resonant sound is wonderful.†His later works, while still bearing some minimalist characteristics, depart from the common aesthetic, and no attempt is made to achieve systematic purity. Adams formulates his melodies using an additive technique, which is common to Glass. However, unlike Glass, there is no obvious pattern as to where or when Adams chooses to add or subtract notes, and the resultant melody is unpredictable. This is seen in the second violins in the first movement (Example 5): Example 5. Adams, Harmonielehre, mm. 180-84, second violins Another example can be drawn from the opening, featuring the Minimalist repetition of E minor chords which do not recur in any regular rhythmic pattern. The sense of pulse is unclear and somewhat unpredictable as the chords move closer by increments and create a syncopated effect, compromising the Minimalist technique of even and continuous pulsation. Adams’s deviation from Minimalism is also evidenced by his remarks in relation to Harmonielehre: â€Å"I’m not the kind of composer who†¦ previsages the entire structure of a piece in advance†¦ in a certain sense, I feel the structure as I’m creating it.†Adams is not a â€Å"pure†Minimalist – while he utilizes Minimalist techniques, his simultaneous fondness of expressivity is unique. The combination of both traits is a refreshing departure from both extremities. In Adams’ words, â€Å"I don’t have the kind of refined, systematic language that [the minimalists] have†¦ I rely a lot more on my intuitive sense of balance†¦ as far as I can tell, most nineteenth-century composers wrote on intuitive levels.†He found that the Minimalist aesthetic of non-teleology resulted in a ‘confined emotional bandwidth’ and threatened to limit Minimalist music. Thus in most of his works, he employs Minimalist techniques to explore its â€Å"expressive emotional potential – something the first generation [of Minimalists] generally eschewed.†Adams’ fondness for expressiveness is not only evidenced by his embracement of tonality, but also by other signature Romantic traits found in his works. This is especially true in Harmonielehre, which â€Å"verges on Minimalism, but touches almost as much on a melodic Romanticism†. The combination of minimalist techniques with Romantic expressivity is evidenced in the opening of the last movement. The flutes take the accompanying line, with repetitive patterns first on E and G, then on an E minor triad. A melody characterised by expressive leaps (taken by the strings) is heard over the shimmering waves of repetition. Such timbre further creates a warm, emotive sound. The same movement contains a passage beginning with pounding E minor chords. The harmony here is relatively simple, gradually shifting from one chord to the next through the addition or alteration of a note (a rather Minimalist characteristic). Minimalist harmony combines with the Romantic textures to culminate in the climax (Example 6), with the texture and sound continuously thickening and broadening. Example 6, Harmonic sketch, Meister Eckhardt and Quackie Another example can be seen in the first movement (mm. 254-300), which contains a broad singing melody first carried by the solo horn then cellos, and later the upper strings. The accompanying triple arpeggios (first harp and woodwinds) weld the section with the preceding passage of repetitive patterns and pulses. Along with the sustained brass chords, the music reaches a climax with the amalgamation of the two different styles, reminiscent of Romanticism with the broadening texture and warm sound. Example 7. Harmonielehre I (bar 257 – 267) Thus although these passages clearly exceed the Minimalist style in their melodic and harmonic construction, the Minimalist technique dominates the accompaniment in rhythm and texture, a distinct example of how the music is a ‘refreshing new departure’. â€Å"The shades of Mahler, Sibelius, Debussy, and the young Schoenberg are everywhere in this strange piece.†The second movement of Harmonielehre (The Anfortas Wound) alludes to Sibelius’ Fourth Symphony (1910 – 11), which Adams claims as the ‘primary generating model’ , evidenced by the long, melancholic melody played by muted cellos. This movement also bears a programmatic reference to Wagner’s Parsifal (1857 – 1882) featuring Anfortas , represented by the long, elegiac trumpet solo. Wrenching harmonies, constantly descending chords and regular meters contribute to ‘†¦the imagery of sickness and confinement, one day after another, just rolling on.’ The ending of the movement contains two giant climaxes, the second one a tribute to Mahler’s unfinished Ninth Symphony (1909 – 1919). The first movement bears a tribute to the late Romantics, including allusions to, ironically, Schoenberg’s Gurrelieder (1900 – 1911). The shimmering effect in the opening of the third movement even alludes to early Impressionism. These Romantic traits, along with the Minimalistic slow harmonic rhythms, again show the eclectic treatment of both styles. In conclusion, Harmonielehre is a combination of â€Å"the harmonic economy of Minimalism with the picturesque extravagance of late-Romantic orchestration.†Adams does not revolutionize music in the way that Schoenberg or the minimalists did by completely rejecting the previous popular approach to composition. His music could thus be considered a return to tried and tested orchestral gestures. However, by combining both romantic expressiveness and minimalist techniques, he has created a new level of balance between the two which is indubitably a refreshing departure from both styles. In his own words, Adams says that â€Å"[Many composers] want to rewrite history or something. I don’t.†Bibliography Books J. Adams, Hallelujah Junction: Composing an American Life (London, 2008) A. Schoenberg, Theory of Harmony (London, 1983) O. Karolyi, Modern American Music: from Charles Ives to minimalists (United States, 1996), 304 D. A. Lee, Masterworks of 20th-Century Music: The Modern Repertory of the Symphony Orchestra (New York, August 2002), 1-7 Watkins, 572. / 576-77 Articles J. Adams, Introductory Notes for Harmonielehre John Adams, quoted in Michael Steinberg, â€Å"Harmonium, by John Adams,†program notes for the San Francisco Symphony, Stagebill, 4, 6-7 Jan. 1987, 20B. Philip Clark, Programme Notes for the BBC National Orchestra of Wales, 28 Jan 2011 The discussion between Jonathan Cott and Adams concerning Harmonielehre in liner notes to Harmonielehre (Nonesuch 79115, 1985) T. A. Johnson, ‘Minimalism: Aesthetic, Style or Technique?’, The Music Quarterly, Vol. 78, No. 4 (Winter, 1994), 747-773 T. A. Johnson, ‘Harmonic Vocabulary in the Music of John Adams: A Hierarchical Approach’, Journal of Music Theory, Vol. 37, No. 1 (Spring, 1993), 117-156 T. May, ‘Interview: John Adams reflects on his career’, The John Adams Reader, ed. Thomas May (USA, 2006), 2-28 C. Pellegrino, ‘Aspects of Closure in the Music of John Adams’, Perspectives of New Music, Vol. 40, No. 1 (Winter, 2002), 147-175 A. Ross, ‘The Harmonist’, The John Adams Read er, ed. Thomas May (USA, 2006), 29-44 K. R. Schwarz, â€Å"Young Composers: John Adams,†Music and Musicians, Mar. 1985, 10. K. R. Schwarz, ‘Process vs. Intuition in the Recent Works of Steve Reich and John Adams’, American Music, Vol. 8, No. 3 (Autumn, 1990), 245-273 M. Steinberg, ‘Harmonielehre’, The John Adams Reader, ed. Thomas May (USA, 2006), 101-105 John Adams, quoted in Michael Steinberg, â€Å"Harmonium, by John Adams,†program notes for the San Francisco Symphony, Stagebill, 4, 6-7 Jan. 1987, 20B David Sterritt, â€Å"John Adams and His Nixon in China’: Could This Be Another ‘Porgy and Bess’?†Christian Science Monitor, 19 Oct. 1987, 21-22 John Adams, â€Å"From Nixon in China to Walt Whitman: An Interview with John Adams†interview by Edward Strickland, Fanfare, Jan-Feb. 1990, 46. Websites P. Gutmann, ‘John Adams – Popularity without Pondering’, Classical Notes (accessed 15 November 2011), J. Kosman, ‘Harmonielehre, John Adams’, Chester Novello (accessed 15 November 2011), D. Robertson, ‘Transcript of David Robertson: Conductor and music scholar discusses the importance of John Adams’ orchestral work â€Å"Harmonielehre†in helping us understand the way music can look back yet anticipate the new in musical sounds’, The Music Show (accessed 20 November 2011), C. Zeichner, ‘Minimalism maximized – John Adams’, Ariama (accessed 21 November 2011), Discography J. Adams, Harmonielehre, City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, Sir Simon Rattle (EMI Classics), 1994, CD B000002RU2 General Comments An excellent response to the question. You have used an admirable range of sources and, most importantly, identified critical material arising from the premiere of the piece. You have not only used music examples effectively, but made your own harmonic analyses where none others were available. Your writing style is clear and concise and citation accurate. Countermarker’s comment: agreed. An outstanding essay, well-done! â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ [ 1 ]. J. Adams, Introductory Notes for Harmonielehre [ 2 ]. Loc. cit. [ 3 ]. J. Adams, Hallelujah Junction: Composing an American Life (London, 2008), p.107 [ 4 ]. K. R. Schwarz, ‘Process vs. Intuition in the Recent Works of Steve Reich and John Adams’, American Music, Vol. 8, No. 3 (Autumn, 1990), p.245-273 [ 5 ]. Philip Clark, Programme Notes for the BBC National Orchestra of Wales, 28 Jan 2011 [ 6 ]. Adams, Op. cit., 104 (Hallelujah Junction) [ 7 ]. Henceforth abbreviated as â€Å"pcs†[ 8 ]. T. A. Johnson, ‘Harmonic Vocabulary in the Music of John Adams: A Hierarchical Approach’, Journal of Music Theory, Vol. 37, No. 1 (Spring, 1993), 117-156 [ 9 ]. Examples: Harmonium (1980), Common Tones in Simple Tone (1979) and Shaker Loops (1978) [ 10 ]. T. A. Johnson, ‘Minimalism: Aesthetic, Style or Technique?’, The Music Quarterly, Vol. 78, No. 4 (Winter, 1994), 747-773 [ 11 ]. Johnson, Op. cit, 136 (Journal of Music Theory) [ 12 ]. Adams, Op. cit., 130 (Hallelujah Junction) [ 13 ]. M. Steinberg, ‘Harmonielehre’, The John Adams Reader, ed. Thomas May (USA, 2006), 101-105 [ 14 ]. T. A. Johnson, Op. cit, (Journal of Music Theory), 117-156 [ 15 ]. T. A. Johnson, Op. cit. (The Music Quarterly), 747-773 [ 16 ]. T. A. Johnson, Op. cit. (The Music Quarterly), 747-773 [ 17 ]. David Sterritt, â€Å"John Adams and His ‘Nixon in China’: Could This Be Another ‘Porgy and Bess’?†Christian Science Monitor, 19 Oct. 1987, 21-22 [ 18 ]. John Adams, quoted in Michael Steinberg, â€Å"Harmonium, by John Adams,†program notes for the San Francisco Symphony, Stagebill, 4, 6-7 Jan. 1987, 20B [ 19 ]. K. R. Schwarz, Op. Cit. (American Music) 245-273 [ 20 ]. T.A. Johnson, Op. Cit. (Journal of Music Theory), 117-156 [ 21 ]. From the discussion between Jonathan Cott and Adams concerning Harmonielehre in liner notes to Harmonielehre (Nonesuch 79115, 1985) [ 22 ]. John Adams, in an interview held in 1986 [ 23 ]. T. May, ‘Interview: John Adams reflects on his career’, The John Adams Reader, (USA, 2006), 2-28 [ 24 ]. K. Robert Schwarz, â€Å"Young American Composers: John Adams,†Music and Musicians, Mar. 1985, 10. [ 25 ]. Joseph Pehrson, New music Connoisseur, review for Harmonielehre [ 26 ]. T. A. Johnson, Op. Cit. (Journal of Music Theory),754 [ 27 ]. Adams, Op. Cit., Notes for Harmonielehre [ 28 ]. Steinberg, Op. Cit., 103 [ 29 ]. Based on C.G. Jung’s discussion of Anfortas, the king whose wounds could never be healed [ 30 ]. Steinberg, Op. Cit., 105
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Hospitality Management Essay
Reflecting from my management shift, restaurant manager has many different kinds of important tasks and responsibilities in the restaurant. Restaurant manager plays an important role in the hospitality and food and beverage department as they can motivate the staff and maintain the high quality service which will help the business run successfully. Manager can provide appropriate ambiance in the restaurant which will provide warm and comfortable environment for the customer. Waiter station and dividing sections of tables should be fully allocated before the start of service shift which starts 10:00AM. After that, checking staff’s five equipment (waiters friend, lighter, handkerchief, pen and note pad), and their grooming (hair, ironing uniform, socks, belt and name badge). In the first briefing time, restaurant manager has to explain required table-set up and finding any problem such as students who are absent. When I was restaurant manager, one waiter called in sick so I had to rearrange the table booking slots to make it fit 12 waiters instead of 13. This can make the service flow more efficiently. If I left the booking slots thee way they were, waiters would have needed to pick up tables in 10 minute gap. A manager should manage and check every time whether staff are doing the right thing. After food briefing, manager should check that all staff are familiar with the menu and kitchen abbreviations as well as the price for each dish. Thus, restaurant manager should lead their team smoothly and know all situation and happening in restaurant including kitchen as well. (Food & Beverage Work Book, Feb 2013) Before doing the restaurant manager shift, I had confidence in myself because I prepared the table time slot sheet, linen order and table and station allocation the night before my shift. But once the service started, unexpected accidents happened such as waiter calling in sick. Also, because it was Thursday and nearly towards assessment night for many people, most of the staff was very tense and unmotivated. Trying to motivate the staff to work faster and efficiently was uneasy at first but I still liked having the responsibility and doing important roles that are unlike to the normal waiting staff, I believed I learned a lot of new knowledge and management skills. I also can confidently say if I become restaurant manager again I would be better than before. Effective duty allocation Restaurant manager: Joanne Suh Host: Pearl Douglas Role: Prepare butter, Prepare silver service cutlery and waiter clothes, Make sure the menu is correct and printed, Welcome the guests arrival, Book reservation for lunch and dinner service for guests. Cashier: Lucy Payne Role: Allocate waiter dockets, record the food and beverage orders on computer for each table and prepare the bill for each table, total and fill up the cash-up sheet and record any alcohol docket received each night. When it is signed by the lecturer, put the money envelop to front office. Room service: Jay Lee Role: Collect the sick list from front office, Prepare tray for room service, take room service order, deliver the food to the rooms, collect the tray back once the food is finished (Usually after 1 hour) which will be placed on the corridor. Bar team leader: Olivia Ann Role: Prepare the mocktail and cocktail of the day, make sure bar, coffee station, water jug, wine service and waiting area and linens are set up and ready for service. Provide drink to order during service including hot beverage. Come early in the morning 6:30am to order butter and milk and other needed items and order linens and others that need time to recover the night before the shift. Bar assistant: Dana Button Role: Help the Bar Team Leader set up the bar, coffee station, waiting area, water jug, and wine service. Provide the drink to order during service. Listen and follow the bar team leader’s instructions. Barista : Make hot beverages when you receive the order from the guest. Prepare the coffee work station neatly and correctly before service shift starts. Help and follow the bar team leader’s instructions when there are no orders. (Usually start of the shift. ) Staff meal: Guy Sinclair, Lit Wang Role: Prepare Breakfast, Take staff meal orders for service and management team, Set up staff meal, Clean up Taranaki Restaurant after shift. Help in the La Vista Restaurant when the jobs are finished. Waiter: Chloe Wang, Abbey Bowater, Noriko Fuji, Shannon Rochford, Marlee Mclaughlan, Nhung Tran, Ginger(Shanshan) Yong, Cindy (Xinshi) Yang, Chris (Trung Toan) Le, James Pitisopa, Hayden Woodbury, Krill This is the list for all staffs that had been worked in my team. Absent : Savneet Singh 2. 2Explain whether you think the allocation of the duties and tasks were helpful or destructive for the team and give your reasons why. I prepared most of the jobs that I should do on my management shift but what I had missed out on was plan what the â€Å"staff†should be doing on their service shift. I had to plan out which person will be doing which task on the spot. This has resulted me giving people jobs that they are not the best at. For example giving the vacuum job to a weak female staff. Also as the staff were allocated jobs that they do not like, they refused to do the jobs I ordered them to do or made excuses to do them later. This has slowed down the cleaning time of service. But because we were already in our 8th week of operation, most of the staff were already capable of doing jobs themselves without being told to do them. We finished a little later than my expected time at lunch shift which was 2:30pm. We finished at 2:40pm. This was due to customers dining in for a long time. We had three tables of industry placement interviewers. Delegation 3. 1 Making decision For the making decision, when I organised table planning I gave three tables for most people and four tables for a couple of people due to absent waiter on the floor. There were some tables already set up from the last dinner shift so I tried to allocate one set up table for each waiter to make them prepare and set up tables quicker and fair. Also I allocated the staff meal waiters to help the floor waiters when they finished preparing for staff meal to speed up the process and we can open the restaurant on time. Explain whether you think this was effective. Think about the theory. What could be done differently? When I allocated the jobs I asked people in a polite way with a soft tone of voice so the staff do not get to tense about the jobs that they have to do. I tried to be fair for example if someone did a hard job such as vacuuming La vista, I made them do an easy job afterwards like taking menu papers out from the menu. I also thanked the staff and especially the staff members who worked harder than others to acknowledge them their work. Overall I think my theory has worked out better than ordering them harshly what to do as it was my first time being the restaurant manager and staff are not used to it they might think it too personal if I order them to do jobs in a harsh way. But I think giving more volume to my voice and seriousness at time to time would have made the staff actually listen and do the jobs I allocated them efficiently. 3. 3 Identify shift outcomes and tasks. Describe how you achieved the outcomes required in this role. It very nice outcome after shift because I went to talk around with all customers. They told me that service was very good there were only few complaints about the food taste which the service team cannot control. Overall cleaning up was a little slow for lunch but everyone picked themselves up and dinner shift flowed through a lot faster than lunch. The staff members worked hard for both service and cleaning even though many staff members were stressed about the assessment week coming up and tired. I thank all the staff members and I think my first time being the restaurant manager, I did exceptionally well. Managing conflict 4. 1 Was there any conflict or disagreement in your team? Yes, between me and my bar team leader. Because bar team leader is also a type of manager as well as they manage the bar, I should have treated the bar team leader more like a manager and different from the floor staff but instead I ordered the bar team leader to do some jobs in the bar and that had made the bar team leader unpleased as the bar team leader obviously knew what sort of jobs needed to be done. But because I am still the restaurant manager for that day, I believe I had my part and reason to say the things I have said to the bar team leader. I didn’t want to make too much of a big fuss about this matter as whether or not there are customers in the restaurant it is still a working environment and restaurant manager should behave and look professional at all times or else staff and customers will look down on both me and the bar team leader. If yes, what was done to resolve this conflict? If not, why not? I resolved this problem by pretending to not hear anything that the bar team leader said behind my back. Because I thought if the bar team leader realise that I heard our relationship will become awkward. There was also dinner shift left and I really didn’t want to make any big deal out of this matter so I just pretended I heard nothing. This was a good resolution because afterwards she worked really hard and was a great bar team leader which made the service run more smoothly which was good for everyone and the restaurant possible. But later I talked in the briefing that if the restaurant manager tell you to do something do not ignore them or refuse and treat the managers like a real manager in a work place. 4. 2 What are some other options for dealing with the same situation? I believe motivating the staff and complimenting when the staffs finish their jobs can make the staff more willing to work and follow my orders. More motivated staff can give happy energy vibe to the workplace which will be transferred to the customer which will give warmer ambiance in the restaurant. 4. 3 Would you do thing differently next time you need to work with a team? For the next time that I have to work in a team, I would try to improve myself on delegating staff. I will make sure that everything in the restaurant such as preparations and second plans for times when something goes wrong again so I have a backup plan which will make me panic less. Also next time I will plan the job allocations for cleaning and preparations before service to be more efficient with time management as a manager. 5. 1 Identify a challenge or problem that occurred during your management shift. The biggest challenge I had faced was I had one waiter absent and I had 13 slots on my booking sheet that was made and finished last dinner shift. Waiters are supposed to serve each table with 20 minute gap. This made me very busy until the last minute of service and waiters were confused as their time for booking was all changed. It also confused both the waiters on floor and the management team. 5. 2 What was your response to this challenge? After ii had found out that one waiter on floor will not show up for service, I fixed the booking sheet and made the time slot 12 instead of 13. I put tables of two people together and called rooms to move the tables to a later time to make sure each waiter received 20 minute gap between each table so they had enough time to manage their tables on time efficiently. I had to reallocate some tables and stations to distribute the absent waiter’s tables and informed the staff. 5. 3 Analyse whether your reaction/response was effective and identify what you would do differently (if anything). I think in terms with the time I had, my decision was the most effective decision that was possible and best for my staff as well. If I gave tables in 10 minute break the staff will be more stressed about their time management and make mistakes on their sequence of service and have delays which will also be unpleasing to the customers as well. If I could change one thing I would make extra booking sheets for 11 waiters and 12 waiters even though I have 13 just to make sure and be safe. 5. 4 Have you identified any skills where you need to improve? What skill do you need to improve? I think I need to improve on leadership skills as I am not good at giving people commands and orders. Asking nicely could result staff refusing to follow my request. Also leading the team well so the staff are not lost and can reply on the manger is the kind of skill I need to improve on as well. Learning about yourself 6. 2What were your strengths leading the team? Figuring out solutions and making the service run fast and efficient as well as making the staff feel comfortable is my strengths in terms of leading the team. Because I found my way through problems fast and prepared for the service well, the staff trusted me and had felt comfortable. Even with extra barriers I still managed to make service flow fast. 6. 3Have you identified any areas where you need to improve? What areas do you need to improve? I think I need to improve how to be a good leader because I don’t think I have that quality just yet when I was a restaurant manager, Also I want to improve my eight management skill such as leadership, flexibility, adaptability, inventory management, conflict resolution, ability to work under to pressure, ability to multi-task, and organization skill. To be a successful manager, I need to improve all of this skill and learn from the mistake that I had got to achieve in the future. 6. 4Identify what remedial strategies you will put in place to develop the areas that are identified above. The eight management skill: leadership, flexibility, adaptability, inventory management, conflict resolution, ability to work under pressure, ability to multi-task, and organization skill and comunication. Statistic data At lunch shift, we had 126 customers coming to dine and our total food revenue was $1,962 and total beverage revenue was $2194 Hence, our average food check is $15.6 per person. It means that we sold entree and main food more than one person, which is good but it is not so good. Our team needed upselling skills at this moment. Thus, Total revenue should be $ but we received money only $ which means we lost $. The reason why this happen was that students did not pay properly and just left without paying, but it is very serious problem in real world and somebody should be to blame. That would be restaurant manager. Hence, I think that the statistic data show us how much money we make and can find the problems such as money stolen or not.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Teach YOur Children Well essays
Teach YOur Children Well essays New California law states that it is up to the prosecutors in a case as to whether minors are charged as adults for violent crimes. What should a judge do when eight boys from suburban middle class families, confess to armed robbery and assault and battery of five Hispanic immigrant farm workers? In this case, one must realize what a delicate situation this has come to be. If tried as adults these eight boys could spend their next sixteen years in juvenile detention. They were described as being 'good boys' with no other marks on their records. With only one reason for committing such a crime, these boys need to face their racism while justice is being served, with non-traditional punishment that will teach an unforgettable lesson. As upper-middle class, above-average students, even some athletes, these boys obviously do not know what life is all about. Authorities said that the boys were specifically looking for Hispanic workers to attack, so that shows the boys had some type of motive. In this day and age where Americans have a need to be treated as equal; equal opportunity employers, equal rights for men, women, African-American, Chinese-American, and every other group of people in this country, one would think that somewhere along the line children would get the message that we are all the same. Children should be taught to love, not hate. It is painful to see such a crime committed just for the mere fact that they were different. Didn't hate crimes end in the sixties? Why is it that still parents cannot or will not instill in their children ideals of an equal human race? Black or white, brown or red, rich or poor, aren't we all the same when you turn out the lights? I am not saying that I think th is is entirely the parents' fault, but they do need to take blame. At the age these boys are at, their parents are some of their few role models, and they always will be, but at this age, parents are the most influential p...
Monday, October 21, 2019
The corrosive impact of globalization on languages essays
The corrosive impact of globalization on languages essays As globalization is gaining momentum in all dimensions such as economies, cultures among countries, it brings along crushing impact in many aspects. Languages are on the list of things that bear the brunt and statistics reveal that every year several languages dissolve. Thus the incipient trend prompts backlash by some conservatives who are gradually becoming apprehensive and appeal to governments to take measures to stave off their distinctions. Analyzing insightfully, I think they make a fuss about it and the protective measures are dispensable. For a start, it is the historical trend that determines the demise of some languages. At one time in history, these languages may have contributed to the progress of society as means of communicating. But recently, they have outlived their usefulness. Few and far between people still use them for communicating. Thus, they are gradually becoming less and less conducive and constructive in facilitating people ¡Ã‚ ¯s lives and pushing society forward. Therefore, these languages are destined to be ruled out of the world stage by the screening system dominated by history which resembles natural selection. Moreover, with some languages petering out, it will add to the conveniences in communication. The language, embodiment of the speaker ¡Ã‚ ¯s ideas, plays an essential role during communication. So on condition that everyone speaks his own language respectively, he will encounter obstruction in getting himself understood. Only if some languages vanish can more people resort to the same language. So as can be seen, the doom of some languages isn ¡Ã‚ ¯t a thing without any merits and doesn ¡Ã‚ ¯t deserve being bombarded. Lastly, taking measures to protect languages that are on the brink of extinction is not a snap. It entails an exorbitant price including money, time and energy which is supposed to be channeled to other deprived fields such as education, environmental protection. And those fields are ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Definition and Examples of Putative Should in English
Definition and Examples of Putative 'Should' in English In English grammar, putative should is the use of the word should in contexts that indicate surprise or disbelief, or that refer to the occurrence (or possible occurrence) of some situation or event. This usage differs from the should of obligation (i.e., the mandative should). As noted by Randolph Quirk et al., putative should (also called emotional should) occurs in that clauses after expressions of emotion (sorrow, joy, displeasure, surprise, wonder, etc.), and is often accompanied by intensifying expressions such as so, such, like this/that, ever, or at all (A Comprehensive Grammar, 1985). In addition, putative should occurs in subordinate clauses as an alternative to the subjunctive after expressions of suggesting, advising, etc.: They insisted that I (should) stay the whole week (Oxford Dictionary of English Grammar, 1994). Putative should is more common in British English than in American English. Also Known As: emotional should, attitudinal should, hypothetical should, subjunctive should Examples Major Green gently nodded and then briefly glanced through the same porthole, behind which the Earth lay static and diminutive, no bigger than an average football. The oddest thing for me is that people should be living there at all! he exclaimed on a softly humorous note. (John OLoughlin, Millennial Projections, 1983)It is surprising that you should find this practice shocking, since you French cut off the heads of your King and Queen. (Rebecca West, Black Lamb and Grey Falcon: A Journey Through Yugoslavia, 1941)I know its a little strange, a little bit of a contradiction, that a far-seeing place should also be a basement place, but thats how it is with me. (Stephen King, Stephen King, On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft. Scribner, 2000)It seems a great shame you should have to pay for what Albert and Clara did. (Arnold Bennett, These Twain, 1915)It is sad that you should talk such nonsense, and sadder that I should have to listen.(Ferdinand Canning Scott Schiller, Studies in Humanism , 1912) Peter Walsh, who had done just respectably, filled the usual posts adequately, was liked, but thought a little cranky, gave himself airs- it was odd that he should have had, especially now that his hair was grey, a contented look; a look of having reserves. (Virginia Woolf, Mrs. Dalloway, 1925) Adjectives With Putative Should The adjectives anxious, eager, and willing are followed by a thats are appropriate, essential, important, vital. Adjectives which can be followed by a verb phrase in the thats are afraid, angry, hopeful, inconceivable, odd, sad, sorry, surprised, surprising. (Ilka Mindt, Adjective Complementation: An Empirical Analysis of Adjectives Followed by That-Clauses. John Benjamins, 2011) Factual Should In most of its uses, should is to be found in contexts which are either counterfactual (as in You should be in your office at this time of day, which presupposes ...but you are not in your office) or tentative (as in You should give up smoking, which contains a presupposition approximately paraphrasable as ...but Im not sure you will give up smoking). In some cases, however, should is used in contexts which- at least apparently- contain no negative implication. These contexts, which may be called factual, seem to contradict the hypothesis that -ed always expresses a presupposition of unreality. (Most factual uses of should concern what is often called putative should- see, for instance, Quirk et al...The coincidence of the two categories, however, is only partial.) (Paul Larreya, Irrealis, Past Time Reference and Modality. Modality in Contemporary English, ed. by Roberta Facchinetti, Manfred G. Krug, and Frank Robert Palmer. Walter de Gruyter, 2003) Jespersen on Emotional Should We may use the term emotional should for the use of should in passing a judgment of an emotional character (agreeable or disagreeable surprise, indignation, joy) on some occurrence which may, or may not, be a fact. A sentence like Why was the date omitted? is a mere factual question, but Why should the date of the document be omitted? implies wonder and, possibly, some suspicion of the purity of the motives. Compare further: Where the divell should he learne our language? (Sh.). Why should they try to influence him? [I see no reason] Someone asking for you. Who should ask for me? Similarly, these examples show use in clauses: It is not good that the man should be alone (AV). It was quite natural that the Russians should hate their oppressors. Why should she have done so, I can hardly tell. It is strange that she married (or has married) such an old man merely states the fact; It is strange that she should have married such an old man lays more stress on the strangeness by using the imaginative should in the clause. (Otto Jespersen, Essentials of English Grammar. George Allan Unwin, 1933) Also See Conditional Clause and Conditional SentenceConfused Words: Should and Would
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Picasso's Influence on Gertrude Stein's Tender Buttons Essay
Picasso's Influence on Gertrude Stein's Tender Buttons - Essay Example The essay "Picasso's Influence on Gertrude Stein's Tender Buttons" analyzes Pablo Picasso, cubism and how they influenced on Gertrude Stein's "Tender Buttons". A painting may be a true art but a chair to sit on is an artistic element. Art which has less functional values is called fine arts while the objects which serve the functional purpose are called craft. At one time period art has been considered to primarily depict the ideas of truth and beauty. Art when used to convey beauty has also helped in creating awareness in people, has helped them to fight for their right, has shown them where the world is heading and how to make it a better place for our next generation. Hence art has been used to convey meaning and is not just used for pleasure. Awareness and enthusiasm has been created in people through various forms of art. It could be poetry, painting, a novel, a song, a sculpture, an act of drama; art can be of any form and can convey meaning in anyway though its should be under stood, then only it has its worth and serves its purpose. Picasso and Gertrude are one of those who has served the people through their work. Both these artists had interest in cubism; Picasso used it in his paintings while Stein had used it in her writings. During 1909 and 1919 Picasso along with Braque developed Analytic Cubism and Synthetic Cubism. Analytic Cubism is a style of painting using monochrome brownish colors while Synthetic Cubism is a development of Cubism in which pieces of newspaper are pasted into the composition.... severe poverty where he had to burn of his work to provide warmth to himself and he had also seen high times when his work had become famous after he had started signing his work with only 'Picasso' rather than 'Pablo Ruiz y Picasso'. During the time he was famous he had attend dinners and parties with rich and elite class people and have had many women in his life. During 1909 and 1919 Picasso along with Braque developed Analytic Cubism and Synthetic Cubism. Analytic Cubism is a style of painting using monochrome brownish colors while Synthetic Cubism is a development of Cubism in which pieces of newspaper or wallpaper are pasted into the composition making use of collage in fine art. During the First and Second World War and Spanish Civil War Picasso remained neutral but he supported the idea through his paintings. During the Spanish Civil War, Picasso living abroad had voluntarily participated by expressing his anger and condemnation of Franco and Fascists through his work. He supported the Catalan independence movement and became a member of the Communist Party. Picasso became a loyal member of French Communist Party in 1944 and attended an international peace conference in Poland. In 1950 he received a Stalin Peace Prize from the government and the Stalin portrait depicted that his interest in the communist politics had become low though he remained a faithful member of the communist party until his death. [2] Cubism Cubism is a twentieth century art movement that has changed the European painting; it was very significant in France during 1907 and 1914. It has been founded by both Picasso and Braque. The artist depicts the subject from many sides and shows a greater context while cubist artworks include broken up objects which are analyzed and re-arranged.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Future of Healthcare Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Future of Healthcare - Essay Example untries such as the United States have established public health care as an intervention to manage and control illnesses, injuries and other health disorders through disease surveillance, and encouragement of health behavior, environment and the society. It was intended to improve the accessibility of health services through private and public insurance health care provision to all Americans (AcademyHealth, 2011). Although introduction of Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in 2010 has addressed various challenges facing the health sector the reform has its share of challenges, risks, and opportunities for the people and the state. The drive to increase government involvement in health care administration in the United Stated State can be traced in 1912 following the presidential candidate on the Progressive Party ticket Theodore Roosevelt call for creation of a national health insurance scheme to replicate that of Germany (Emanuel, 2014). After the Great Depression, the proposal gained attention in 1932 when Wilbur Commission, a governmental panel observed that millions of American residents lacked access to affordable medical cover (AcademyHealth, 2011). They suggested a medical group practices and prepayment scheme where the group would contribute finances to cover the members. The intention was to provide every American with medical cover. However, the system experienced myriad challenges partly because of inadequate funds the state was facing and partly because the American Medical Association (AMA) failed to endorse government-run healthcare. These led to the failure of legislation to support the proposa l. Another attempt to provide a ten-year health care for all Americans was put across by President Harry Truman in 1945. However, the effort was thwarted by AMAs warning of the detriment of socializing medical care and subsequent opposition by the Congress (Brill, 2015). However, these proposals set the ground for subsequent political debates to
Brewer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Brewer - Essay Example The companies in both countries also expand through the acquisition, cooperation as well as licensing with the local parties. There is also a pest analysis which can further help in highlighting the biggest influences on the company’s organizational strategies both currently as well as in the future. Similarly these influences can either be positive or even negative but the key issue in the analysis is identifying and concentrating upon the trends and factors which will most likely have the greatest impact upon the future of the organization. (Kenneth, 1992) The beer markets in Germany have always been one of the key export markets in Europe even though the marketing of beer in the UK is primarily affected by the trade marketing activities in the cooperation with the key customers in the European Union. The company Oetker has however been aiming to enter the UK market and it has laid down its clear objectives towards the achievement of its goal. This will however have major consequences to the Burton on Trent brewing company which already enjoys its presence in the UK market. Since Germany is the largest beer company in Europe it has the highest per capita consumption of beer in the world and with the prospects of the new entrant Oetker in the market segment there are prospects of the consumption levels not increasing especially because of the existence of other beer companies like Burton on Brent in the market. (Kenneth, 1992) Oekter is one of the largest drinks companies in Europe and its entry in the European market will pose a particular challenge to its competitor Burton on Trent. Oetker continues to further seek ways of expanding into the new markets while it still moves towards the expansion to new markets and the increased market share domination in the areas it already occupies. The market for beers in their various guises is
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Introduction to Accounting and finance -- Economics, Finance and Assignment - 6
Introduction to Accounting and finance -- Economics, Finance and Management - Assignment Example reality this may not be the case, the company may face sudden changes in any of these estimates and if any major change occurs, it would definitely affect the estimate and the cash flow forecast presented above. Although the company’s cash position improves gradually during the 6 month period according to the cash flow forecast there may be certain areas that may need to be considered. (BusinessLink, 2010) Managers need to be aware of the huge interest that the company has to pay for the overdrafts and the loans taken out by the company, managers should choose between the best possible sources of loan i.e. either the overdraft or the long term loan to manage the company more effectively. (Wilkinghoff, 2009) There is a major difference between the cash earned by a company and its profit. The profits that a company makes are usually based upon accounting techniques and standards and these do not always show the correct picture of a company. Profit is derived by deducting the revenue earned from the cost incurred in gaining those revenue plus other immaterial things such as depreciation, provisions, amortization, goodwill, etc. these figures are fictitious and are not in cash terms i.e. no cash is either received or paid when such things occur. Cash on the other hand gives a better picture of a company which can clearly make the managers ascertain the liquidity position of a company and the company’s actual earnings with respect to its actual spending. The cash figure clearly tells the managers as to how much liquid cash is available that can be used to invest in the business or can be paid off to its shareholders. (Liquidity, 2010) The balance sheet of Hide and Seek Ltd clearly shows the depreciation figure used up in calculating the net worth of the noncurrent assets of the organization. The balance sheet clearly shows that the company has a good working capital of around  £3100 but this is not shown in the cash flow forecast for the month of June, which
Finance Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2
Finance - Assignment Example To create a child day care center the YMCA must identify the space for the project. Then it must invest in infrastructure improvements as well as equipment and accessories for the day care center. The required human resource and its monthly cost must be determined. The second cash flow aspect of the project would be once the center is built. The YMCA must pay for maintenance expenses, payroll, utilities, and other expenses associated with the day care center. The demand for the services might exceed the supply capacity of the center. The company should establish a fee to the mothers or fathers of children that are attended in the day care center in order to cover operating expenses. The weekly fee for services in the child day care of the YMCA should be below market value for similar services in the community. Despite the YMCA’s best intentions there is no way that the YMCA can offer the child day care services for free. If it was free the center would receive an incredible amount of applications since everyone desires free child day care
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Introduction to Accounting and finance -- Economics, Finance and Assignment - 6
Introduction to Accounting and finance -- Economics, Finance and Management - Assignment Example reality this may not be the case, the company may face sudden changes in any of these estimates and if any major change occurs, it would definitely affect the estimate and the cash flow forecast presented above. Although the company’s cash position improves gradually during the 6 month period according to the cash flow forecast there may be certain areas that may need to be considered. (BusinessLink, 2010) Managers need to be aware of the huge interest that the company has to pay for the overdrafts and the loans taken out by the company, managers should choose between the best possible sources of loan i.e. either the overdraft or the long term loan to manage the company more effectively. (Wilkinghoff, 2009) There is a major difference between the cash earned by a company and its profit. The profits that a company makes are usually based upon accounting techniques and standards and these do not always show the correct picture of a company. Profit is derived by deducting the revenue earned from the cost incurred in gaining those revenue plus other immaterial things such as depreciation, provisions, amortization, goodwill, etc. these figures are fictitious and are not in cash terms i.e. no cash is either received or paid when such things occur. Cash on the other hand gives a better picture of a company which can clearly make the managers ascertain the liquidity position of a company and the company’s actual earnings with respect to its actual spending. The cash figure clearly tells the managers as to how much liquid cash is available that can be used to invest in the business or can be paid off to its shareholders. (Liquidity, 2010) The balance sheet of Hide and Seek Ltd clearly shows the depreciation figure used up in calculating the net worth of the noncurrent assets of the organization. The balance sheet clearly shows that the company has a good working capital of around  £3100 but this is not shown in the cash flow forecast for the month of June, which
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Critique Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Critique - Assignment Example The authors have discussed various approaches the organizations will use modern knowledge to capitalize on customer involvement and transform brand conversation expertise and populations. Therefore, as the marketing world undergoes digital transformations the most essential tools for marketers will be maximizing on forming relationships with the customers and delivery of value to them by taking customers are the central nerve of the marketers’ activities. These perceptions are echoed by Wong in the article â€Å"The Future of Advertising.†Wong makes a similar observation and argues that marketers’ competitiveness will be determined by their ability to identify customer’s specific needs and to satisfy that requirement in real time (Wong, 2015). Also, he argues that the era of mass-marketing products is coming to an end because although televisions and radios assist in reaching many audiences they are not sufficient for consumer engagement. On the contrary, marketers will use strategies to identify the exact needs of the consumer momentarily and satisfy that need in real time. Wong cites an example of Google and Apple use of mobile applications to control human health, cars and homes as a mark of the beginning of the digital era that leads instantaneous satisfaction consumer needs (Wong, 2015). Therefore, marketers will use various applications and devices to interact with consumers and deliver their value through the devices and applications The book and the article presents the clear truth about the future marketing by arguing that the marketers should understand the specific needs and wants of the customers, focus on particular market segment which they can be able to satisfy and maximize on value creation to appeal to the customers and develop value for them (Kottler & Armstrong, 2015). Through such marketing practices, the organizations can enlarge
Monday, October 14, 2019
Determine the Empirical Formula of Magnesium Oxide by reacting a known mass of Magnesium with Oxygen Essay Example for Free
Determine the Empirical Formula of Magnesium Oxide by reacting a known mass of Magnesium with Oxygen Essay Safety Risk Assessment: Properly follow lab safety guidelines by wearing lab coats, gloves, and goggles and clear any personal belongings off the experiment area or the apparatus table. Gently handle glassware. Be careful when dealing with Bunsen burners. Make sure the crucible does not break while heating it as it might break due to the immense air pressure inside. Conclusion: Mg10O3 is the empirical formula we found through our experiment. Theoretically, the empirical formula is MgO. This is because Magnesium is a group 2 element so it would lose two electrons to form Mg2+ ion. Oxygen is a group 6 element so it would gain two electrons to form a O2- ion. So in theory, the empirical formula is MgO. Therefore we see were nowhere close obtaining a empirical formula to the theoretical answer though according to our uncertainty for Oxygen which is  ±3 it could be the oxygen we had weighed 5g and so therefore giving us a much accurate result of Mg10O2 which would go to a simplest ratio of Mg2O which would be closer to the theoretical answer. In addition to this according to our huge uncertainty the ratio could have also been 1:1 if the ratio would have led to 6:6. Though we see that the reason behind getting such an inaccurate answer is due to the incomplete combustion and due to not using a much more precise and accurate balance to weigh the apparatus and chemicals used.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Analysis and Benefits of Smart Health Cards
Analysis and Benefits of Smart Health Cards Health Card Systems History: In 1993 Advantage Data Systems was founded to develop a smart card for the health care industry .The founding group consisted of health care professionals from private practices in Oklahoma city , Oklahoma U.S.A . These professionals had all experienced a need within their practice of medicine for a convenient method for patients to carry their health information. As practicing health care professionals, they were dealing with patients who could not remember their medical history or provide an accurate recollection of their medication or allergies on a daily basis. Providing patients with a tool to keep an accurate record of their medical history was the goal upon which Advantage Data Systems was founded. With this goal in mind several technologies were investigated in order to determine the one most applicable to the project. Although several technologies had positive attributes, a smart card for health care provide myriad of benefits. By using a smart card for the health care card, ADS could achieve its goal to provide a convenient and reliable method for patients to carry their medical history. System Definition: Its a patient identification card with high level of data and transmission security, large memory capacity, flexible programming options, and standardized interfaces. It contains all the health information about the patient. It helps to reduce fraud, streamline administration, improve communication, and enhance the quality of treatment. Our industry-specific, cost-effective processing, allows us the ability to focus on your unique requirements and to tailor our programs and services to meet your special criteria for processing. Take this opportunity to also understand why leading industry Associations, Organizations and Societies in the Healthcare, Personal care and Wellness markets have selected Health Card Systems for their own processing as well as endorsing and promoting Health Card for their membership. The flexibility of the HCS Patient Card also permits the storage of multiple access codes, allowing affiliated hospital sites and clinics with different computer systems to retrieve vital patient information from the same card. Worldwide, the costs of healthcare are exploding. The main reason is that advanced medicines and technology are boosting life expectancy. As people get older, the care they need becomes more frequent and more expensive. To be able to finance this positive effect of higher life expectancy, the existing healthcare systems must be made more efficient. One means is the introduction of card-enabled e-health networks. Why I need Smart Health Cards? There is much longer story why we dont already have Health Smart Cards in our pockets. It is not because of the technical reasons or cost of the system at all. It is more about politics, people resisting Smart Health cards fail to understand benefits such technology brings to the table. Smart cards would save countless lives if implemented. Consider this: Germany has population of about 80 million people. Until smart cards were implemented every year about 50-60 thousand people were dying because of medical errors, mostly wrong prescriptions. Sounds like awfully a lot of dead people and it really is! There were only about 5 to 6 thousands of deaths caused by traffic accidents in the same time, whole Germany. Now consider USA, population is 4 times bigger, if the smart health cards arent existing, you draw your own conclusions Comparing the situation at Palestine, there is occupation and Israels assassination of the Palestinians, so the hospitals could not diagnose the patients condition and to deal rapidly. So we need to use the health cards so as to treat patients rapidly as much as possible, to save the largest number of patients lives. Cards, by design, are protected against tampering; they cant be copied or counterfeited in any way. The smart health card has implemented in the whole Western Europe (Germany, France, Belgium, Austria, Slovenia), Taiwan, and Puerto Rico, Canada, Israel, South Africa, Indiamore. †¢ Smart cards are small, they fit everybodys pocket †¢ Smart cards are very secure, cant be read, copied, manipulated, counterfeited or duplicated †¢ Smart card protect privacy where needed †¢ Smart cards are re-writable †¢ Smart card can contain digital log with location, date, time, persons stamp to record every transaction †¢ Smart card can contain digital prescriptions, no mistakes with handwriting, quantity or quality of medications †¢ Smart health card could be used anywhere, on the street by medical emergency crew to quickly learn about allergies and treatments, even if injured person is un-capable to interact with anybody †¢ Smart card can be set that certain profile of medical personnel can see only certain portion of card data †¢ Insurance, administrative and personal ID data are available †¢ Long sign ups at doctors offices can be avoided, just insert card into the smart card reader †¢ Only after doctor presents his own medical professional smart card, his card and patients card verify each other. After cross-verification transactions can take place †¢ Small and inexpensive balance reader can read emergency data any time, anywhere †¢ Smart health cards speed up medical administration, put it in right format (HIPAA), process claims faster and more precisely †¢ Smart cards save hundreds of millions in administration, insurance, public funding, government money †¢ Smart health card is actively fighting medical fraud and critical errors saving money and lives due to the availability of emergency data. Smart card supports both languages English and Arabic. Also it has a huge database in compare with current systems which are programmed on access. It is easy to Update, Privileged Access, Accurate and Quick Registration. Electronic signing of the data can ensure that there is no subsequent alteration to guarantee the integrity of the records. Smart health card Increase in productivity among staff due to less time dealing with paperwork, so patients dont have to wait for service. Who will benefit from Health Smart cards? Every person giving or receiving healthcare (patient). Ministry of Health. Insurance companies or Government insurance institutions. Medical institutions. Government overall when cards are massively applied. When massively applied, every person in the country since savings will be huge. Benefits to the Hospital Huge potential for revenue growth in terms of loyal patients and other sources. Tremendous reduction of Doctors diagnosis and analysis time. Saves huge sums on avoiding unnecessary and voluminous paperwork and other administrative overheads. The health information of all the customers will be available in the hospitals system. Can ensure that the patients buy the medicines from pharmacies approved by the hospital, as they would have the Smart Card Readers. Prolonged medical attention cases like pregnancy, dialysis etc. can be tracked and checked for individual patients. †¢ A technical advantage over their fellow competitors. Benefits to Physicians Availability of current medical data at all times. Ability to obtain critical healthcare information from an incapacitated or unconscious patient. Improved communication and information sharing among healthcare providers, Physicians, hospitals, laboratories and pharmacies. Reduced administrative workload. Enables accurate data collection for research purpose, facilitating the evolution from Curative medicine to preventive medicine. Benefits to Patients Ability to carry their virtual medical record with them at all times and releases it to which they choose. Enables improved healthcare thanks to better-informed providers. Enables faster treatments in emergency situations. Eliminates need to remember specific terms, medications, and treatment names. Eliminates unnecessary treatments, repeated producers and tests. Benefits for Insurance Provider Faulty Claims can be avoided. Better Customer service. Who are potential customers to engage? Medical health insurance companies. Ministry of Health. Ambulances. Hospitals. Individual doctors offices specially Dentists. Pharmacies. What is actually written into the patients cards? o Cards are used as a secure portable mini data bases with: Card information (serial numbers, issuers codes and data). Personal information (personal data like name and address. Insurance information (coverage and insurance details). Emergency data. Medical data (information about medical conditions and treatments). Chronic disease info (patients data about possible chronic diseases). Diagnosis. Medications prescribed. How system works? Main software resides at hospitals computers. Applicant takes blank smart card and creates new Health card. Card is written with initial control data and is given to the hospitals. Hospitals takes card by card and personalizes cards by entering personal ID data and health data, and the insurance company add insurance details like type of coverage, contact details. They print card if its not printed already. Now card is given to end user. Now anybody with a smart card can walk to any hospital/ clinics/ pharmacist/ Insurance companies where the information of patients can be read, write and updated. patients carry the card with them at all times, giving medical personnel immediate access to their concise medical history, current medications, allergies, the names and telephone numbers of family or friends, and other information necessary for medical treatment decisions. The patients can avoid delay in admission, giving same answer again and again, doing same tests again. Doctors can easily know the medical history of the patient, the diagnostic reports etc. Health Card System: Cardholder uses card every time when he or she comes to health care facility. There are no forms to fill. Parts of the card may be protected by PIN that is known only to card holder. Doctors read a card and write back short notes if needed. They are also able to write prescriptions to the card. Same kind of information can be written into the data base so new card could be created in case original one is lost or stolen. If there is a prescription involved patient comes to Pharmacy and they are able to read portion of the card with prescriptions and hand out proper prescription drugs to cardholder. Some Questions that face us as interpreters 1. Is there a clear business case? Including financial and consumer behavior factors? 2. What type of information do we want to store in the cards (data or value)? 3. How many cards will be needed? 4. What are the security requirements? 5. Who will have access to this information? 6. Who will be allowed to change this information? FAQ About Health Card System?! 1. What happens when a patient loses their card? Card backups assure that the smart card system offers the same level of convenience as any other. If cards are lost or stolen, they can quickly be replaced. (And if a card is stolen, the thief cant use it or read any sensitive information from it because it is password protected.).In addition if a patient forgets his card for any circumstance, the hospital can access the system through the patients full name or identification number assigned to it. 2. If data stored on the cards is also stored on line as a backup, why do you need smart cards at all? There is an enormous difference between relying on smart cards as the primary source for data, and relying on a remote on-line source. Since smart card backup information is only accessed when cards require replacement, very high security measures can be put in place without affecting the flow of information in the system. There are many other benefits that come from the fact that backups in a smart card system can be batch transmitted, minimizing system telecommunication costs. 3. How can you save time and money by using Health Card System?! Access to previous examination results allows a faster diagnosis. Moreover, duplication of examination and tests of sure can be avoided. 4. How can programmer protect the special medical information of patients? At the beginning it should be noted that the role of programmer is to design a system to make it easier for the user to diagnose and treat at the lowest cost, time, and therefore programmed after the completion of the program and guidance on how to use the relevant categories in turn, enter data for each patient .. In addition, the paper files are currently used may be exposed to damage or loss or theft while the information stored on this system is fully protected. 5. Some patients need to seek treatment abroad. How can he get all the medical information about his health which already save on the health card that none of software can read it except yours that doesnt find abroad?! If the patient needs to travel out for treatment. The file of health history will print to him and stamped from the hospital and the Ministry of Health. Business Plan HealthTech Administrative Plan  HealthTech PURPOSE AND BACKGROUND: In 2009, We Think about this Idea for our country, because of specializing in creating an ideal fit of the Patient Identification Card with the existing (Hospital Information System). Our innovative marketing programs increase patient satisfaction by providing simple solutions to admission questions. The HCS Patient Card System provides reduced admission time and increase accuracy while strengthening patient loyalty. The flexibility of the HCS Patient Card also allowing affiliated hospital sites and clinics with different computer systems to retrieve vital patient information from the same card.  HealthTech Ownership: The Owner of this project are The CEO Hamza Hindi he gets the Idea and starts to do it by get a Hand of 5 people who liked this idea and start to do the idea to the real life which are Mariam Nuaimi , Vivian Khair , Haytham Sbeih , Rasha Al-Sabbah , Marwa Qaraqe. Hamza Hindi Put Cash money to do the project by 20% and the five by 30% and the other 50% is a fund from a Foreign Company. So it is Shareable Resources and Profit by many sides, all of us works to let this company success .and it can be an ideal way to get the most out of the investment by purchasing only the shares or time you require from an asset. All other aspects are split, both the benefits and the costs, among a limited number of shareholders or members in our company. Hamza Hindi: He has done his BA from Bethlehem University then worked for a Bethlehem Chamber Industry Commerce. Hes an excellent web designer. He has strong Photoshop and flash skills Haytham Sbeih: He has done his BA from Bethlehem University. He has worked on different platform including Java. Vivian Khair: She has done her BA from Bethlehem University. Mariam Nuaimi: She has done her BA from Bethlehem University. Marwa Qaraqe: She has done her BA from Bethlehem University. Rasha Al-Sabbah: She has done her BA from Bethlehem University. There are three main part of business at this moment and these responsibilities will be distributed as follows Sales Marketing, Purchase, Operation and PR: All these activities will be handled by Rasha Al-Sabbah, Mariam Nuaimi, Marwa Qaraqe. Software development, testing, documentation and installation: These activities will be handled by Haytham Sbeih, Vivian Khair. Hardware, Integration and full service installation: These activities will be performed by Hamza Hindi.  HealthTech Vision : HealthTech will be a leader in health care quality and safety, recognized by all as the best place in the region to receive careand work.  HealthTech Mission : HealthTech will be a national leader in health care, exists to provide quality health services to all those in need.  HealthTech Values : HealthTech Health System realizes and is committed to the mission and vision through: Integrity: We are honest, open in our communications, and consistent in doing what we say we will do. Compassion: We provide a caring response to the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of all. Safety: We practice safety behaviors and error prevention techniques to ensure the safety of our patients, visitors and co-workers. Accountability: We accept individual and collective responsibility for everything we do. Respect: We recognize the dignity and worth of the individual, acknowledging the diversity of needs, experiences and talents of each person. Excellence: We strive to achieve the best in everything we do.  HealthTech Organization chart:  HealthTech Schedule of tasks and responsibilities: In our Company we have A CEO manager which will Perform Jobs and Duties for all other Managers and Staff, every Manager work on a plan which will be overview by the CEO, the other managers also watches the Staff and their work. HealthTech Schedule of remuneration:  CEO: Monthly Salary: 2500$ yearly Salary: 30000$ Works Five Days in a Week, about 6 hours in a day from 9-3.  Any under title of Manager: Monthly Salary: 2000$ yearly Salary: 24000$ Works Five Days in a Week, about 8 hours in a day from 8-4.  Staff : Monthly Salary: 1000$ yearly Salary: 12000$ Works Five Days in a Week, about 8 hours in a day from 8-4.  Cleaners And Service sector : Monthly Salary: 263$ yearly Salary: 3156$ Works Five Days in a Week, about 8.5 hours in a day from 7.5 4. Marketing Plan â€Å"Depends on 4Ps†PRODUCT  What is the Product? Its a patient identification card with high level of data and transmission security, large memory capacity, flexible programming options, and standardized interfaces. It contains all the historical medical health information about the patient, such as: blood group, diseases, medicines and all allergic cases that must be noticeableEtc. Cards, by design, are protected against tampering; they cant be copied or counterfeited in any way. Smart cards are small; they fit everybodys pocket so the patient can move without fatigue or discomfort.  What is the name of the Product? Heath Card System.  Is the Product seasonal? No. Because it is used over time.  Does the consumer remember the name of the Product? Yes, he remembers it. The name of the product is easy and related to its use.  The life cycle of the Product? The life cycle of the product is related to the patient life. So, when the person died his card is discarded.  Is it possible to add new elements to the product? Yes, we can update the software as the new needs of customer which may face us such as: Adding new fields to the system, improve the interface of the system and the card, online service provider.  What is the extent of customer satisfaction to the product? By the result of the questionnaire which contains 100 samples. We found that 92% of the Palestinian nation is accepted the idea and they are ready to support and use this product.  Is the target group is sensitive to quality? Yes of course the group is sensitive to quality. PRICE: What is the strategy that you want to follow in order to set price? Since we are trying to provide common product for all the customers we will have similar price for every target customers. But not all the target customers welcome our idea with the same excitement; in that case we will go for making facilities for our customers. We have basically three offers- Software, Readers and Cards. The software will be sold and installed at 3 price levels, for hospitals at $20,000, pharmacies at 2,000, medical centres and insurance companies at $5,000. The reader will be sold at 32.5% margin which will come around $33. The card will be sold at $1.5. Moreover, we must notice the breakeven point in order to determine our profit.  What are the considerations that need to be considered when pricing? In order to set the price we have to take in consideration: 1) Cost: The Pricing structure must cover all costs and provide an acceptable profit margin. 1. Research and Development department costs. 2. System Analysis costs. 3. System Design costs. 4. Programming hardware and software costs. 5. Machines needed such as: card readers, smart cards and Computers costs. 6. Wages costs. 2) Competitor prices: Its important to consider the competitor price. However, theres no direct competition so we are free to set our price. 3) Image: In order to make our customers perceive our product as a high quality items are best to be set. 4) Channels of distributions: There is no need to consider it because our distribution model will be of direct selling. v What are the prices of competition goods? There are no direct competition goods. We have indirect competitor which is any company that use smart card and readers. Most of these players are for other businesses like software development, campus, hotels, ATM machines, reader and they are interested in bigger projects. Names of indirect competitors: Palestine Elevators Company. Israeli Companies Al-Quds elevators Company. v What are the strengths and weaknesses of competitors? Most are the competitors who are in the market are well established player in the market in the related businesses. They have good relationships with the existing suppliers but they are not concentrated in Smart Card business only, especially Health Smart Card is hardly a good idea for them. They chase the big projects only. We will have solution for small players at very small cost. We will make money in readers and smart cards. Simultaneously we will focus big hospitals for their turnkey project. So far not a single player who is in Health Card provide these information on net, we will differentiate there and will provide full information on the network which will be accessible by log in. This is the right time to enter into Health Care Smart Card where one side standard of living is increasing on the other hand people are becoming more aware of the health. v Who is your target group? The target customers include patients who need to go to hospitals, diagnostic centres, Clinics, Pharmacy, Insurance companies. So, our target could be the end users (patients) which is 2448433 person or the organizations and companies such as hospitals which are 52, Medical centres which are 537, Pharmacies which are 910, Insurance companies which are 8 in west bank. We will begin in the big cities like Ramallah, AlKhalil and Nablus and then continue to the rest. v What is the income level of the target group? According to the result of our questionnaire the income level of the target group (end users) is between 1000-3000 Nis. v What are the costs to produce the Product? $3804280 which is the Cost of research, programming, machines and cards, implementation, testing and maintenance. v Is the Product essential or a luxury good? It is essential because by using this system we can save life, time and money. v Is the target group is sensitive to price? No, it isnt. v To what extent the price reflects the quality of the product? High quality product means higher price to be set. PROMOTION v What is promotion? Promotion involves disseminating information about a product, product line, brand, or company. v What is the purpose of the promotion process? To persuade the target markets to use this system which enabling people to increase control over the determinants of health and thereby improve their health .To reach a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being an individual or group must be able to identify and realize aspirations, to satisfy needs and to change or cope with the environment. v What is the policy that we want to follow? 1. We will have a website which will have all the information of our products and services. Later on, we will strengthen our websites by storing patients information online. In our websites we will also provide general information about the health care facilities in Palestine, about different diseases, different health care professional, about diagnostic centres chemists. 2. Moreover, We will directly go to the customers and present our product and services by Work shop. 3. We will leave brochures and leaflets to the hospitals, pathology labs chemists. 4. In addition to, we will use posters at different cities. 5. By Media: newspaper, medical magazines, Jawwal sms, T.V., Radio and Facebook we can spread our idea and promote to the product. 6. Also, We will take help of Specialist who are already working in different companies to advertise our product and services 7. More than everything we will focus on mouth publicity by providing excellent product and services at affordable prices. v What is the budget established for the promotion? About $114054 for the first year, $29000 for the second year and $10416 for the third year. v How to distribute those elements of the budget on promotion? By printing brochures, hosting server for a website, posters, newspaper, medical magazines, Jawwal sms, T.V. and Facebook etc. v What a way of promotion is the most appropriate for the target group? By meeting teams of hospitals in order to persuade them and showing them how the system will benefit them. Moreover, we can reach to the end users by posters and Jawwal sms. v What is the time plan for the promotion? 9 months Place: We will target all west bank, we will begin in the big cities like Ramallah, AlKhalil and Nablus, after that we will penetrate the other cities. And because we will be targeting all hospitals and health centers, it would be easy for people to access to hospital nearby and get the product. For long term goals we want to be the sole Health Card provider in the country and to penetrate other health sectors. How will the product/service be distributed? Which partners will be needed in the distribution channel? Our distribution model will be of direct selling. The selling person from the company will be directly going to the customers and presenting our product and services. We will provide them after sale services. After serving a reasonable market in a city we will have branches in different part of the city so that customers can easily avail our services. Analysis of SWOT 1) Strength: The strength of Health Card System entering into the Palestinian market at this time is a good one for it, since there is absolutely no competition in Palestine at the time. So, HCS is the first system which enters into this market; we will have established much strength that allows us to remain ahead of the competition. So, we will be as monopolist. Our brand name will stuck in customers mind as a good image. Moreover, this system is designed by our company so we dont buy it from foreign programmers. In addition, our system supports both languages English and Arabic. Also, the security pattern is so strong so no one can hack our system. 2) Weakness: First of all Governments ability may not support our system because of its high expenses and costs. In addition our system isnt international one; so if the patient needs to travel abroad he will take his medical file as papers. 3) Opportunity: First of all we can spread our product in order to penetrate all the cities of Palestine. We have a good chance by target the Arab World. We also have the opportunity to develop brand loyalty by offering smart cards that really will save human being life, time and money. In addition, we can improve this system so as to be credit/debit system. 4) Threats: The threat that might face us is the new entrants to the market that threaten to erode the market share. So the competition will increase. May be that other systems will be more available so the customers have a wider variety of choices. Identity theft is also could be a threat that faces us and the consumers. Production Plan: 1- Production Process: Health system production occurs at three levels which are: primary, secondary and tertiary. The primary level finishes after having all the materials which are important in order to start applying our programs such as: computers, certain software, smart cards, and smart card readers. Secondary production includes the production of programmable software of the health card system. The final step is how to make the card readers are ready to be used by hospitals (program the hardware). 2- Fixed Assets: Building à Monthly rent: $500 Machinery, other equipment, tools 3 computers: $2280 1 laptop: $1185 1 Scanner: $80 1 Printer: $130 Total: $3765 Furnishings (including for office and warehouse):$ 3947 Motor vehicles (Car):$10000 Lifetime of the fixed assets is range between 5-10 years. Payment Conditions: The payment condition is cash. 3- Suppliers: The raw material suppliers will be determined via internet and we will contact them over there. Actually, we will import the raw material â€Å"Card-Readers the smart cards†from China so there will be shipping cost and delivery time which we must take into consideration. The cost of the card-Reader is $24.95 and we decide to sell it in $33 so as to gain 32.5% profit in one reader. On the other hand, the cost of card is $0.70 and well sell it in $1.5. 4- Licenses and Permits Required: Licensing requirements Permits: We need license from the Ministry of Health in order to apply our system nationally. In addition, we need permits of Chamber of Commerce to start our job and having certificated employment contract, and from municipality as to have work permits. Workplace or environmental regulations: We also need a lease in order have the office and start working Insurance coverage: Indicate that we have insurance on the shipping raw material, our office and our health (with NIC national insurance company). 5- Labor Costs: Our workforce costs is $150000, insurance costs is $5760. 6- Location Facilities: The location of our office is convenient to our customers; it is located at the center of Bethlehem at AL-Mahed Street where the parking is available. According to our office it will be pro
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Mechanical Engineers :: Technology, Informative
A mechanical engineer works with the principles of motion, energy and force. Usually a machine changes one form of movement into another. Mechanical engineers design machines whose parts work in a safe, reliable and efficient way. Mechanical engineers apply scientific method to find the answers to mechanical problems. Many laws and principles developed by scientists are used every day by the mechanical engineer. Mechanical engineers contribute to many industries and occupations. Some mechanical engineers work in areas not usually thought to require engineering. Efforts to clean up and preserve the earth's environment have drawn many mechanical engineers to projects that deal with the treatment of water, soil and waste material. Mechanical engineers also work with physicians, therapists and other medical professionals to study the workings of the human body and design aids and instruments for mechanic. Mechanical engineers work in industry, consulting practices, universities and government research. Most mechanical engineers are employed in industry at equipment manufacturers, aerospace companies, utilities, and many other large and small companies. Job responsibilities range from basic research and systems design to power plant operations and quality control. Mechanical engineers earn good salaries. A starting engineer with a bachelor's degree may earn $40,000 a year. The median salary for an engineer is over $65,000. Earnings depend on experience and training. The government tends to pay its engineers slightly less than the going rate in private industry. Large companies that high mechanical engineers usually offer complete benefit packages. The benefits include health insurance, life insurance, paid sick leave, paid vacations and holidays and travel expenses.
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