Thursday, August 27, 2020
Sustainability - Redland company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Maintainability - Redland organization - Essay Example nd relative files in order to contrast the real execution and wanted goals to guarantee more prominent accentuation on manageability concerns (Defra, n.d.). The interior and outer drivers for creating a practical plan of action incorporates pressure from the speculators and inner assets that go about as inward figures that drive maintainability business associations. Outside drivers incorporate consumer’s mentality, worldwide benchmarks and gauges just as government guidelines that make it obligatory for business associations to incorporate supportability as a center business issue. Maintainability is additionally now turning into an issue for practical upper hand as firms are progressively utilizing this as a way to pick up advantage over contenders. The elevated buyer mindfulness additionally goes about as a weight for business associations to concentrate on producing more prominent manageability in their plan of action (Business for Social Responsibility, 2007, p.4). Redland has a manageability strategy that looks to address worries past securing nature to incorporate more extensive perspectives like social and monetary maintainability in its supportability technique. The supportability methodology of the organization tries to consent to the administrative standards as well as to develop past these perspectives to rise as a practical association. It looks to utilize advancement as a mode to produce more noteworthy maintainability in its business (Redland, n.d.). The vision and statement of purpose of Monier Group that is the holding organization of Redlands anyway does exclude maintainability perspectives yet in addition shows its responsibility towards improvement of ways of life of people (Monier Group, n.d.). Difficulties and hindrances for keeping up manageability incorporate access to fund for supporting these exercises just as taking all the partners remembering providers into certainty for the issue. Tenderizing the providers on a typical stage includes challenge in the event of Redland as the vast majority of them are little
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Rape Trauma Syndrome Essays - Rape, Behavior, Violence, Aggression
Assault Trauma Syndrome Word references most usually characterize assault as a sexual demonstration submitted forcibly particularly on a lady. (The American Heritage College Dictionary. 1997 pg. 740) Until a couple of years prior it was constrained to penial entrance of the vagina. Correctional Code 261 characterizes assault as a demonstration of sex achieved with a individual not the life partner of the culprit without the legal consent.(Roberson, 1998, p. 188) Penal Code 263 proceeds to state that the major wrong at which the law of assault is pointed is . . . the infringement of a lady's will and sexuality. (Roberson, 1998, p. 190) All other rapes are arranged under shifted names, yet the fallout is typically the equivalent. Assault is perhaps the cruelest type of criminal viciousness. The casualty endures a significant physical issue. Rendered frail by physical power, dangers, or then again dread, after which being compelled to submit to sexual acts, including vaginal infiltration, oral sexual intercourse, homosexuality, and entrance opening with an outside object, the casualty is disregarded practically. Assault is an interruption into the most private and personal pieces of the body, just as an ambush on the center of the self. In spite of whether the casualty endures any physical injury, the mental effect of a rape is extreme. Additionally, the agonizing, post-injury manifestations that outcome from assault are durable. Indeed, even those casualties who show up to have recuperated months or years after the fact frequently locate that a mind-boggling feeling of feebleness and helplessness stays near the surface and can without much of a stretch, and surprisingly, be reexperienced. A basic factor in the drawn out effect of assault is that the attack drastically changes the casualty's perspective on the world. Essential convictions about nature, others, and oneself are broken. These are destroying misfortunes. Subsequently, numerous survivors report that the attacker unalterably adjusts their lives. The attacker removes something that the casualties can never entirely recapture. We can look at the effect of assault in different manners. One viewpoint mulls over the fundamental significance the attack has for the person in question. The grave dangers and significant misfortunes the casualty endures change their life drastically, at times until the end of time. Another sign of the effect of assault is the anguish of the people in question. The mental and social side effects of trouble are strong images of the ruinous tendency of the attacker's demonstrations. One more approach to comprehend the effect of assault is to contrast it and other types of injury. Assault is an extraordinary type of human remorselessness that somehow or another takes after other overpowering horrible accidents. Assault injury condition is the intense stage and long haul redesign process that happen due to persuasive assault or on the other hand endeavored persuasive assault. (Bergess and Holmstrom, 1974) Researchers have distinguished stages that the casualty experiences while enduring the impacts of exploitation. (Abarbanel and Richman, 1990) The underlying effect of assault is a sentiment of deadness, the casualty is in a condition of stun and mistrust and may still feel threatened. (B&H, 1974) The casualty's appearance can be deceiving, seeming shocked or dumbfounded, calm and smothered. (A&R, 1990) The controlled conduct veils the genuine mental injury that they have endured.(A&R, 1990) Expressions of incredulity are in all likelihood an impression of the concealed internal disarray. (A&R, 1990) Usually following the underlying phase of deadness follows the phase of refusal. Casualties have just encountered the more regrettable of lost control. Hence, any contemplations of this experience may chance another loss of control. Disavowal can shift from an immediate forswearing; declining to discuss it in any case, perceiving that there was an occurrence, to not in any event, perceiving that she realizes anything has occurred. Ladies will now and then express this phase through their conduct, washing or douching more than expected wanting to wash the assault away. (A&R, 1990) The DSM-IV puts in its analytic measures numerous responses in this stage, for example, discussion and thought evasion. The hazardous side to this stage is abstaining from detailing the episode to the police, or then again not looking for clinical treatment. (A&R, 1990) Sometimes genuine contaminations will develop along these lines, and the culprit is permitted to keep living his ordinary life when the casualty can't. After at some point, most casualties enter the following phase of intense pressure; intense methods it generally keeps going not exactly a quarter of a year. (A&R, 1990) (DSM-IV) This is a significant stage containing the greater part of the indicative measures as per the DSM-IV; including resting clutters, tension, and for the most part an enormous distraction with the occasion. Dread is likewise a significant feeling during this stage, casualties can get overly sensitive to their environmental factors and may start to rehash wellbeing ceremonies, for example, checking entryway locks, and window
Biological Criminal Behavior
Duty, analyzed as a distrustful schizophrenic In 1 991, has a long mental history. After a long time of his family attempting to et him submitted and simply moving between different hospitals the story was not beating that. Multi week before the homicide he was captured for a rough conduct at one of the clinics. With Just a slap on the hand, he was discharged Into the network to proceed to execute Kathy Vaughan only the following week. David Tariff has been assessed and submitted all the more then multiple times throughout his life time.Over the years he has been put on a large number of medications to treat schizophrenic and bipolar, for example, lithium, Departed, Hallo, Carousel and Zappers and alongside that, stun medicines have been given. Following quite a while of being in state medical clinics and mental reports, it has been resolved that David Tariff is unfit to stand preliminary. In the wake of being discovered fit to stand preliminary in one province in Queens, New York an other district in Manhattan says he Is not fit to stand trial.Tariff Is currently back at Rulers Island, where his lawyer says he isn't taking as much time as is needed and has been self-destructive over the most recent few months. The insane person can't feel frustrated about others in heartbreaking circumstances or come at the situation from another's perspective, regardless of whether they have been hurt by him. â€Å"They are on the whole egocentric people with no sympathy for there, and they are Incapable of feeling regret or guilt†(The Psychopath:Rebecca Horton, April 1999).The investigation of the mental case uncovers an individual who isn't competent 1 OFF the distinction among good and bad yet figure it doesn't concern them. The insane person is unequipped for ordinary feelings, for example, love and they for the most part get things done without first thinking about the outcomes. All in all, the inquiry is, Does science assume a key job in clarifying the guilty par ty's culpability? Is there a genuine response to this inquiry? In this paper we are going to take a gander at practices that establish psychopath.We will likewise talk about the particular practices exhibited by David Tariff that line up with practices of a psychopathic person. We will likewise talk about the hereditary or physiological proof that bolsters the thought that science assumed a key job in clarifying the guilty party's violations. Is David Tariff a mental case or Just someone else attempting to escape murder? The appropriate response is up to the peruser I surmise however so far Mr.. Tax is the place he needs to be and going to court soon.
Friday, August 21, 2020
How to Improve Debating Skills free essay sample
There were four understudies on the discussion group, three guys and one female. Their introductions and materials help the group order the consideration of their crowd. Female to serve on the discussion group. During Samaritan Booked was the main her first discussion, she was to some degree anxious, squirming with her hands, a few interruptions from crowd strolling and talking while pondering her discourse. Anyway Samaritan stayed incredible eye to eye connection, great stance and talked plainly and expressed realities. She got solid in her discussion and even somewhat passionate. As she kept on rehearsing she turned out to be progressively boundless in her discourses. Henry Lowe one of the most rule speakers in the group gives incredible and passionate execution (discourse). He is by all accounts conflicted between his enthusiastic and levelheaded motivations. He generally remained eye to eye connection and even utilized hand motions to get the crowd to center, and this appeared In their thoughtfulness regarding him when tuning in to his discourse. We will compose a custom exposition test on Step by step instructions to Improve Debating Skills or then again any comparative point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Henry was solid In his discussion and talked unmistakably. Hamilton Burgess probably the most grounded debater had incredible eye to eye connection, solid voice and rehashed hand movements when addressing convey his message.However he promotion to stop the group as his dad mentioned, which left the group with one less colleague. During his nonappearance the other colleagues turned out to be more concentration and ready to get solid in their discussion (talks) by rehearsing and getting ready to give a valiant effort to shield this from being a drawback to the group. James Farmer Jar. The most youthful of the debaters appeared to be a splendid understudy. The enthusiasm in his discourse was of specific significance, he pulled in the crowd consideration with an individual story by helping them understand on the off chance that they needed to stroll from his point of view seeing an individual being lynched.He before long had the crowd consideration afflicted with feelings by expressing realities, utilizing extraordinary eye to eye connection to attract his crowd. He was not kidding with smoothness In his voice. He utilized his insight and feelings to All of the colleagues conveyed their contentions with passionate quality. Their tones and non-verbal communication fortify their introductions where as they all drew in their crowd. I accept all the colleagues were viable in their talks by passing on their place of perspectives in their messages. My recommendation to a portion of the colleagues is get ready and practice and to unwind while envisioning accomplishment to beat apprehensive.
Essay Topics With Examples
Essay Topics With ExamplesThere are many ways to prepare for the high school essay writing test and some of the most popular ways are to use examples, to write essays using examples, and to prepare for the essay writing test by preparing a specific topic. These three tips are very effective and should be used along with one another if you are truly going to improve your high school writing skills. If you do not know how to make an essay more interesting, the examples will get your point across. Examples will also help you narrow down your choices in order to find the exact topic that you need.The next tip is to use examples as much as possible throughout your paper. When you want to learn something you must see it or at least hear it. When you read an article, watch a movie, or listen to a song, it will usually provide enough information to make a conclusion. The same is true for writing an essay. If you cannot find someone who wrote about the subject you are writing about or if you cannot locate an example, write your own.In addition to writing examples, you can also use a chart with categories. This is especially helpful if you are trying to decide what to write. You can create a chart by grouping your topic into sections or sub-topics. For example, if you have an essay about 'differences' you can make a sub-topics such as 'differences in books', 'differences in music', and 'differences in nature'.The third tip is to do homework by reading examples. I have noticed that when students do not read examples they tend to turn in their essay problems much earlier than expected. So make sure you read as many examples as you can. It is helpful to pay attention to the examples that you are given because most of them do not tell you everything that you need to know. A student who pays attention to the example will be able to deduce the most important points about the topic.Keep in mind that there is no 'right'wrong' answer for your essay. The important thing is to come up with a good argument or explanation for why your chosen topic is a good one. While these examples will help you, remember that your essay will be reviewed by the school's committee.The last tip I would like to share with you is to consider using examples throughout your essay. If you do not know how to use examples correctly, this may be difficult for you. The biggest mistake that a lot of students make is when they try to write from the first person. When you write from the first person it does not provide enough information and they end up having to use the next paragraph.Instead, find a more logical option that will allow you to connect your point to another area. For example, when you write about differences in weather between different places, you can connect your main topic of the essay to the reason you chose a specific location such as Colorado. When you choose a location, make sure you give enough information so that the reader can relate the relationship to the main to pic.These are just some of the tips I have used to improve my essay writing skills. They are helpful but I would not recommend them until you have had a chance to really practice. You will need to spend time practicing and reading your essay until you can master it and your essays will look professional.
Friday, June 26, 2020
A Victim of His Environment - Literature Essay Samples
In Wuthering Heights, author Emily Bronte depicts Heathcliff, one of the main characters, as an incarnation of evil. Heathcliff is first introduced in the novel as the unpleasant, unwelcoming landowner of Wuthering Heights, and from this first impression, it is easy to believe that Heathcliff has possessed his evil qualities from birth. However, it is revealed later that Heathcliff has an extensive history with Wuthering Heights, and that there is evidence from his younger days that he was not originally a wicked person. Although it is believed by some that Heathcliff is evil by nature, Heathcliff, in all actuality, exhibits evil qualities such as ingratitude, cruelty, selfishness, and revenge purely as a result of the environment he was raised in and the manner in which he was treated by the other residents of Wuthering Heights. In order to fully comprehend the extent of Heathcliffs immorality during the better portion of Wuthering Heights, it is best to first examine proof of Heathcliffs original, untainted behavior. When Mr. Earnshaw first brings Heathcliff home, it is mentioned that Mr. Earnshaw found him good as dumb, in the streets of Liverpool, where he picked it up and inquired for his owner Not a soul knew to whom it belonged (35). The insignificant past of Heathcliff that is barely touched upon in the novel symbolizes how Heathcliff receives a clean slate when he is brought into the world of Wuthering Heights. It is only after Heathcliffs initiation into the sophisticated world that his corruptness begins to unravel. Even though it is established that Heathcliff is poor and a gypsy of sorts, he still conducts himself in a civilized manner upon arriving at Wuthering Heights. Heathcliff is described as a sullen, patient child, (36) and he initially behaves better than Catherine, Hindley, and Nelly Dean, which is ironic because of their cultured upbringing compared to that of the gypsy boy.Although Heathcliff is most certainly an innocent bein g at first, the harsh environment of Wuthering Heights, fostered mainly by the actions of Hindley, quickly instills a change in his personality. From the moment Heathcliff enters the doors of Wuthering Heights, he is immediately bombarded with feelings of contempt and unwelcomeness. Mrs. Earnshaws reaction was nothing short of disgust. Mrs. Earnshaw was ready to fling it out of doors: she did fly up- asking how he [Mr. Earnshaw] could fashion to bring that gipsy brat into the house, when they had their own bairns to feed, and fend for? What he meant to do with it, and whether he were mad? (35). Mrs. Earnshaws revulsion towards Heathcliff causes him to immediately feel unwanted and unwelcome in his new home. Mrs. Earnshaws reaction also sets a negative example for her children. After seeing the way in which their mother treats the new guest, Catherine and Hindley promptly aid in making Heathcliff feel as unwelcome as possible. Catherines initial feelings for Heathcliff are t hat of disgust (although they later change drastically), and she demonstrates this by spitting on him. Nelly Dean acts inhospitable as well, making sure that Heathcliff is restricted to the landing on the staircase for his sleeping accommodations. Of all the characters in the novel, Hindley treats Heathcliff the worst and therefore is the most responsible for Heathcliffs transition to evil. Hindleys cruel behavior stems from the jealousy he feels toward Heathcliff because of the affection that Mr. Earnshaw so willingly bestows upon him. Hindley beats Heathcliff while Mr. Earnshaw is still living and reduces him to the likes of a stable boy when Mr. Earnshaw dies. This inhumane treatment is one of the main reasons that Heathcliff in turn treats others inhumanely in the later years of his life.Even though the primary damage to Heathcliffs personality is done at an early age, there are circumstances later in his life that contribute to his overall embodiment of evil. One of the m ore notable events to provoke a cruel disposition in Heathcliff is when he overhears Catherine contemplating marriage to Edgar, a neighbor of high social and financial status. Heathcliff overhears Catherine say to Nelly Dean, it would degrade me to marry Heathcliff, now, so he shall never know how I love him (80). What Heathcliff overhears causes him to be ashamed of his social standing (or lack thereof) and, ultimately, to run away from Wuthering Heights. When Heathcliff returns years later, he is evil in its fullest form and bent on revenge, because of the pain and suffering he experienced in his younger days. After examining Heathcliffs earlier life, it is apparent that he was not cruel as a young child and that the actions of others had a devastating impact on his behavior. Because of the proof that Heathcliff was originally not evil by nature, combined with the destructive environment of Wuthering Heights and the events that occurred there, it is apparent that Heathcliff di d not possess his evil qualities from birth. Rather, Heathcliffs evil qualities, such as ingratitude, cruelty, selfishness, and revenge, are a reaction to the malevolent environment he was raised in. In the dramatic, whirlwind world of Wuthering Heights, Heathcliff is merely a victim of his surroundings. Works CitedBronte, Emily. Wuthering Heights. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1988.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
About Plate Tectonics - Introduction and Overview
Geologists have an explanationâ€â€a scientific theoryâ€â€of how the Earths surface behaves called plate tectonics. Tectonics means large-scale structure. So plate tectonics says that the large-scale structure of the Earths outer shell is a set of plates. (see the map) Tectonic Plates Tectonic plates dont quite match the continents and the oceans on the Earths surface. The North America plate, for instance, extends from the west coast of the U.S. and Canada into the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. And the Pacific plate includes a chunk of California as well as most of the Pacific Ocean (see the list of plates). This is because the continents and ocean basins are part of the Earths crust. But plates are made of relatively cold and hard rock, and that extends deeper than the crust into the upper mantle. The part of the Earth that makes up the plates is called the lithosphere. It averages about 100 kilometers in thickness, but that varies greatly from place to place. (see About the Lithosphere) The lithosphere is solid rock, as rigid and stiff as steel. Beneath it is a softer, hotter layer of solid rock called the asthenosphere (es-THEEN-osphere) that extends down to around 220 kilometers depth. Because its at red-hot temperatures the rock of the asthenosphere is weak (astheno- means weak in scientific Greek). It cannot resist slow stress and it bends in a plastic way, like a bar of Turkish taffy. In effect, the lithosphere floats on the asthenosphere even though both are solid rock. Plate Movements The plates are constantly changing position, moving slowly over the asthenosphere. Slowly means slower than fingernails grow, no more than a few centimeters a year. We can measure their movements directly by GPS and other long-distance measuring (geodetic) methods, and geologic evidence shows that they have moved the same way in the past. Over many millions of years, the continents have traveled everywhere on the globe. (see Measuring Plate Motion) Plates move with respect to each other in three ways: they move together (converge), they move apart (diverge) or they move past each other. Therefore plates are commonly said to have three types of edges or boundaries: convergent, divergent and transform. In convergence, when the leading edge of a plate meets another plate, one of them turns downward. That downward motion is called subduction. Subducted plates move down into and through the asthenosphere and gradually disappear. (see About Convergent Zones)Plates diverge at volcanic zones in the ocean basins, the mid-ocean ridges. These are long, huge cracks where lava rises from below and freezes into new lithosphere. The two sides of the crack are continually pulled apart, and thus the plates gain new material. The north Atlantic island of Iceland is the foremost example of a divergent zone above sea level. (see About Divergent Zones)Where plates move past each other is called a transform boundary. These are not as common as the other two boundaries. The San Andreas fault of California is a well-known example. (see About Transforms)The points where the edges of three plates meet are called triple junctions. They move across the Earths surface in response to the different motions of the three plates. (see Triple Junctions) The basic cartoon map of the plates uses only these three boundary types. However, many plate boundaries are not sharp lines but, rather, diffuse zones. They amount to about 15 percent of the worlds total and appear in more realistic plate maps. Diffuse boundaries in the United States include most of Alaska and the Basin and Range province in the western states. Most of China and all of Iran are diffuse boundary zones, too. What Plate Tectonics Explains Plate tectonics answers many basic geologic questions: On the three different types of boundary, plate movement creates distinctive kinds of earthquake faults. (see Fault Types in a Nutshell)Most large mountain ranges are associated with plate convergence, answering a long-standing mystery. (see The Mountain Problem)Fossil evidence suggests that continents were once connected that are far apart today; where once we explained this by the rise and fall of land bridges, today we know that plate movements are responsible.The worlds seafloor is geologically young because old oceanic crust disappears by subduction. (see About Subduction)Most of the worlds volcanoes are related to subduction. (see About Arc Volcanism) Plate tectonics also lets us ask and answer new kinds of questions: We can build maps of world geography in the geologic pastâ€â€paleogeographic mapsâ€â€and model ancient climates.We can study how mass extinctions are related to effects of plate tectonics such as volcanism. (see Extinction: On the Destiny of Species)We can examine how plate interactions have affected the geologic history of a specific region. Plate Tectonic Questions Geoscientists are studying several major questions about plate tectonics itself: What moves the plates?What creates volcanoes in hotspots like Hawaii that are outside subduction zones? (see A Hotspot Alternative)How rigid are the plates, and how precise are their boundaries?When did plate tectonics begin, and how?How is plate tectonics connected to the Earths mantle below? (see About the Mantle)What happens to subducted plates? (see The Death of Plates)What kind of cycle do plate materials go through? Plate tectonics is unique to Earth. But learning about it during the last 40 years has given scientists many theoretical tools to understand other planets, even those that circle other stars. For the rest of us, plate tectonics is a simple theory that helps make sense of the Earths face.
Monday, May 18, 2020
The Positives Of The Industrial Revolution - 1522 Words
The Positives of the Industrial Revolution While some might debate that Industrialization had primarily negative consequences for society because of child labor, it was essentially a positive thing for society. Industrialization’s positive effects were new laws to improve working conditions, production increased, and merchandise became cheaper. There were numerous negatives that the Industrial Revolution brought with it; nonetheless the positives out-weigh it in today’s society. Because of the child labor during the Industrial Revolution today’s society currently has laws to improve the working conditions of every employee. Children are no longer able to be employed into a business or factory, nevertheless when they were able to be employed the production of merchandise increased causing them to become cheaper. These remain just minor parts of the Industrial Revolution. The reasons that the Industrial Revolution was a positive thing was that it had laws that imp roved working conditions, production had increased, and merchandise became cheaper. Child labor was a horrendous problem during the Industrial Revolution in the 1800s. It caused countless children to be put into dangerous working conditions for low pay for a long period of time; nevertheless without it there would have been no laws that could protect them. Therefore, later in the Industrial Revolution their came child protection laws that ended child labor. Before the new child protection laws came into beingShow MoreRelatedThe Positives And Cons Of The Industrial Revolution835 Words  | 4 PagesIs the Industrial Revolution as Good as We Think It Is? Bill Gates once said, â€Å"If you go back to 1800, everybody was poor. I mean everybody. The Industrial Revolution kicked in, and a lot of countries benefited, but by no means everyone.†The Industrial Revolution was a period in the 18th century led by Great Britain that had a major influence in agriculture, scientific studies, manufacturing, and transportation. As said by Bill Gates, even though the Industrial Revolution benefited many partiesRead MorePositive and Negative Effects of the Industrial Revolution1144 Words  | 5 PagesPositive and Negative Impacts of the Industrial Revolution             The Industrial Revolution was a change in the mid-18th century from small scale, domestic production of goods to machine-based, mass production of goods. It is usually thought of as having mostly or only positive impacts on Europe. Although the revolution did have many positive impacts, it had its fair share of negative impacts as well. Some of the positive outcomes included the overall increase in production and value ofRead MoreThe Positive and Negative effects of the Industrial Revolution752 Words  | 4 PagesThe Positive and Negative effects of the Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution had many positive and negative impacts on society. The positive include cheaper clothes, more job opportunities, and improvement in transportation. And the negative would include exploitation of women and children, workers work long hours and environmental damages. These are just a few that I believe had an impact on the Industrial Revolution. England was an ideal place for the Industrial Revolution toRead MorePositive and Negative Effects of Industrial Revolution Essay1043 Words  | 5 PagesDBQ- Positive and Negative Effects of Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution began in England in the late 1700’s. The Industrial Revolution was a time of new inventions, products, and methods of work. 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Most of the stocks on the shelves of departmentRead MoreSecond Industrial Revolution Essay871 Words  | 4 Pages An Industrial Revolution is the â€Å"change in social and economic organization that resulted from the replacement of the hand tools with machines and from the development of large-scale industrial production†(Danzer R50). The Second Industrial Revolution happened nearly one hundred years later after the First Industrial Revolution in England during the 1760s (Fagnilli 7). The Second Industrial Revolution was the cause of new inventions, government support for business, common natural resourcesRead MoreIndustrialization Of Child Labor During The Industrial Revolution1603 Words  | 7 Pagesconsequences for society because of child labor, it was essentially a positive thing for society. Industrialization’s positive effects were new laws to improve working conditions, production increased, and merchandise became cheaper . There were numerous negatives that the Industrial Revolution brought with it; nonetheless the positives out-weigh it in today’s society. Because of the child labor during the Industrial Revolution today’s society currently has laws to improve the working conditions ofRead MoreEffects Of The Industrial Revolution On America And England982 Words  | 4 PagesAs Stephen Gardiner once said, â€Å"The industrial revolution was another one of those extraordinary jumps forward in the story of civilization.†The Industrial Revolution was in fact an extraordinary jump in the development of the U.S. It created a foundation for what the U.S is today socially, economically, and politically. The Industrial Revolution played a major role in the industrialization and modernization and still has effects to this day. These effects lead to more trade, better transportationRead MoreThe Industrial Revolution Of Europe1553 Words  | 7 Pageschanges that brought about the In dustrial Revolution were (1) the invention of machines to do the work of hand tools; (2) the use of steam, and later of other kinds of power, in place of the muscles of human beings and of animals; and (3) the adoption of the factory system†(Industrial Revolution). The Industrial Revolution was a big event that happened in Europe. Those three main changes impacted everything in a huge way. The Industrial Revolution in Europe was a positive occurrence that changed howRead MoreNegative Effects Of The Industrial Revolution923 Words  | 4 Pagesthe Agricultural Revolution gave leeway to the Industrial Revolution of the seventeenth and eighteenth hundreds. Previous landowners and investors of the Agricultural Revolution were able to start or participate Corporations and Businesses to seek great profit. New machinery and technological innovations were frequent due to the demand for faster, more efficient technology. Working class families, who were arguably the sole reason for the grand success of the Industrial Revolution, moved from their
Friday, May 15, 2020
Organ Donation - 1872 Words
Logan Pulido Mr. Boberg AP Lang- G 9 April 2008 Are You Opt-in or Opt-out? Great advances in the science of organ transplantation have made it possible for many lives to be saved from conditions that would have otherwise been considered fatal. Anyone between the ages of 18 and 60 and in good general health can be organ donors. Thanks to these scientific advances, living donors are now able to donate entire kidneys and portions of other regenerative organs such as the intestine, liver, lung, and pancreas. Full portions of these organs as well as others, such as bones, corneas, hearts, and tendons can be harvested from donors shortly after the declaration of death. Unfortunately, too few donors exist to meet the demand for these†¦show more content†¦Overall a notable gap exists between the proportion of people in a society who favor organ donation and the much smaller faction who act upon their convictions. The potential benefits of organ donation significantly outweigh proposed reasons for refusing to donate one’s organs. Though the reasons for rejecting organ donation are understandable, the overall effect on the biomass confirms such reasons to be selfish and unethical. Organs for transplantation must be harvested as soon after death as possible, in order to maintain viability. Relatives of the donor often find difficulty in accepting that their loved one’s body, â€Å"maintained in a semblance of life by artificial respiration, is in fact dead and will remain dead when the respirator is turned off†(Emson). One’s determination to donate organs is completely voluntary. Practically, that measured decision can be overturned by family members after the death of the individual, resulting in the primary cause of loss of donors (Thomas). â€Å"To the bereaved family, an organ is a remaining part of the beloved deceased person. [†¦] To the deceased, it is something that has been a vital component of the person but is no longer needed. [But] To the potential recipient of its donated organs, it is the very new hope for a restored life†(Emson). However, with each selfish refusal of organ donation, fifty Americans are denied the chanceShow MoreRelated Organ Donation Essay740 Words  | 3 PagesOrgan Donation Organ donation is a topic which contains many conflicting views. To some of the public population organ donation is a genuine way of saving the life of another, to some it is mistrusted and to others it is not fully understood. There are some techniques that can be used to increase donation. Of these techniques the most crucial would be being educated. If the life threatening and the critical shortage of organs was fully understood by the public, organ donation wouldRead MoreOrgan Donation : Organ Donations Essay1323 Words  | 6 PagesPreviously organ donation has encountered organ donors and organ supply rejections. Organ donation challenges and demands decreased as the organ shortages increase over the years. Organ donation mission is to save many terminally ill recipients at the end stages of their lives, the significance of the organ donation is to give back to restore one’s quality of life. The ongoing issues may present an idealistic portrait of how these issues may be resolved. As a result organ donation mission is toRead MoreOrgan Donation. â€Å"Organ Donation Is Not A Tragedy, But It1112 Words  | 5 PagesOrgan Donation â€Å"Organ donation is not a tragedy, but it can be a beautiful light, in the midst of one†(Unknown). There has been many disbeliefs about donating your organs over the years. The organ demand drastically exceeds the available supply, which is why more people need to be organ donors. People should become organ donors because of the limited availability of organs and the chance to save many lives. Although many people think that if you are an organ donor doctors won’t try as hard toRead MoreOrgan Donation2096 Words  | 9 Pages stat! After applying yourself to be a recipient for a donation, you will be added to the waiting list for that organ. This can take months, if not years. Receiving an organ can be sudden whenever an organ match has been found for you. We should reevaluate organ donation due to someone’s personal religion, inability to benefit the poor, numerous hospital visits, and potential endangerment to their own well being. Therefore, in 2009, organ transplants became a demand everywhere so abruptly thatRead MoreOrgan Donation And Organ Organs Essay1308 Words  | 6 PagesOrgan donations have encountered organ donor and organ supply rejections. Organ donation challenges and demands increase as the organ shortages increase over the years. Organ donation’s mission is to save many terminally ill recipients at the end stages of their lives. The significance of the organ donation is to give back to restore one’s quality of life. The ongoing issues may present an idealistic portrait of how these issues may be resolved. As a result, the mission of organ donations are toRead MoreOrgan Donation : Organ Organs1054 Words  | 5 PagesOrgan Donation Organ donation occurs when a failing or damaged organ, is replaced with a new organ, through a surgical operation. The two sources of organs for donation come from a deceased person and a living person. The organs that are received from a deceased person are called cadaveric organs. A person can indicate on his or her driver’s license if they want to be an organ donor after they die. There are some states that allow for family consent for organ removal, regardless if the deceasedRead MoreIs Organ Donation Or Not?1486 Words  | 6 Pageswill happen if they ever donate their organ/s or tissue’s. Most look upon people who donate organ/s as generous. Others even applaud them for being a lifesaver. The question that lingers on many: Is it proper to charge for the organ donations or not? According to the Mayo Clinic, in United States alone, over 100,000 individuals are in the offing for an organ donation. Regrettably, several individuals may at no time procure the bid that a fit benefactor of an organ matches his or her one more wagerRead MoreOrgan Donation1163 Words  | 5 PagesBut by becoming an organ donor, you can be able to say â€Å"I will save a life.†Organ donation is a selfless way to give back to others, and to be able to make a huge difference by giving another person a second chance at life. Unfortunately, the number of patients waiting for organs far exceeds the number of people who have registered to become organ donors. Patients are forced to wait months, even years for a match, and far too many die before they are provided with a suitable organ. There are many shamesRead Moreorgan donation1007 Words  | 5 Pagesyou would help someone after you have passed on. Organ and tissue donation is a topic that does not get enough attent ion. Ninety-five percent of Americans say that they support donation yet the number of registered donors is much smaller ( Anyone can sign up to be a donor. After death you can donate your organs. Each day 18 people will die waiting on organs. Tissues are also able to be donated. The age of donation do not matter. Some mothers donate the blood of theRead MoreOrgan Donation1237 Words  | 5 PagesSpecific Purpose: To persuade my audience to donate their organs and tissues when they die and to act upon their decision to donate. Thesis Statement: The need is constantly growing for organ donors and it is very simple to be an organ donor when you die. I. INTRODUCTION A. Attention material/Credibility Material: How do you feel when you have to wait for something you really, really want? What if it was something you couldn’t live without? Well, my cousin was five years old when
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Ethics Of Kantian Ethics - 3078 Words
The impact of Kantian ethics has been truly extensive in the philosophical community for centuries now. Numerous philosophers have accepted, disputed and further developed the Kantian style of ethics in the modern era. German philosopher Immanuel Kant has established a theory based on a simple few concepts. Some of the key features of this theory are intrinsic goodness, moral worth and a few others that I will establish further later in the essay. In this thesis I will be highlighting if consequences play a sufficiently important role in Kantian ethics. I will argue the case that according to Kant, consequences do not play a sufficient enough role in his ethics, however I will be giving praise to some ideas he does bring up but I feel†¦show more content†¦One question that must be addressed is what exactly are moral consequences? What do consequences contain? According to Kantian ethics, the problem with consequences is that that they are constantly out of our hands and ve ry unpredictable. A quote that highlights the conflict with consequences can be found in Kant’s text. ‘Even if by a special disfavor of fortune or by the niggardly provision of a step motherly nature, this will should wholly lack the capacity to carry out its purpose--if with its greatest efforts it should achieve nothing and only the good will were left†¦.then, like a jewel, it would still shine by itself, as something that has full worth in itself’ Kant, I (2012). What the quote expresses is that it makes reference to the good will. If an individual’s ‘will’ is pure and in line with what is morally right, it will shine through regardless of the consequence or outcome. There are also a few others things that must be taken into account like intent and reason. When we discuss moral law we are only talking about the maxim, due to the uncertainty of predicting consequences. Immanuel Kant’s literature titled practical philosophy contains numerous writings on his approach to moral philosophy. A chapter titled ‘on a supposed right to lie from philanthropy’ is a segment from the book in which Kant deals with the problem regarding duty and
Critical Thinking By Edward Glaser - 1285 Words
Marina Cazares Dr. Elliot English 1A 23 February 2016 Critical Thinking In a inspiring study on critical thinking and education in 1941, Edward Glaser defines critical thinking as â€Å"The ability to think critically, as conceived in this volume, involves three things: (1) an attitude of being disposed to consider in a thoughtful way the problems and subjects that come within the range of one s experiences, (2) knowledge of the methods of logical inquiry and reasoning, and (3) skill in applying those methods. Critical thinking calls for a persistent effort to examine any belief or supposed form of knowledge in the light of the evidence that supports it and the further conclusions to which it intends. (Glaser, 1941) What critical thinking means to me is being able to make reasonable judgments that are logical and thought out. It is a way of thinking in which you don t simply accept all arguments and conclusions you are exposed to, but rather have an attitude involving questioning such arguments and conclusions along with accepting two sides of an idea. It requires wanting to see what evidence is involved to support a particular argument/ idea or conclusion. Questions like ‘How do you know that?’ and ‘Is there any evidence provided to support this?’ ‘Are there alternative possibilities when given new pieces of information?’ are some prime examples of what people ask while thinking critically. Additionally, critical thinking can be divided into the following threeShow MoreRelatedDeveloping Strong Academic Study Skills926 Words  | 4 Pageslife learning experiences are all going to develop into long-term career prospects and future career enhancement. Some of the key areas for development and discussion in this essay will include note taking/essay writing, critical thinking and analysing questions and reflective thinking skills. A major area for development and improvement revolves around effective note taking and essay planning/writing. As a Higher Education student you will be required to plan and produce countless essays in relationRead MoreTok Essay: Critical and Creative Thinking1599 Words  | 7 Pagesof Knowledge 3 May 2012 TOK Essay Response: Critical and Creative Thinking Since the dawn of humanity, man has sought to gain further insight on life through attaining knowledge. Knowledge can be defined as any information gained through personal experience. The means of obtaining knowledge include four main branches: reason, perception, language, and emotion. Despite the means, all knowledge is formulated through the process of thinking. Thinking refers to the use of the mind to gain understandingRead MoreCritical Thinking Has Been Defined Many Ways Throughout1511 Words  | 7 PagesCritical thinking has been defined many ways throughout time. The definition I chose to go with was from Edward Glaser who defines critical thinking as â€Å"The ability to think critically, as conceived in this volume, involves three things: (1) an attitude of being disposed to consider in a thoughtful way the problems and subjects that come within the range of one s experiences, (2) knowledge of the methods of logical inquiry and reasoning, and (3) some skill in applyin g those methods.†(Glaser 1941)Read MoreSoft Thinking and Intellectual Capital3247 Words  | 13 PagesProcurement Management STRATEGY AS PRACTICE Soft Systems Thinking and Intellectual Capital Assignment 1 *Student No: *08193738 Assignment Date: 5 April 2009 *Submission Date:* 15 May 2009 Module Lecturer: Paul Davis Word Count:* * *2,* 600 Critically evaluate the role that Soft Systems thinking can play in promoting organisations Intellectual Capital. To evaluate the benefits of Soft Systems Thinking (SST) in promoting an organisational intellectual capital it isRead MoreCritical Thinking Skills2775 Words  | 12 PagesMeaning Critical thinking clarifies goals, examines assumptions, discerns hidden values, evaluates evidence, accomplishes actions, and assesses conclusions. Critical as used in the expression critical thinking connotes the importance or centrality of the thinking to an issue, question or problem of concern. Critical in this context does not mean disapproval or negative. There are many positive and useful uses of critical thinking, for example formulating a workable solution to a complexRead MoreAdult Education Essay2806 Words  | 12 Pagesaction in the service of knowledge and skill acquisition†(p. 15). According to Gale’s definition, the construct of intentional learning is related in educational psychology with the constructs of metacognition, self-regulation, engagement, and critical thinking. Intentional learning refers to learning that is being actively pursued and managed by the individual learner (Palincsar, 1990). He further states that intentional learning develops cognitive processes, portrays learning as a goal, and encouragesRead MoreTransfer of Learning4195 Words  | 17 PagesTransfer of learning is the study of the dependency of human conduct, learning, or performance on prior experience. The notion was originally introduced as transfer of practice by Edward Thorndike and Robert S. Woodworth. They explored how individuals would transfer learning in one context to another context that shared similar characteristics – or more formally how improvement in one mental function could influence another related one. Their theory implied that transfer of learning depends onRead Morethe importance of diversity in counselling contexts13352 Words  | 54 Pagesphenomenological analysis ([IPA] e.g., Smith Osborn, 2003) – there is (as yet) relatively limited variability in how the method is applied, within that framework. In essence, one recipe guides analysis. For others of these – such as grounded theory (e.g., Glaser, 1992; Strauss Corbin, 1998), discourse analysis ([DA] e.g., Burman Parker, 1993; Potter Wetherell, 1987; Willig, 2003) or narrative analysis (e.g., Murray, 2003; Riessman, 1993) – there are different manifestations of the method, from withinRead MoreConflict Management and Emotional Intelligence63003 Words  | 253 Pages 1986), (2) concern for self (Frak, 2005),  (3) concern for others (Gourley, 2005) and (4) transformation and reinterpretation of the conflict situation (Kane, 2004).   Grounded Theory has been adopted in this research (Glaser  Strauss, 1967).  Qualitative interviews were used to collect data on conflict formation and management strategy.  Tests to measure the emotional intelligence quotient (also called the emotional quotient) of participants Read MoreOrganisational Theory230255 Words  | 922 PagesUniversity, UK This new textbook usefully situates organization theory within the scholarly debates on modernism and postmodernism, and provides an advanced introduction to the heterogeneous study of organizations, including chapters on phenomenology, critical theory and psychoanalysis. Like all good textbooks, the book is accessible, well researched and readers are encouraged to view chapters as a starting point for getting to grips with the field of organization theory. Dr Martin Brigham, Lancaster University
Corporate governance consequence of account -
Question: Discuss about the Corporate governance consequence of account. Answer: Discussing any changes in each item of equity for the firm over the past years, while articulating the reasons for the change: Figure 1: The equity statement of Ding Sheng Xin Finance Co. Limited during 2015 (Source: 2018) The equity section of Ding Sheng Xin Finance Co. Limited during the fiscal year of 2015 has adequately changed in comparison to 2014. Moreover, this equity section mainly comprises of issued capital, reserves and retained earnings. Issued capital is mainly identified to be the overall capital that is accumulated by the company by issuing shares. this is an essential way in accumulating the relevant capital that is needed by the organization to support it financing and daily activities. for the remove the shoot capital of Ding Sheng Xin Finance Co. Limited mainly increased from the levels of $82,077,000 in 2014 to $83,550,000 in 2015, which indicates relevant share issue conducted by the organization ( 2018). Reserves is mainly identified to be the second listing in the equities action, which holds relevant income of the organization during past fiscal years. The Reserve account is mainly identified to be the overall savings that is conducted by the organization to support his future activities. Currently Ding Sheng Xin Finance Co. Limited reserves has mainly increased from the levels of $22,516,000 in 2014 to $32,930,000 in 2015, which indicates a positive sign for the organization ( 2018). Companies use the Reserve account to accumulate relevant income over the past years to support its future financing activities (Domino, Wingreen and Blanton 2015). Retained earnings was the third listing which was conducted in the equity section of Ding Sheng Xin Finance Co. Limited. Retained earnings are mainly the overall income that is generated by the company during the fiscal year after paying all its debts, taxes, and dividends. Retained income are used by the organization, as reserve after commencement of the fiscal year (Chaibi, Trabelsi and Omri 2014). The retained income of the organization has relatively increased from the levels of $28,919,000 in 2014 to $38,948,000 in 2015 ( 2018). This relevantly indicates the overall ability of the organization to hold the income generated during the fiscal year. Depicting tax expense of the firm in its latest financial statements: Figure 2: The income statement of Ding Sheng Xin Finance Co. Limited during 2015 (Source: 2018) From the evaluation of above figure relevant tax expenses that is conducted by the company during the fiscal year is identified. The income tax expense amount is mainly at the levels of $2,409,000 during this fiscal year of 2015 ( 2018). This tax expenses mainly increased from the levels of $1,491,000 in 2014, which reduces profit level of Ding Sheng Xin Finance Co. Limited. The overall tax expenses of the company has relatively increased over time, which is mainly due to the rising tax expense incurred by the company. However, from the overall evaluation profit before tax during the 2015 has decreased in comparison with 2014, while the actual tax has increased. This indicates that the tax rate of the company on an average has been identified to be at the levels of 18%, which was previously identified to be at 11%. This rising in the income tax level has directly raised the tax expenses incurred by the company (Warren and Jones 2018). Depicting whether the figure identified, as tax expense is same as the rate of tax of firms income: Figure 3: The income tax statement of Ding Sheng Xin Finance Co. Limited during 2015 (Source: 2018) The income tax statement presented in the notes to balance sheet directly indicates the tax expenses of the organization. From the valuation it could be understood that the figure is not same as the company tax rate times the accounting income. This is mainly since that tax expenses are conducted on two different rates, which changes the actual tax of the organization. The Australian assessable earnings are taxed at 30%, while the Chinese assessable income is taxed at 15% ( 2018). This relevantly depicts the overall changes in tax that is conducted by the organization during the fiscal year. In the notes to balance sheet the organization has listed the applicable weighted average efficient tax rate, as 18% for the fiscal year. The actual expenses incurred by the organization during the fiscal year that only different as per the tax rate (Agrawal and Cooper 2017). Prima Facie tax payable are mainly conducted by the organization during the fiscal year, which mainly in creases the payment of tax. The overall profit before income tax of the organization mainly declined from $13,336,000 in 2014 to $13,023,000 in 2015. However, the income tax expense of the organization increased from $1,491,000 in 2014 to 2,409,000 in 2015.This is mainly achieved due to the increment in average effective tax rate of Ding Sheng Xin Finance Co. Limited.from 11% in 2014 to 18% in 2015 ( 2018). Commenting on the deferred tax asset and liabilities that is been maintained by the company during the fiscal year and stating why they have been recorded: Figure 4: Notes to income tax of Ding Sheng Xin Finance Co. Limited during 2015 (Source: 2018) The annual report of Ding Sheng Xin Finance Co. Limited mainly helps in identifying the overall deferred tax, which is mentioned in the financial statement. From the valuation the company has not declare any deferred tax asset or liabilities during the fiscal year, which is mentioned the notes to financial statement. The notes to financial statement mainly indicates the overall income tax expense, which is incurred by the company during the fiscal year. From the overall evaluation there is no presence of deferred tax in the financial accounting of Ding Sheng Xin Finance Co. Limited. Thus, no recognition can be identified from the evaluation, where no effect on accounting or taxable profit or loss is determined (Fanning 2015). Depicting whether the current tax assets or income tax payable recorded by the company, while depicting why income tax payable is not same as income tax expense: Figure 5: Current assets of Ding Sheng Xin Finance Co. Limited during 2015 (Source: 2018) The evaluation of current assets listed in the above figure mainly helps in identifying the current tax assets of the organisation during 2015. The overall current asset of the organisation during 2015 is relatively nil, whereas during 2014 the current tax assets was at the levels of $20,000 ( 2018). The current tax assets and liabilities are offset where a legally enforceable right of set-off exists and it is intended that net settlement or simultaneous realisation and settlement of the respective assets and liabilities. There is no income tax payable recorded by the organisation during the fiscal year of 2015, which is not same as income tax expense. The income tax expense is not as same as the income tax payable of the organisation (Shapiro 2015). Depicting whether the income tax expense shown in income statement is same as the income tax paid in cash flow statement: Figure 6: Income and cash statement of Ding Sheng Xin Finance Co. Limited for 2015 (Source: 2018) From the evaluation of both income statement and cash flow statement relevant income tax expenses and income tax paid by Ding Sheng Xin Finance Co. Limited can be identified. The income tax expense listed in the income statement is mainly at the levels of 2,409,000, while the actual tax expense paid listed in cash statement is $1,830,000 ( 2018). This is mainly due to the credit sales conducted by the company, which is not received by the company in the current fiscal year. Moreover, the tax paid during the fiscal year is on the actual cash received by the company during the year. On the other hand, tax expense depicted in the income statement mainly holds the actual income tax that needs to be paid by the company on the revenue generated (Uyar 2017). Depicting what in the analysis is found to be interesting, confusing, surprising or difficult to understand about the treatment of tax in the firm: From the evaluation of annual report of Ding Sheng Xin Finance Co. Limited relevant tax rate and tax paid amount conducted by the company during 2015 was mainly surprising. The overall tax rate for the company was at the levels of 18% on an average, where tax expense of the company was conducted. The company mainly pays two different tax rates one in Australia and one in China. The assessable income generated from Australia is mainly taxed at the 30%, while the overall assemble income generated in China is taxed at the rate of 15% ( 2018). This was relevant different format of taxation method that was used by the company during the fiscal year, which could help in reducing the tax income. On the other hand, the actual tax paid by the company during the fiscal was actually high, where profit before tax is relatively low in comparison with precious year. this was mainly due to the average increment in tax rate of the company. Reference Agrawal, A. and Cooper, T., 2017. Corporate governance consequences of accounting scandals: Evidence from top management, CFO and auditor turnover.Quarterly Journal of Finance,7(01), p.1650014. Balakrishnan, K., Watts, R. and Zuo, L., 2016. The effect of accounting conservatism on corporate investment during the global financial crisis.Journal of Business Finance Accounting,43(5-6), pp.513-542. Bebbington, J., Unerman, J. and O'Dwyer, B. eds., 2014.Sustainability accounting and accountability. Routledge. Chaibi, H., Trabelsi, S. and Omri, A., 2014. Investment opportunity set, corporate accounting policy and discretionary accruals.Journal of Economic and Financial Modelling,1(1), pp.1-12. Domino, M.A., Wingreen, S.C. and Blanton, J.E., 2015. Social cognitive theory: The antecedents and effects of ethical climate fit on organizational attitudes of corporate accounting professionalsA reflection of client narcissism and fraud attitude risk.Journal of Business Ethics,131(2), pp.453-467. (2018).DSX FINANCE. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 Jan. 2018]. Ermakova, N.A. and Gudshatullaeva, E.M., 2016. Peculiarities of the Application of Income Tax Standards by the Subsidiary Company in the Russian Accounting Practice.International Journal of Environmental and Science Education,11(13), pp.5873-5882. Fanning, K., 2015. Benefits of Using a Single?Account Cash Management Structure.Journal of Corporate Accounting Finance,27(1), pp.35-39. Fisher, J.G. and Krumwiede, K., 2015. Product costing systems: finding the right approach.Journal of Corporate Accounting Finance,26(4), pp.13-21. Hollingsworth, D.P. and Trussel, J.M., 2017. Accounting for Private Company Interest Rate Swaps: An Overview With Planning Strategies.Journal of Corporate Accounting Finance,28(3), pp.10-17. Shapiro, D.M., 2015. Assessing Corporate Governance in MAs.Journal of Corporate Accounting Finance,26(2), pp.35-39. Uyar, A., 2017. Stand?Alone Sustainability Reporting Practices in an Emerging Market: A Longitudinal Investigation.Journal of Corporate Accounting Finance,28(2), pp.62-70. Warren, C.S. and Jones, J., 2018.Corporate financial accounting. Cengage Learning. Watson, L., 2015. Corporate social responsibility research in accounting.Journal of Accounting Literature,34, pp.1-16.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Hemmingway-The Sun Also Rises Essay In the novel The Sun Also Rises, Ernest Hemingway describes a couple who share a very strange and distant kind of love for each other. This story takes place immediately after World War I, a time of great hardship. This hardship results in a digression of values both morally and socially. The love that Brett and Jake share is symbolic of the general decline in values in that they tolerate behaviors in one another that would have been previously considered unacceptable. It is clear that Lady Brett Ashley is anything but a lady. She is kind and sweet but extremely vulnerable to the harm that various men in her life seem to smother her with. Brett is not happy with her life or her surroundings and seeks escape and refuge in the arms of these men. But her actions seem always to end up hurting her, and she runs back to Jake. Jake knows that he will never be able to have her for his own, and he accepts this as fact. This is clear when the Count asks them ? why don? t you get married, you two? (68)? To this question, they give a lame half hearted awnser which implies that it will never happen. He is tolerant of her behavior because he loves her nconditionally and is willing to overlook everything she does. Jake? s willingness to endure and forgive Brett? s promiscuity and infidelity is an indication of the skewed values of the age. It was an ? anything goes? era right after the first war, and Jakes message to Brett seems to be the same: anything goes as long as you eventually come back to me. Jake is forced to accept living in this seemingly terrible way for more than one reason. He a weak person socially, but he is also physically disabled because of an injury that he suffered during the war. He suffered an njury that caused him to be castrated. The first hint of this is when he says to Georgeette ? I was hurt in the war (24) in refrence to why they can not have physical realtions. This injury is one that makes him insecure, but worse than that, it allows Brett to have almost complete control over him. Jake and Brett need each other emotionally, but Brett feels that she needs more. As a result Jake is force to give her up. Jake? s feelings toward his friend Robert Cohn are a combination jealousy, compassion, understanding, and hate. These are a very unusual group of feelings for a person to ave toward one person, but it was a very unusual time. Jake knew of Robert? s relationship with Brett, and it ate him up with envy, but at the same time he knew how it had ended. He had been close friends with Robert, and had been through a similar situation with Brett, so he had both compassion and understanding for Roberts position. The only problem was the way Robert choose to deal with his feelings. Robert also could not stand to see Brett with another man, but he displayed this much differently. Robert? s presense bothered Jake even though they had been close friends. Robert backs ut of a fishing trip to find Brett, and Jake? s friend makes a comment about that being a good thing. Jake? s only reply is ? You? re damn right(108)?.. Robert makes a fool out of himself. He even beats up Jake at one point. Behavior like his was impossible for Jake to respect and he hated this part of Robert. None of this would have even been a problem if life during that time had been a little more solid in a moral sense. Brett would have not been permitted to act the way she did, while mantaining her social status, which clearly meant a great deal to her. .u5f44bd8dad099cd3c6cbccb8d4243c84 , .u5f44bd8dad099cd3c6cbccb8d4243c84 .postImageUrl , .u5f44bd8dad099cd3c6cbccb8d4243c84 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u5f44bd8dad099cd3c6cbccb8d4243c84 , .u5f44bd8dad099cd3c6cbccb8d4243c84:hover , .u5f44bd8dad099cd3c6cbccb8d4243c84:visited , .u5f44bd8dad099cd3c6cbccb8d4243c84:active { border:0!important; } .u5f44bd8dad099cd3c6cbccb8d4243c84 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u5f44bd8dad099cd3c6cbccb8d4243c84 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u5f44bd8dad099cd3c6cbccb8d4243c84:active , .u5f44bd8dad099cd3c6cbccb8d4243c84:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u5f44bd8dad099cd3c6cbccb8d4243c84 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u5f44bd8dad099cd3c6cbccb8d4243c84 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u5f44bd8dad099cd3c6cbccb8d4243c84 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u5f44bd8dad099cd3c6cbccb8d4243c84 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u5f44bd8dad099cd3c6cbccb8d4243c84:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u5f44bd8dad099cd3c6cbccb8d4243c84 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u5f44bd8dad099cd3c6cbccb8d4243c84 .u5f44bd8dad099cd3c6cbccb8d4243c84-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u5f44bd8dad099cd3c6cbccb8d4243c84:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Waiting Room EssayShe would have had o choose, and most likely her choice would have been that of a more chaste lifestyle. In this story, there is a very different way of life from what people know today. The relationship that Jake and Brett share is one that would seem completely unrealistic in today? s time, but to them, it was acceptable. Jake no doubt would have preferred to have it differently, but he is accepting of the way it stands. The hardship and the poverty that is so widely spread in that area during the post war time causes the people to lower their moral standards. Jake and Brett? s love is the perfect example.
Sunday, April 12, 2020
An Analysis of The Wild Geese essays
An Analysis of The Wild Geese essays In the early 1900's Japan and author by the name of Ogai Mori wrote a novel that reflected a realist romanticism of the late 1800's Japanese society. This novel, entitled The Wild Geese, enveloped a wide array of characters and stories that, progressively and logically congeal into one major plot. Many characters and themes were constantly introduced through Mori's simplistic clarity of style. With these themes he reflects the issues of the past society in Japan, particularly involving the treatment and honor of woman. He depicts one woman's life, Otama, and the circle of men around that intervene all in unique ways that shape her life. Through this process the author builds this passionate and ardent romanticism that diminishes completely with the closing pages of the novel. The major theme revolves mainly within the plane of realistic romanticism. Romance exists between two characters, and realism hinders their bondage. Throughout the first part of the story the author begins his story with his first person point of view. Within this narration, he reveals the first theme of romanticism. Mori reveals his character Okada, a young student, very handsome and diligently persistent. He mysteriously comes upon this lady that later transforms into a sort of discrete infatuation. It is not until further in the novel's progression that we see the woman to possess congruent affection. The author reveals this through insinuating minute proverbs of Okada. For example in the third chapter we discover Okada's thoughts on the female realm: She is the woman who makes beauty her sole aim in life so that, with perfect ease, she goes through an elaborate toilet even while the angel of death waits outside her door (Mori 20). Mori does not, in fact, blatantly disclose Okada's love for this women. Instead he positions these words as so to bestow these facts without actually physically articulating the essential fact that Okada had feeling...
Saturday, April 11, 2020
What to Include in Your Mothers Rheumatoid Arthritis Sample Essay
What to Include in Your Mother's Rheumatoid Arthritis Sample EssayThere are many different types of sample essays you can use for your mother's rheumatoid arthritis sample paper. Not all samples are appropriate for all writing situations. Just like how your mother's medical history and current health are very important to your own as well, her present condition is equally important to your writing style as well. So here are some suggestions on the different types of essays that are more appropriate for a mother's rheumatoid arthritis sample.The first type of sample essay that you could use for this project is one that contains information about a certain event or series of events. This could be a family member who has suffered from this condition or one that relates the issues with her current condition to those that are in her past. A particular event can include a baby birth, pregnancy, a loss, etc. The most common way that people think of this type of essay is as a mini-narrative, but really, the content of this type of essay can be anything that could help to bring clarity to an issue.Another type of essay that can be used in your mother's rheumatoid arthritis sample is one that is more descriptive. These can be essays that include her physical features, her personality traits, and even her food preferences. Not only can these essays to be useful for the structure of the essay, but they also offer a glimpse into your mother's life and the way she deals with things. These can help you to better understand her reactions to different situations.The last type of essay you should consider using is one that is a reflection of your own experiences. This can be a reflection of the things that have happened to you as well. From the way you have handled the situation to the things that have brought up good and bad memories. They can offer insight into the events that can help to explain things in your mother'scase, as well as how you have dealt with them.In order to be effective in your mother's rheumatoid arthritis sample essay, you need to pay attention to a few different things. First, you need to be as specific as possible about what information you want to include. You do not want to clutter up your essay with information that will be unnecessary to the reader, especially if you are writing for a parent.Secondly, you also need to be as specific about the topic of your mother's rheumatoid arthritis as possible. The reason is that by including everything in general terms, you run the risk of writing it in a way that is vague and does not offer clarity. This can cause you to get into trouble with your mother, who may either refuse to read it, or may argue that the information provided is not true.Finally, and perhaps most importantly, you need to be careful to avoid using information in your mother's rheumatoid arthritis sample essay that you are not comfortable sharing with your mother. This is especially true when it comes to the parts of y our own life that relate to her situation.
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
The Cicada Many Things to Many People essays
The Cicada Many Things to Many People essays In this century of rapid scientific discovery, there still exist natural phenomena with the power to inspire wonder and mystery. The cicada, an insect known since ancient times, is one such phenomenon. Because scientific knowledge of the cicada contains many gaps, these mysterious insects can still stimulate our imagination or lead us into confusion. At the present time, the cicada is many things to many people: it is a curiosity that should be approached scientifically; it is a source of superstition and dread; it is also little more than an annoying, seasonal inconvenience. The cicada is a stout, black insect about an inch in length. Various species of this insect can be found all over North of the America. When the cicada is at rest, its large, transparent, veined wings are folded over the top of its body and extend about a quarter of an inch beyond it. Cicada wing veins are and information reddish orange in color, as are its eyes and legs. The front legs are sharp and crablike, allowing the animal to hold tight to the bark of trees. The species of American cicada most written about by scientists and most wondered about by the general public is known as the periodical cicada. Its scientific name is Magicicada septendecim. This species of cicada appears above ground only once every seventeen years. What the cicada does underground for most of its seventeen-year life span was a mystery until fairly recently. In the early part of this century, a man named C.L. Marlett, who worked for the United States Department of Agriculture, decided to find out. He began burying cicada eggs in his backyard and digging them up periodically for observation. He soon found out that the cicada begins life as a tiny nymph about six hundredths of an inch in length. A nymph is an immature insect, before it has fully developed During their sixteen years and ten and one-half months underground, cicada nymphs are nestled against tree roots from whic...
Sunday, February 23, 2020
Understanding of internal factors influencing customer behavior with Essay
Understanding of internal factors influencing customer behavior with application of theory in a given business situation and development marketing strategies - Essay Example This product-centric view of market segments has been long discarded as being inadequate for very logical and plausible reasons. For any given product or service, there are usually at least four or five different segments of prospective customers that may utilize that product to solve a particular problem or satisfy a specific need. Each one of these segments will have different needs and values. But companies with a product-centric view cannot even sight these differences not to approach the issue of comprehending them and using them to advantage in their marketing plans. They end up treating the various segments with a one-size-fits-all, generic solution. This fixated view is virtually a chink in the armor which competitors are waiting to pounce upon. In fact such an approach works to leave entry gates to the various segments wide open to the competitor. This competitor quietly enters in, reads the market segments and positions his products attributes and qualities with requisite d ifferentiation to make up a most relevant product bundle to the most valuable segment and skim it merrily. Therefore it is a prudent marketing stance to examine in depth not only one's own products and services but also the market of users for such products and services. Who buys our products, for what reasons and puts them to what uses are three critical questions that must be asked to broaden marketing thought away from generic fixation. Market segmentation is an oft used marketing tool just to do this. This paper has chosen the airline travel as a generic service and Singapore Airlines (SIA) as the business which offers such a service.SIA consciously recognized a new market segment and strategically aligned its marketing plan to benefit from this segment. The events triggering recognition of new market segment are also covered in the following paragraphs. Information on Singapore Airlines (SIA) SIA is considered by those in the airline industry, its travelers as well as its competitors, as one of the very best airlines in the world. In the time period to which this marketing event belongs, SIA was arguably Singapore's and Asia's best-known company, and rated consistently as Asia's "most admired company" (Asian Business, 1997). It is reinforced by the fact that it has won numerous industry awards. Nast Traveller magazine celebrating the tenth anniversary of the readers' choice awards, presented it's first-ever Hall of Fame awards to four individuals one of them being the CEO of SIA for" a decade of outstanding leadership and for transforming the standards of in-flight service in the 1980s" (Straits Times, 1997). In 1997 SIA also won The World's Best Airline for the fourth year running in the Zagat Airline Survey. SIA has had a continuous profit track record since it took to the skies more than 25 years ago, a track record almost unheard of in the brutally cyclical airline i ndustry (Asian Business Review, 1996). Its beaming, lithe flight stewardess, outfitted in tight batik sarong kebaya marketed as the Singapore Girl, is a globally popular international service icon. It not only serves as an effective unique selling proposition for the airlines but has also earned substantial legacy differentiation leverage over similar icons of
Friday, February 7, 2020
Childhood Obesity and Cognitive Control Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Childhood Obesity and Cognitive Control - Essay Example The research indicated that obese children took longer for an incompatible task compared to the normal healthy weight children. There was no difference based on a compatible condition. In addition, obese children exhibited smaller error related negativity (ERN) amplitude compared to healthy weight children who have a lower post-error accuracy in response. The results suggested in the article were that childhood obesity is linked with a reduced ability to adjust the cognitive direct network that aids action monitoring. Cognitive control means the ability to coordinate thought and action in harmony with internal goals. The researcher was keen to determine the link between cognitive control and childhood obesity that has remained inconclusive. There has been minimal study done by researchers on this particular topic. Based on the current global epidemic, obesity in children needs further investigation to prove whether obesity has a link with cognitive control. It is evident, from the study, that childhood obesity is inversely associated with cognitive control. Conversely, not all studies have consistently shown an association linking poorer cognitive control and childhood obesity. The present study focused on an altered feature of cognitive control that had not been previously investigated, to give insight into the relationship between childhood obesity to brain health and cognition. Developmental studies indicate that pre-adolescent children demonstrate similar post-error reaction slowing as young adults and adolescent children. As such, it is significant that this behavioral measure of action supervision may not be responsive enough to detect delicate developmental effects. Therefore, an additional neuroelectric measure, error related negativity, may result in gaining understanding on the relationship between cognitive control and childhood obesity. Based on previous research, it is clear that scholars approved that the relationship existed, but
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Analysis of Current Event at Telstra Essay Example for Free
Analysis of Current Event at Telstra Essay Management issue is a common phenomenon that an organization attempting to maximize profits must grapple with. Telecommunication as it is the case with Telstra Corporation Limited has been distinguished by highly competitive market. On the same breath, actors and competitors on the market have been seen struggling with the increasing cost of operation, production, development and mature market. In light of this, the Company faces management issue when it comes to decision making, integrating new models and working within the realm of theoretical frameworks. ResearchMoz (2013) notes that in an industry where competition is rife, analysis of a company’s management issues and current events encompass the recognition of different strategies that enable it maintain competitive position. Despite these positions, it has to be recognized that analysis of management issues of Telstra Corporation Limited must first recognize the position of the Company with regard to managing risks as postulated by the Company’s Chief Risk Office (Schermerhorn et al., 2014). Ideally, Telstra Corporation Limited has Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to undertake and as one of its management issue or strategy. Consequently, such must be conceptualised through its laid platform, structure, financial reports and annual reports. Similarly, evidence based researches have shown that the first step in understanding management of a company is to integrate its undertaking when it comes to CSR and how sustainable the Company intends to operate with regard to the environment, competitors and specific objectives (Millmore, 2007; Hubbard, 2008; Bardoel, 2012). Based on the Company’s Corporate Social Report 2014, its CSR is embedded on four critical issues; internal environment, external environment, customers and sustainability (Corporate Social Responsibility Report, 2014). That is, the commitment of the Company towards corporate responsibility starts with simple but straight forward commitments that cover its areas of operations and targeted objectives. F rom its principled perspective, the primary corporate responsibility can be summarised as follows: Provision of the country a foundation that ensures economic growth, sustainability prosperity, productivity improvement and global competitive Contributing towards resources; increasing technology, product services and people in employment to support the communities in which the Company operates and the specific needs of community at large Give a leading stewardship of environment by first and importantly, conservation, efficiency in the usage of resources, reducing and maintaining environmental footprint and reduction of operation costs (e.g. it took part in the Mobile Phone Recycling Program that was co-ordinated by the Australian Mobile Telecommunications Associations (AMTA) (Daley et al. 2014) Based on the Company’s corporate social responsibility as one of the management issues and as reported in the article, there is an integration of new management approach and that is the fact that risk management approach has been tailored to facilitate maximization of profits. Conversely, it can be established, based on its business principles and risk management approaches that the CSR has succeeded in the reduction of any adverse effects on and injury to the environment. Such is also embedded on the desire to preserve the beneficial qualities of the environment, while ensuring quality products and services in Australia (Baigh, 2014). In addition, to the above principles, analysis of the company’s management of this particular issue has also considered profits to the Company thus concluding that Telstra is revamping on this particular management strategy which is succeeding in line with its short and long term goals. To conceptualise this argument, scholars such as Hooper and Potter (2006) have drawn a thin line between CSR as a management issue and as a marketing issue. To ascertain that the CSR approach as contextualized is a management issue but financial or marketing issue, in most cases, companies always engage in pricing strategies which also depend on value pricing coupled with strategic markdowns. In such cases, this makes sales of their products to go down since it cannot compete effectively with other products. Additionally, products face what Hamlin (2012) terms as ‘a society of shifting priorities’ (p.281). Therefore there is pressure to keep up with the emerging social needs by style modification. It is for this reason that any decision to modify must be embedded on the premise to meet the needs of the targeted consumers. While the explanation above provides for what would constitute a marketing issue, what Telstra engages in is management issue. According to Johnson et al. (2011), CSR is not only management issue but a current one the sense that it deals with financial performance, top management, chief executive and shareholders. Herewith, the management issue within the context of Telstra is the responsiveness that should be taken because in a competitive environment where there are other operator s such as Huawei and Vodacom, managers are supposed to intervene in accordance with their position and power, especially where management can fail to respond to economic challenges and changes. Also related to CSR as a marketing issue is ethical decision making approaches. According to the article, the process of identification of managing risks through ethical decision making is an integral part of the Company’s governance framework and management issue which help in the realization of the success of the strategy as well as financial prospects for future operations. Telstra business ethics entails standards and principles that guide managers, individuals and work group behaviour in line with telecommunication and terms of service in Australia. Additionally, it is important to note that stakeholders of the Company make these conventions (principles) and such have been codified as regulations and laws. Contextualising this definition within the frameworks business management issue; ethical decision making help Telstra family design strategies that eliminate misconduct. According to Peng (2014) there are three significant components that sum up its ethical decision making as critical management issue; ethical decision making being individual factors, ethical decision making being Company’s relationship with others and ethical decision making being opportunities available for the Company. Basically, while this issue might to be seen as revamp on a current management strategy, it has been applied successfully since the Company bases the three components on behaviourist theory where what matters is what individuals in the Company can do rather than specific quality or attribute. That is, different patterns of individual b ehaviours are linked to ethical decisions that are made by the Company and such are geared towards the realisation of the goals and objectives that have been set by the Company. To contextualise the success of the Company with its approach of ethical decision making as one the management issue, Perren and Burgoyne (2010) report that Telstra has been engaging with Communication Workers Union with a view to offering better terms of service and transparency in supply management. For instance, in 2013, the Company engaged Low-Income Measures Assessment Committee (LIMAC) (this is an example of Communication Workers Union which is viewed as independent and transparent) which made changes to the package the Company was initially giving to its workers and suppliers. In connection to this, the Company, this particular issue has successful been engaged in what Katzenbach and Smith (2005) term as ‘vertical management’ (p. 37). Vertical management within the context of ethical decision making is a case where a Company liaises with regulatory organization so as to have a common agenda and conform to the requirements of the industry. Conceptualist theorists a nd ethical formalism argue that ethical decision making process in management encompass evaluations of fairness product stewardships but with respect to firm’s overall culture. In summary, with ethical decision making process as one of the management issue, Telstra has a well-defined management and leadership structure which is focused on the achievement of defined objectives including ‘green’ managements. Lastly, this issue departs from being finance or marketing issue on the ground that the approach lacks market orientation is a model that concretizes the strategy of finance and marketing. Senge et al. (2007) define this theory (market orientation) as a strategy that ensures all products and services as undertaken by Companies are oriented towards specific demands of clients and customers. Still on ethical decision making as one of the Company’s management issue or approach, Telstra’s planning, leading, organising, controlling and functioning is based on choices made on guidelines laid. According to article, one of the important issues to not is that the Company’s risk management frameworks are aligned with ISO 31000 Risk Management (Baigh, 2014). While this is an indicator of a management strategy or practice that has succeeded, underpinnings of theories of issue management are significant to the Company additionally; technical and commercial objectives remain axis for the Company. The success in management of this issue is conceptualised with regard to audience or customer satisfaction. This is to mean that in as much as its ethical decision making remains a priority as a management issue, targeted markets shapes such prioritiesan aspect Aras and Crowther (2009) terms as ‘ascertaining the success of management strategies and policies in dow nstream and upstream relationships’ (p. 213). From Michael Patterson (Telstra’s General Manager for Tasmania) statement on the legal battle the Company had with Optus, it can be realized that the Company’s planning, leading, organising, controlling and functioning are in line with the tenet of management of telephony inputs and components that are required in the market. This is an indication that there is long term transparency and conformity to good practices. Assessing Corporate Social Report 2013 vis-à -vis opening of the China’s SouFun Sensis, there is evidence that efforts are diverted to supply chain relationships with third party suppliers as well as other competitors. It is important to note that Telstra is overemphasizing on CSR strategies; an aspect that may affects its ethical decision making. If this stretches beyond what the Company can handle, strategic alignment with other sectors may be affected. Basically, this is where this strategy differs from the aspect of marketing in the sense that according to the theory of signaling, the best way to market a product is to engage a brand or product in competitive signal that are intended to pass information to potential consumers with an aim of making such consumers believe that competing products are substandard (Cole, 2012). This is exactly how Cadbury for instance has succeeded in capturing the attention of their targeted market every time they engage in marketing. Telstra, through this does management and not marketing as they do not engage in competitive signaling. As a management approach, Telstra looks at ethical decision making differently. That is as a management issue, ethical decision making is seen in terms of transparency when it comes to critical corporate accounting and statements. One of the critical goals of the Company is to attain what it terms as ‘front-line management’ (Baigh, 2014 p.26). The benefits of the people within and around have been necessitated through avoidance of misleading information. The continuum of growth in economy resonates around a transparent business operationwhich is also a recipe of what this assessment considers to be a successful management approach. Synopsis on the Management Issue From the perspective of undertakings in the Company, the aspect is a management issue in the sense that it analyses the environment issues in lieu of external factors that impact business activities. On the other hand, the purpose of the management issues as analysed is to evaluate and determinate competitive advantages as well as threats a Company has with regard to its operations. These analyses recognise stiff competitions, threats and opportunities faced by companies such as Optus, Vodafone and 3 Mobile. In as much, this analysis considers Telstra due to its cutting edge when it comes to services such as broadband, hosting, directory and pay TV which are not as extensive in other companies. Since the management issue has been a success, revamping of a current policy is twofold; first, there is need to strategize the management issue identified to an extent that the company benefits from the economies of scales and the strong relationships with suppliers, which will place it in a strong bargaining position with its upstream partners and allows leveraging the costs. Strategizing the management issue to attain this goal means that a focus on customer-relationship and loyalty creation, as well as investment in research and technical development (RD) to reduce the costs of services so as to compete with niche operators. Secondly, revamping on the current management issue must assess the possibility of working alongside its downstream partners to deliver triple-play solutions in voice, data and video services, expansion of data download quotas and continuous innovation in fixed line services, as opposed to mobile services, to offer incentives to its clients. Similarly on the question of whether Telstra is handling the identified management issue appropriately is manifold but the assessment will review two issues that offer succinct answers to the question. First, proper management of a company circles around how best a company maximizes a profit and expands networks (ResearchMoz, 2013). Through the management issue, Telstra has leveraged the risks of economic downturns by diversifying its income channels. The growing domestic market and the boost in 4G technologies enable further market penetration and help to reduce the pressure of external factors. Secondly, the Company through the management issue has pursued an investment heavy strategy to grow its existing network. However, financial indicators, outline a challenging internal environment in terms of liquidity and internal funding options. References Aras, G. Crowther, D (2009). Global Perspective on Corporate Governance and CSR. Farnham: Gower Pub. Baigh, H. (2014). Seven Strategies for Simplifying Your Organization. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved from Bardoel, A. (2012).Tool or Time Thief? Technology and the Work-Life Balance. Retrieved Cole, K. (2012). Management: Theory and practice. Australia: Pearson. Corporate Social Responsibility Report (2014): Understanding the Definition of Corporate SocialResponsibility: Daley, J., McGannon, C., Ginnivan, L. (2012). Game-changers: Economic reform priorities for Australia. Melbourne: Grattan Institute from The Conversation, Future of Work: Hamlin. R. (2012) Towards a Universalistic Model of Leadership: a comparative study of Britishand American empirically derived criteria of managerial and leadership effectiveness. Working paper WP005/02, University of Wolverhampton. Hooper, A. and Potter, J. (2006) The Business of Leadership. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing Company. Hubbard, G. (2008). Strategic management: Thinking, analysis, action. Australia: Pearson. James, K. and Burgoyne, J. (2001) Leadership Development: Best practice guide for organisations. London: Council for Excellence in Management and Leadership. Johnson, G., Scholes, K., Wittington, R. (2011). Exploring Strategy: Text Cases. (9th ed). London: Prentice Hall. Katzenbach, J. and Smith, D. (2005) The Wisdom of Teams. New York: Harperbusiness. Millmore, M. (2007). Strategic Human Resource Management: Contemporary Issues. Harlow: Financial Times, Prentice Hall. Peng, M. (2014). Global Strategy (3rd ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western Publishing. Perren, L. and Burgoyne, J. (2010) Management and Leadership Abilities: An analysis of texts, testimony and practice. London: Council for Excellence in Management and Leadership. ResearchMoz. (2013). Australia Telco company profiles Telstra, Optus and Vodafone. Retrieved from Schermerhorn, J.R., Davidson, P., Poole, D., Woods, P., Simon, A., McBarron, E., (2014). Management (5th ed.). Australia: Pearson Senge, P., et al. (2007). The dance of change: The challenges of sustaining momentum in learning organizations. London: Nicholas Brealey Publishing. Source document
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